Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 816 Fishermen and Pirates in Beibu Gulf

Chapter 816 Fishermen and Pirates in Beibu Gulf

Soon, Bei Kai also saw what happened on the sea: a large fishing tugboat was escaping on the sea.There are several ships chasing after them, firing rockets from time to time, making wild shouts and beating gongs and drums from time to time.Part of the sail on the fishing tug in front had been burnt, and a mast had fallen down, and someone was desperately rowing the oars.

"This is robbing a fishing boat." Zhang Dasara said, "It's all right! They are all local people who are half fishermen and half bandits! They don't even have guns. They can't get in the way of us."

Yan Maoda also went up to the stern tower to watch the fun - he was holding a telescope.At this time, the fleeing ship probably saw them, turned around and rushed towards them, and a flag was suddenly raised on the mast.

Before Zhang Daba opened his mouth, Yan Maoda suddenly shouted:
"Bekai! Look at the flag on the fishing boat that is hanging high?!"

Bei Kai hurriedly took over the binoculars, and sure enough, a triangular fishing flag was raised on the mast of the tugboat—this is the navigation flag issued by the Navy to fishing boats registered in Lingao.In the past, the effectiveness of this flag was only around Lingao, but now it has extended to the entire Qiongzhou Strait.Fishing boats without fishing navigation flags are the targets of the Coast Guard's deportation and capture.

"That's right!" Bei Kai became nervous, "I must have seen the Lingao flag hanging on our mast..."

At present, Lingao has not yet designed a merchant ship flag, so the merchant ships of Dabo Shipping Company also fly Lingao's navy flag.

"It's just in time!" Zhang Dabao was born as a pirate, and the scene of fighting and killing was already tempting to him, but now he has such a good boat--the so-called armed with a sharp weapon, he is willing to kill himself.Quite eager to try.

But he still remembered that his mission was to escort the chiefs to Hongji, so he took a look at Yan Maoda.

"Chief, look—"

"Save, of course!" Yan Maoda said solemnly, "This ship has paid taxes to us, so it will be protected."

"Okay!" Zhang Dascar was gearing up, he didn't understand the reason, but he knew it was time to fight, and immediately shouted loudly, "Everyone is ready to fight!"

The sailors were loaded with live ammunition, occupying the commanding heights on the ship's side and stern tower, guarding against the fishing boats fleeing towards them.Although they decided to rescue each other, they did not rule out the possibility of bitter tricks.Pirates in the South China Sea often use the method of pretending to be in distress to trick ships with speed and tonnage larger than them into disarming, and then launch a sudden attack when the two ships are close together.

The fishing boat did not come up directly, but fled to the side of Zhennan. Zhang Dabao howled loudly: "Left rudder 15", the hull of Zhennan began to turn around slowly, aiming the ship's side at the chasing boat. coming ships.

The small boats that were chasing saw Cheng Yaojin coming out of the way—a large ship was lying between them and the prey, and the speed of the ship slowed down suddenly. It seems that the pirates did not expect the sudden intervention of the large ship. After a few minutes of delay, several small boats immediately dispersed, as if preparing to attack the big boat from multiple directions.

"Fire!" Zhang Dascara gave an order, and the typewriter immediately made a loud noise, and the poop tower was filled with gunpowder smoke.Sharp tongues of flame spewed out from the square directional frame, and the shrill roar of the typewriter overwhelmed all other sounds.Sawdust mixed with flesh and blood splashed everywhere on the pirate ship.

"Load the magazine!" The machine gunner shouted, a hot magazine was pulled out and fell into the basket full of sand, two sailors quickly lifted the second magazine and inserted it into the gun mount, helping the machine gunner Push it on and lock it—the weight of this behemoth is not light.

The muzzle of the typewriter installed on the gimbal bracket turned, and the second pirate ship poured bullets. In the first actual combat, the machine gunner could not control the shooting rhythm. Every time, he poured all the bullets on a ship before stopping. .It wasn't until all eight magazines were emptied that everything returned to silence, and white smoke rose from the heated barrel.

The four pirate boats chasing the fishing boat lay motionless on the sea.Zhang Dascara looked carefully at the quiet pirate ship, and the sailors around him were also looking around—it was the first time they used typewriters to fight, and no one knew what was going on there?Do you want to continue the attack?

Zhang Dascara looked at Yan Maoda, and Yan Maoda looked at the opposite boat with a telescope, and ordered: "Organize and help the team! The enemy is finished."

Seeing the big ship approaching, some people in the small boat started to jump into the sea.

"Don't let one go!" Yan Maoda ordered.

The sailors immediately began a precision shooting contest, shooting at the swimmers in the sea, killing them one by one.Until there are no heads on the sea.

Zhennan carefully approached one of the pirate ships. These ships were very small, and the largest one was only fifty or sixty tons. Looking down from the heights, one could see that the deck of the pirate ship was already covered in blood and blood.Incomplete torsos, hands and feet, and fragments of flesh and blood were everywhere.The Tiaobang team jumped onto the enemy ship and searched around, only to catch a few stunned prisoners below the deck.There were no living people on board the two smaller sampans.In the end, 5 captives were collected, each of them limp and trembling on the deck.Judging by their appearance, they were all wearing the black trousers and coats that fishermen in this area often wear, ragged clothes, and dark faces.

Zhang Dasara ordered the sailors to throw the corpse of the pirate ship into the sea and wash the blood-soaked deck with water.A sampan was seriously damaged in the strafing, and it was scuttled directly.Apart from the boat, there are no spoils worth mentioning, only a dozen or so baskets of fish and shrimp.The weapons are mainly low-quality cold weapons, not even the matchlock guns that are quite common in Southeast Asia.This confirmed Zhang Dasara's statement that this should be a group of amateur pirates who were half fishermen and half bandits.Guess it might just be a temporary burglary at sea.

"What about these prisoners?"

"Keep it. Wash them well and take them below deck." Yan Maoda thought that these people could be the first batch of miners.

While talking, the fishing tug approached.

"Where are you from? What happened?" Zhang Dascar leaned out and asked loudly.

"Chief—" The people on the tugboat said that they had obviously been to Lingao.

"I'm not the chief, you can call me Lao Zhang!"

"The villain is a fisherman from Haikang! He came to fish in this area! I didn't expect to meet this group of pirates." The man on the boat said loudly, "Shopkeeper Zhang, your great kindness..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhang Dabao was not interested in this set, "If you didn't hang the flag of Lingao, I wouldn't bother to save you!"

"Yes Yes……"

Zhang Dabao waved his hand: "Bring out the sign!" The boat owner who applied for a fishing license in Lingao not only received a sailing flag, but also had a special hardwood sign with a special number and anti-counterfeiting pattern on it as a check For time checking.

The brand was sent to the ship——Yan Maoda took a look, yes, this brand was specially processed in a wood processing factory, and the anti-counterfeiting marks and digital fonts on it were not something that indigenous craftsmen could copy at will.At the moment, tell Zhang Dabao to copy down the serial number.After returning to Lingao, write a report and submit it to the Coast Guard for record.

"Let them go, don't they come here to fish in groups?" Yan Maoda said, "The law and order in this area is very poor!"

"Master, they are on orders this time," Zhang Dabao said with a smile, "If there are many people, there is no guarantee who will snatch whom."

"That's right." Yan Maoda nodded, everything in the South China Sea is chaotic and disorderly, "But since they have paid us taxes and hung our flag, we should give them a head start, and we can't just take money and leave it alone. life and death."

"The chief is right." Zhang Dabao nodded in agreement.In his view, as long as I have the strength, I can do land and collect money.As for whether he has to protect the safety of others after collecting money, he has never thought about it-he has no concept of "serving the taxpayer".Zhang Dasara can't quite understand the thinking mode of the chiefs, but only knows one thing: the chiefs are smarter than him.He felt that knowing that was enough.

Yan Maoda got a new idea from this matter.Since fishermen in Hainan Island and western Guangdong often fish in the Beibu Gulf besides fishing in the Qiongzhou Strait-this source of income should not be given up.In the 21st century, Beibu Gulf is also a good fishing ground.Fishing is now the Paleo Group's main source of protein.In addition to the fishing fleet directly controlled by the navy, the fishery May Day tax collected from fishermen is also an important source of catch.

At present, the scope of the May [-]st fishery tax is limited to the Qiongzhou Strait. If the system of collecting the May [-]st fishery tax is extended to the entire Beibu Gulf, the benefits from fishery will be tenfold or a hundredfold.It is also possible to organize fishery production cooperatives and organize Lingao fishing boats to fish in the Beibu Gulf. Not only is it easy to form a scale effect, the navy can also organize escorts—it doesn’t even matter if they don’t organize escorts, and teach some fishermen’s tactics in old times and spaces. , and didn't torture the monkey until it bleeds.There are no large groups of pirates here in the Beibu Gulf, and it is basically blank.It is relatively easy for the navy to reach in—if necessary, the organized fishermen are also an auxiliary force. For the traversing regime that desperately needs Vietnam's rice, timber and coal, the sea dominance of the Beibu Gulf must be controlled.

Yan Maoda was engrossed in his thoughts—this proposal had to be brought up to the Executive Committee when he went back.

"Boss—" Zhang Dabao saw him in a daze, and mentioned something to him.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"What about those ships?" After the pirates were wiped out, two sampans and a fishing boat remained.

"Take it with you, we will also need a boat when we get to Hongji." Someone and a boat will come to your door without logging in, which is considered a good start.

Zhang Dabala immediately told several sailors to go down to drive the fishing boat, and the sampan was pulled directly behind the big boat.

(End of this chapter)

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