Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 851 Go to Hangzhou

Chapter 851 Go to Hangzhou

Standing at the bow of the boat, Zhao Yingong was in a daze for a while looking at the city of Hangzhou hundreds of years ago.

For a modern person who has a special affection for the Song Dynasty, Hangzhou is an inseparable complex in the hearts of Song fans.

"Alright, here I come." He whispered.

Zhao Yingong set off from Guangzhou in January, taking a boat and a sedan chair, and sometimes riding a horse. The journey lasted nearly two months, and finally arrived in Hangzhou in the spring of March.

Needless to say, there were bumps and hardships on the road, and there were several adventures: being targeted by thieves three times, and encountering sudden torrents once.If it weren't for the escort from the Escort Bureau, Zhao Yingong doubted whether he could reach Hangzhou City safely by himself.

His veins are now filled with various antibody proteins.Carry an assortment of remedies in a carry-on kit -- including bleach tablets, deworming pills, antimalarials and antidiarrheals.In order to ensure safety, the Ministry of Health warned him that it is best not to eat any meat on the road, so as not to be infected with certain parasites.If one falls ill on the way, it is almost a dead end in this time and space.Therefore, Zhao Yingong's life during this journey was particularly difficult - the only way for him to supplement protein and fat was to eat Grassland No. 10 rations at night: special protein and fat supplements.These include jerky, glass jars of salt lard and nuts.

These terrifying things made his journey even more difficult, seeing that the city of Hangzhou was right in front of him.Zhao Yingong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, planning to take a good bath and change clothes when he arrived at the place, and then untangle and wash his long hair like a girl - it is inconvenient to take a bath during the journey, and the hair emits an unpleasant smell. It stinks, and despite his best personal hygiene, there are a lot of lice and gnats on his body, which makes him extremely uncomfortable.There are such hateful parasites everywhere in this time and space, and the hotel is even the base camp and transit point of the parasites.Bedbugs are especially rampant.Zhao Yingong had never suffered such a crime since he was a child.Even in a small town in a state-level poverty-stricken county in the old time and space, there are still clean hotels and decent meals.Although the law and order in some places is extremely poor and the city appearance is chaotic, at least it is not possible to see lying corpses on the road and people shitting on the street.

But he saw all of this along the way.Not only seen, but often seen.The whole Daming gave him a bad impression, even worse than his worst idea.Zhao Yingong had seen the actual situation of ancient society on D-Day, but he always felt that it was because Hainan Island itself was a remote place, and it was caused by the backwardness of economy and culture.Later, I went to Guangzhou to do adaptive training before departure. After all, Guangzhou is a treaty port, and the Pearl River Delta has also been a land of fish and rice since ancient times.But once you get out of such a rich place, you can see the dark side all along the road.

It happened to be the famine of spring when he set off, which was originally the most difficult time for farmers.In some places that were hit by a disaster last year, the food stocks had run out by spring, and there were a large number of people fleeing famine.Sitting in the sedan chair, Zhao Yingong felt uncontrollably heavy whenever he saw groups of beggars on the road and farmers who were not much better than beggars struggling to plow the fields.

He has seen the chaos in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties countless times in history books, but now when he actually walks in this picture scroll, he feels the horror and sorrow of the troubled times—no, strictly speaking, it is not the troubled times now However, the map of hell on earth in Huaxia has not yet been truly unfolded. The ground he walked on was still a peaceful place even in the early Qing Dynasty, but it is already in this miserable state.It's no wonder that the place where the real chaos swept through will be so hideous.

Because the world has gradually turned into chaos, the Foreign Intelligence Bureau made careful arrangements for this trip to Jiangnan.Not only did they recruit a team of three male and one female bodyguards from the Qiwei Security Bureau, but they also selected a number of professional security personnel from the General Political Security Bureau to accompany them.For the road, try to choose the official road and walk along the post station.In ancient society, this was the safest way to go.

In order to guard against "official bandits" along the road, the Foreign Intelligence Agency notified the Guangzhou station, and obtained a few "Eight Elements" and worship cards from the high officials in Guangzhou as amulets-in addition to scaring away little ghosts and saving a lot of trouble and blackmail. , In case of danger, you can ask the government for help.Very useful.

The escort of the Qiwei Escort in charge of guarding Zhao Yingong is a distant nephew of Sun Kecheng, named Sun Wangcai.He is said to be a nephew, but he is actually not much younger than Sun Kecheng.He was a strong man in his early forties.He has a flexible mind, hard kung fu, and seasoned experience in the world.Qiwei is also a character who speaks loudly.Moreover, he often takes "official escorts": escorting retired officials and their family members in Guangdong to return home, he is quite good at dealing with dignitaries.So this time, the Foreign Intelligence Agency chose him as the captain of Zhao Yingong's security.In addition, it is also used as a measure to dismantle the "Sunjiaban" and "Jiangxi Gang" in Weizhong.Originally, the backbone of Wei Li followed the intelligence bureau and the expatriate personnel of the colonial trade department to serve as personal guards.

Sun Wangcai was standing behind him. He knew the status of the elder was precious, and he was also a great benefactor and benefactor. He greeted him carefully and attentively along the way.He is always at the forefront of the team, whether it is tipping, staying in a hotel, or booking a boat, he always goes one step ahead to check on the situation.

Seeing that he finally arrived in Hangzhou safely, Sun Wang breathed a sigh of relief.Zhejiang, especially the northern part of Zhejiang, has always been a land of fish and rice, and the wealth and prosperity of the place are much more stable than other places.There are no longer many poor-sighted refugees on the road.In some passing places, he had to take care of all the men in the team to "show up" with a tool to deter the refugees who were about to move.

"My lord, this journey has finally come here safely." Sun Wang said in a low voice, "Do you think you will enter the city today, or should you rest in an inn outside the city first?"

Zhao Yingong had no choice but to go to the city right away, buy a mansion, and take a shower right away, but buying a house and buying furniture is not something that can be done easily, but the accompanying people have a lot of luggage, so they have to find an inn first Just settle down.

Sun Wang was used to serving the gentlemen, seeing his hesitation, he knew what was on his mind.sidewalk:
"Master, don't worry, this is the provincial capital where the Third Division is located. It's not a remote village, there are quite a few extremely clean and large inns dedicated to the business of the gentlemen."

Zhao Yingong nodded: "Okay, it's up to you. Find a big inn first."

Sun Wangcai escorted the "official bodyguards", traveling all over the world, and visited Hangzhou several times.After going ashore, the hotel was quickly booked.Hangzhou is the provincial capital and a rich place in the southeast, with a prosperous market and a large population.As for clothing presumptuousness, let alone take it seriously.The waiters at the inn called a sedan chair for four people for Zhao Yingong, and a small sedan chair for two people for the female family members.More than a dozen porters carried the luggage.

The people abandoned their boats and landed on the shore, and walked along the revetment, they couldn't walk more than half a mile, and the towering city wall and the towering city gate could be seen from a distance.Zhao Yingong is not from Hangzhou, but he is quite familiar with Hangzhou.He knew that most of the city walls and gates of Hangzhou at this time were not relics of the Song Dynasty——Zhang Shicheng rebuilt the city in Hangzhou at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the layout was different from that of the Song Dynasty.But seeing the city gate at first glance, one can't help feeling nostalgic for the past.

Near Chengguan are all inns, of different sizes. The big gold-lettered signboards say "Officials and Officials", and the small ones say "An Yu Merchants".The old Rongji inn arranged by Sun Wangcai is naturally an official platform.The building is tall and grand.There are many people and sedan chairs going in and out of the gate.Guys keep flowing.

Sun Wangcai has already contracted two courtyards, one large and one small, the small courtyard has three main rooms, the large courtyard has five rooms, and there are also side rooms, which are spacious and clean, free from all kinds of annoying bugs.Enough to accommodate the entire Hangzhou station.It is Zhao Yingong's life secretary who is in charge of managing the internal affairs of Hangzhou Station.Zhao Yingong's life secretary is not good-looking and thin, but he is from Zhejiang.His hometown is in Shaoxing, and he was sold to Guangdong.The reason why Zhao Yingong bought such a life secretary with a rating of only D was that one day he would be dispatched to Jiangnan for activities and be equipped with a local person.He named the girl "Feng Hua".

"We're going to stay here for a few days, so you should try your best to arrange it properly." Zhao Yingong told her, "Especially let everyone do a good job of sanitation tonight."

There was no ready-made bathing equipment in the inn, so Sun Wangcai asked the clerk to lead him out to buy new bath barrels for the elders and women.Others made it simple, just wiped with soap locusts in the big yard, rinsed with hot water and finished.

Under Feng Hua's service, Zhao Yingong took a comfortable hot bath and changed into clean clothes.I took a pair of Chenqiao grass slippers and walked a few steps in the courtyard, looking at the sun hanging in the sky, I really want to be as happy as I am.For the first time in these days, he has a sense of stability-the next step is to open up the situation in Hangzhou.

Time is not abundant for him. The great drought in northern Zhejiang in 1632 and the Dengzhou plan to be launched in the second half of the year both required the support of Hangzhou Station.Before the beginning of 1632, he had to complete the basic layout in Hangzhou and obtain sufficient freedom of action.Prepare sufficient material and social foundations for the transfer of refugees.

The material foundation is okay--after he landed, the Shanhai two-way system of the Intelligence Bureau will soon be stationed in the Yangtze River Delta region. Given the large number of new products they have, it is not difficult to make money.Moreover, the Chief Financial Officer Department has a special allocation for Hangzhou Station to support local industry and commerce.

How to establish your social status is the most important thing.Zhao Yingong knows that in this time and space, businessmen are very helpless, and it is almost impossible to gain a foothold in this social system without collusion between the government and businessmen.So his first role cannot be a businessman.

(End of this chapter)

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