Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 814 Big Wave Shipping Company

Chapter 814 Big Wave Shipping Company
The ships of Leizhou Station’s shipping company are not only small in tonnage, miscellaneous in shape and in poor condition, but also in poor quality of personnel: among them are a small group of unemployed pirates and fugitives of officers and sailors after the Lingao Navy took control of the sea in the strait.There is also Shui Yong who was hired by Zhu An in the past.Although Leizhou station provided better remuneration and the navy's trade escort system, there were no troubles, but it was always a hidden danger.

As for the navy itself, of course there are ideas about a fleet that is completely dissociated from the naval command system.It has been proposed to "strengthen the unified management of ships at sea" at relevant meetings.

However, unifying the two fleets of Leizhou, Guangzhou, under the command of the navy, and completely under the control of the navy, will cause the command system to be too complicated-the various departments in Lingao still don't think that all they need to do is call the Ministry of the Navy to call the ships, and the Ministry of the Navy will transport them It's ok when the ship is scheduled.But it is very inconvenient for departments in other places.

In the early days, Guangzhou Station decided to establish Gaoguang Shipping Company because of the cumbersome procedures for using ships.At that time, when a ship needed to be used, it was necessary to send a telegram back to Lingao first, and then send out the ship transfer procedures through the navy's command system. Not only were there many links, it wasted time, and the operation seemed very rigid-the sailors on the ship were not subject to the Guangzhou station. Direct command, if there is a slight change, you have to resend the report to Lingao to change the order, which is completely unsuitable for commercial transactions.In the end, it had to authorize foreign stations to organize their own transport fleet.

The combination of these factors finally prompted the Executive Committee to decide to reform the original maritime shipping system.The shipping company was formally established.The shipping company plans to adopt a joint-stock system, with the Senate holding 51% of the shares, and the rest is going to raise shares from natives and naturalized people.Qiwei is of course the first shareholder, they originally had shares in Gaoguang Shipbuilding.

The newly established shipping company will undertake all the shipping business of Crossing Group in Guangdong Ocean.Also includes trade shipping to Vietnam.The company's headquarters will be located in Hong Kong, and shipping offices will be established in Lingao, Xuwen, Qiongshan, Guangzhou and Sanya.In the future, shipping agencies will be established in all counties of Hainan Island and coastal areas of Guangdong.Integrate the fleets under the former Guangzhou Station and Leizhou Station.At the same time, the navy also handed over some ships that were not suitable for combat service to shipping companies, including the five-masted ship bought from Haijia.

The shipping company operates independently in the transportation business, and the establishment is under the dual leadership of the Postal Transportation Commission and the Navy-similar to the British merchant marine reserve system.All personnel of the shipping company are included in the Navy Reserve, and senior seamen are awarded the rank of Navy Reserve Officer.Every year, a certain amount of time is allocated for military training and exercises.

After the end of the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, use the gap period before the signing of the peace treaty.The Executive Committee entrusted the Navy, the General Administration of Political Security, and the Postal Transportation Committee to conduct a three-month large-scale training for Leizhou Shipping Company and Gaoguang Shipping Company.All Aboriginal personnel have undergone political review and study.The unreliable personnel among them were cleaned: some people turned to work on land, and a few notorious and blood-debt people were arrested and sent to labor camps.The remaining personnel underwent a major change: some young and strong pirates and water warriors were added to the navy, and some older, injured, and less malleable sailors who were eliminated by the navy were transferred to shipping. company.The ships owned by the shipping company have also undergone part of the cleaning and refurbishment, and the ships that are too small have been eliminated-from the perspective of efficiency, it is more economical to use a large ship than a small ship.

Xinde Shipping Company officially changed its name to "Dabo Shipping Company".And Zhang Dascara returned to Leizhou after several months of study life in Lingao.After receiving a comprehensive "re-education", this old sea dog who was originally a poor eater has completely resolutely decided to become a "minister of the dragon".He attended a ceremony at Lingao to accept the rank of second lieutenant in the Navy Reserve.Re-assumed the post of captain - he will mainly sail on the trade route to Vietnam, which is also the route he is most familiar with.

Zhang Dascara walked into a former sugar merchant's residence on Hai'an Street, which had been converted into the residence of the Vietnam Trading Company and the Xuwen Office of the Dabo Shipping Company. There was a clanging sound, and various building materials were scattered all over the floor.There is a remodeling project going on here.

The person he is looking for is Yan Maoda--Yan Maoda is currently the director of the Xuwen Representative Office of Dabo Shipping.Yan Maoda gave him the task: set off tomorrow, send a few veterans and a ship of goods to Vietnam.

"Besides me, there are several other elders."

In addition to Yan Maoda who was going to investigate the layout and Bei Kai who was going to be stationed in Vietnam, there were also several veterans of the military, construction companies and long-distance exploration teams who were going to Vietnam.They went to Daqian Station for the construction of Hongji Armed Merchant Station.

"Understood, villain—I will definitely deliver the chiefs safely." Zhang Dabao said with confidence, "Don't say that this will be replaced with a new boat, even a fishing boat, I can still keep the chiefs in peace."

"Well, I know you have this ability." Yan Maoda smiled, "You send us to Haiyang first, and then from Haiyang to Hongji. Are there any difficulties along the way?"

"No." Zhang Dascara looked very confident, "It's just that the chiefs are going to go for a few days? I can arrange for the boat to store water, rice and vegetables."

"Take as much as you can, and bring as much as you can. This trip will take a long time." Yan Maoda said, "This voyage to Vietnam is no more than the previous business of trading and trafficking goods. It is an important task related to the great cause. You have to spend With a 12-point spirit, the preparations must be complete."

"Yes!" Zhang Dascarla heard that this trip to sea was of great significance, and immediately got motivated.Since you have to make meritorious service if you want to become a dragon, you have to work hard if you can't get there.For a while, I didn't know how to express my determination, and finally I could only say, "Please look at our old Zhang, chief!"

Zhang Dasara's ship is a three-masted Cantonese ship with an original displacement of about 350 tons. It has been rebuilt by the shipyard and is specially used as an armed trade ship in Southeast Asia and the coastal areas of the mainland.Displacement increased to 400 tons.Six 6-pound Caron cannons and a typewriter were newly installed on board.Enough to deter ordinary small groups of pirates.A low poop building was built at the stern for the steering, command, senior seafarers, and the residences of the VIPs on board.Yan Maoda and Bei Kai live here.Ship name: "Zhennan".

Zhang Dasara arranged for people to load the ship overnight: not only food and water enough for 30 days were loaded, but also a large amount of goods for trade—this voyage itself also had the purpose of delivering goods for local agents.

In addition to the sailors, another 20 sailors were sent on board to serve as armed guards, and several bodyguards from the Leizhou Branch of Qiwei Bodyguard Bureau served as personal bodyguards.

The Zhennan sailed out to sea, and the journey across the Beibu Gulf was not smooth. Because of the wind direction, the route had to go very tortuous, and it took almost four days to reach Haiyang Port in Vietnam.

The trade with Vietnam at Leizhou Station is very sensual.However, at the beginning, because of foreign policy issues, they did not make a big effort. They only opened a trading warehouse in Haiyang Port in the name of Dachang Rice Bank, a company they invested in Leizhou, to sell sugar and various groceries to local merchants. The imports are rice, high-quality wood and coal - there are a small number of small coal kilns in this area.Their biggest trading partner in Haiyang is Wu Yujia.This big landowner in North Vietnam seemed to have endless rice, and sold them a steady stream of rice. Later, because the demand for Lingao was too high, Wu Yujia's stewards said that it was too late to pound the rice, and now they are directly exporting dry grain.

There is a Huashang Street near Haiyang Wharf, where a large number of merchants from Ming Dynasty gathered, selling all kinds of groceries from China and Southeast Asia.Dachang Warehouse was established on this street.

Judging from the street scene and the pedestrians on land, this place is very similar to the small coastal county of Daming.He even heard various Ming dialects.Especially Cantonese, Hokkien and Hakka are the majority.On the way, Yan Maoda and Bei Kai also saw several small local guild halls.It can be seen that this place has been deeply infiltrated by Chinese.

Yan Maoda thinks this is a force that can be used.Once Vietnam began to be fully conquered, these merchants and handicraftsmen of the Ming Dynasty who had settled in Vietnam for many years and were familiar with the local customs would be an effective auxiliary force for maintaining stability.But now these Chinese are still unreliable for the time being-not only unreliable, but also potentially dangerous.Dachang Warehouse never complained to him——the local Chinese merchants are very regional, and they only have compatriots but not compatriots in their conception.Not only do they crowd out and suppress business rivals openly and secretly, but they also lure wolves into the house from time to time to collude with local officials and bandits to harm compatriots.

Dachang, as a brand-new outsider, of course has not suffered from open and dark arrows. Fortunately, they are strong, and ordinary business tricks can't be defeated, and the cooperative relationship with Wu Yujia, a local big landlord and big toubob, makes others dare not casually create Second-rate.

A group of people came to the warehouse.Warehouses with high walls and deep yards, tight security - officials in the Northern Li Dynasty only collected money, never cared about local security, merchants had to protect themselves.Dachang Warehouse sells and stores large quantities of sugar and rice, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of arson.

The local shopkeeper is Zhu Fuyuan, the brother of Zhu Fusheng, the owner of Dachang Rice Company. His family is very poor. He originally ran errands for Daming merchants in Haiyang to make a living. He can speak very good Vietnamese and several dialects.After Yan Maoda's investigation, he found out that he had already married a family in Xuwen, had a wife and children, and was fairly decent—the whole family lived on the ten taels of silver he earned from Vietnam every year, and life was very difficult.Yan Maoda recruited him to be the shopkeeper of the warehouse. Not only was he well paid, but he often used small favors to win over his family members on weekdays.It quickly made this person give up on the Time Traveling Group.

(End of this chapter)

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