Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 855 How to Engage in Charity Activities

Chapter 855 How to Engage in Charity Activities

But the person is already so soft that he can't even sit up.Cai Shi helped the child several times, but failed to make the child sit up.Zhao Yingong nodded, and a bodyguard beside him came over and lifted the child up and carried him on his back without hesitation.

"Slow down," Zhao Yingong tapped his fan, "Jiying, take out my cloak."

Jiying is an indigenous intelligence agent trained by the Intelligence Bureau, and his identity is Zhao Yingong's personal servant. He carries a bag with him, which is used to replace and add clothes when he goes out.It was already spring at the end of March, but in Zhejiang during the Little Ice Age, there were places where the snow on the top of the mountain did not melt all year round, and it was still quite cold.In the coat bag is a blue dormitory cloak.Jiying immediately opened the bag and took out the cloak.Zhao Yingong took it and wrapped the cloak around her body, wrapping it properly.

Cai Shi's eyes widened - he has been a servant of a rich family, and his vision is not low: the master's cloak is made of doro, and it is a foreign product that came in from outside, and each one is worth several taels of silver!A very expensive cloak wrapped around a stinking, dirty child who was dying!He couldn't help saying: "Master is benevolent and righteous!"

Nearby shops and passers-by saw a master picking up a sick child who was about to die on the bridge, and all of them stretched out their heads to watch the commotion.A middle-aged man who was shopping in the shop under the bridge said: "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This child can be regarded as a life..."

The shopkeeper leaning against the wooden counter didn't take it seriously: "He can only save this one if he wants to save it. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... It's not just the same people who will die here." He said with a sigh, "This is what God wants to accept—— There were not so many in the early years, but now it has become a regular thing..."

Zhao Yingong originally planned to take the child away, but when he heard the gossip, he walked down the bridge and entered the shop.The shopkeeper hurriedly stood up - he saw that this man was dressed gorgeously, and he looked like a scholar who had been educated, probably the son of an official family, so he couldn't help but smile all over his face.

"Master, what do you buy? The shop specializes in all kinds of cloth..."

"Shopkeeper, I don't buy anything, I just want to ask: Has anyone abandoned their children on this bridge?" Zhao Yingong asked straightforwardly.

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Master, your accent is not local, is it?"

"That's right, you're from Sanshui, Guangdong."

"Master, you have done a lot of good deeds by taking in that child today!" The shopkeeper first complimented, "These years have been bad, and there are more and more beggars and refugees every year, and children are abandoned on bridge decks and bridges every now and then. I can pick them up and give them a way to survive. But the children thrown here are either dying of illness or starving, so no one will take them in. They just wait here to die. A few will be taken away every few days in the incarnation field. .Hey, they were all raised by their parents—sins, sins.” He sighed.

Zhao Yingong nodded: "I see."

The shopkeeper went on to say: "This is not too tragic. If you don't think it's bad luck, Mr. Xiang, look down on the riverside next to the bridge hole."

Zhao Yingong looked in the direction he said, and saw a few broken reed mats covered on the muddy floor of the river beach, and a few pairs of dirty bare feet sticking out from under the mats.Judging by their size, they are all underage children, and some are still young children.Even Zhao Yingong, who was well-informed along the way, couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

"...every spring famine or disaster year, I dare not sit in this shop for a long time at night, and I have to go back on the plank early." The shopkeeper seemed to be terrified, "Those disaster victims brought their children and knocked on the door from door to door , Begging bitterly to give away the child. Some of them were thrown from the bridge into the river by the family if no one took them in! Doing evil and doing evil." Speaking of this, the shopkeeper sighed again,

Zhao Yingong couldn't take it anymore, reluctantly thanked the shopkeeper, and told him to go back to the mansion first.He took care of a bodyguard: "Go to Qingyun Temple and invite the Taoist priest to come!"

On the way back, he kept calming down his excitement—if he went back to ten years ago, he might immediately set up an organization to take in orphans and disaster victims, and he would spend all the money he had with him first.But now, he remembered that his foothold in Hangzhou was not stable, and it was not good for him to rashly make this kind of thing bigger, and he didn't have so much money and manpower to do it.

It's better to find the Taoist leader to treat the child first, and then discuss with him what to do about the collector.The Senate sent him to the south of the Yangtze River mainly to collect population.

"Feng Hua, take a bath for the child first." Zhao Yingong took care, "There are ulcers on her body, be careful not to get wet, and clean the wound first."

As a qualified life secretary, Feng Hua has received basic nursing training.

"Understood, master." Feng Hua hurried to go.

"My lord, I think this child has been hungry for a long time, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on just taking a bath like this." Qi Wei helped the Senate to accommodate refugees in Guangdong, and accumulated a lot of experience. Seeing him pick up a child, hurry up Said.

"Oh, yes, yes, you have to give her a stutter first, so that he can recover." Zhao Yingong said repeatedly, "Quickly, ask the kitchen to make porridge!"

"No, I have a solution." Although Cai Shi didn't know that the elders had a habit of collecting orphans, but seeing that the master attached so much importance to this child, of course he had to show his hospitality, "Just use lotus root powder, a local product, and the water will be fine. It can be eaten without hurting the stomach..."

At that moment, someone took lotus root starch and hydrated it, and mixed it with a small spoon for the child to eat. After a while, he ate a bowl of lotus root powder.

"I can't eat it now, and I will feed it again every half an hour." Sun Wangcai said, "She is so hungry, she will die if she eats too much at once."

Feng Hua first fetched facial water and saponin beans to help her wash her face. The water turned black after the first dip. After a few swipes, she changed a basin of water to roughly wipe off the dirt on her face.

"It looks like a girl." Sun Wangcai's wife, who came to help, sighed, "It's just bad luck!"

"Nonsense, can you take her in if you have a bad life?" Sun Wang reprimanded, "Master Zhao took her in because her ancestors were virtuous."

Although the girl in front of her has a yellowish complexion, her eyes are closed, she has delicate features.

"Wipe her body too, the doctor will treat her later." Sun Wangcai took care of the women, even though it was a child, men and women were different, so he didn't come in but greeted at the door.He took care of the people and sent two more stoves.

After a while, Zhang Yingchen came with a medicine bag.He first looked at the patient's look and expression, and then felt his pulse.

"It shouldn't be a serious problem." Zhang Yingchen said, "I'm so hungry." He took out a box of glucose physiological solution powder and handed it to Fenghua.

"Give it to her in 500ml of water. She's dehydrated."

"Yes, do you want to give her porridge?"

"Okay, eat less and eat more. Be careful." Zhang Yingchen looked at the festering pustules on her body as he spoke, and treated them with a scalpel. After cleaning the wound, he sprinkled sulfonamide anti-inflammatory powder.Then the temperature was taken again.

Zhang Yingchen had been busy for a while before he was done, and then he washed his hands and went to Zhao Yingong's study.

"The child is not seriously ill, he just came out of starvation. It will be fine after two weeks of recuperation. However, the wound on the leg is estimated to take a long time to heal. I will prescribe another prescription, and you can take care of the medicine. Wait until the body is strong. I will prescribe another prescription for repelling insects."

Zhao Yingong said: "If you are rescued, you have to be saved. Otherwise, it will be boring."

"Hehe, she looks like a beauty." Zhang Yingchen smiled and picked up the teacup.

Zhao Yingong shook his head: "She is the embryo of a beauty and it will be a matter of the future. A child is about to starve to death, how can you remain indifferent?"

Zhang Yingchen smiled and did not speak.

Zhao Yingong said: "I can't wait to open the Cihui Hall in the city of Hangzhou immediately, so that all the children outside can be taken in. Although it is heaven, it is hell for many people." Get up and walk around the study room, "Originally, the purpose of our coming here is also to accommodate the population. I think we don't have to wait for next year, we can start to do it from now. Let's work out a charter together, let's start with the Cihui Hall The Hangzhou version will be launched first. It is a small-scale operation now, and it can be launched in a big way next year."

Zhang Yingchen said: "The problem is that we are newcomers. Where does the money come from to take in the refugee orphans? To build a Cihui Hall, you need a house and people. You have received a total of 3000 taels of activity funds. The guy who bought the house has already spent Quite a lot, right? Buying a house, buying equipment, and hiring people are a lot of expenses! To put it bluntly, we have a bottomless pit for taking in refugees. Gold and silver are not enough to spend. Furthermore, where can we find the right person to be an umbrella? After all, we are not familiar with the place, and there is no help from the Liang family and the Gao family here, and there is no naval gunboat that arrives every day. How could the government not be suspicious of a stranger taking in a large number of refugees?"

These words are reasonable, Zhao Yingong pondered for a moment and said, "I understand. Now we need to 'make blood' first! Only when we have enough blood can we continuously 'transfuse' people! The first step is to make money quickly. Start your own business!" He turned around, "But I also have an idea for taking in refugees: take in orphans first, and start a private school!"

Zhao Yingong's idea is to first enclose a piece of land from the abandoned garden, build a few houses separately, and use it to shelter and educate orphans.Even if there are one or two hundred children gathered, the government will not be alerted.Orphans are more malleable than adults. After being well educated, they will become future technicians, administrative cadres and economic management talents.

"This method is feasible!" Zhang Yingchen nodded, and he laughed, "I remember you had such an idea a long time ago, you said when you were talking to me, if you wear it alone, it will take at least ten years of education. own generation."

 The details of some victims in the book come from the notes of scholars in the late Ming Dynasty, which records the situation in Zhejiang at that time.The state and county specifically recorded in the note is not Hangzhou, but this kind of scene is probably not uncommon

(End of this chapter)

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