Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 883 Operation Process

Chapter 883 Operation Process
Lingao's standard code system is specifically the Shanzhai NSN. The sorting rule of NSN is 4+2+7 bits.The first 4 digits are classification codes. The codes before 1974 were in the pattern of 4+7, followed by the serial number. From 1951 to 1974, a 7-digit code was used, called FSN. After 1974, two country codes were added before the serial number, and now it can support up to 1-10 million items and parts.Americans themselves use 00, 01, 02.That is, more than 2000 million were used in total. FSN used to have no classification code, only serial number, which was 5 digits at the beginning of World War II and 6 digits at the end of World War II.


"The biggest advantage of Laomei's code is that the categories have been pre-divided. It is easy to search for any kind of things along the category number, and then you can quickly find any of them."

Adopting a standard code system, even if it is temporarily impossible to use a computer for management, at least it has laid the foundation for future electromechanical card database management.

Skade took a sip of water: "Aren't we short of people now? We should reduce repetitive labor as much as possible, code all the existing parts, and create files. If you need anything, go check it first. GM, doesn’t this save manpower? Especially for veterans who are designers and engineers. It is also very convenient for organizing logistics supplies.”

"Judging from the recent internal trials of our Colonial Department, we only use a few thousand raw materials and parts in total. There are not as many types of parts as there are in a car in the old days. The entire file uses two or three The natives are in charge. I want to check the archives of any kind of commodity. Within 3 minutes, someone will bring them to my table. In the future, there will be more things. It will be nothing more than a human database. I propose to establish a standardized central information archive. All departments You can come here to search, consult, and improve efficiency.”

"You are too idealistic. Without the support of the modern IT industry, without the support of barcodes, automatic scanners and databases, standard codes can only achieve low-level functions. At that time, just compiling a comparison book will become a complicated subject." Veterans who have worked in ERP said that this is an impractical "****".

"It's not that complicated," Skade said eloquently. "This system existed during World War II. How could you have anything to say at that time?"

He went on to explain: The purpose of the classification code is to assign different things to different people.A large category is assigned to a logistics department: such as electronic department and hydraulic department.A subcategory or several subcategories are assigned to a person or a group.The specific management is directly implemented to the people. Whoever manages things that have problems, files are not standardized, or cannot keep up with development, their wages will be deducted.

The original serial number is still the serial number, continue to be arranged in order, and this part is managed by the general catalog.

"...Although we don't have a computer, these codes can be managed by naturalized civil servants. Simple training is given to them with library retrieval skills, and they master the skills of using card indexes and compiling files. Based on our current situation According to the technical development level of the standard code, the large categories of standard codes can use at most 10, and the small categories can not use more than 100. The total number of codes can be tens of thousands at most, and a professional team of 30 to [-] people can manage it very well. At most, add a few more The supervisor is responsible for checking for errors."

Before there was an IT system, FSN had a complete paper system that operated through tables.This system has been in use for decades.Even with IT equipment and software, this paper system still exists as a backup, but now it is directly printed out from the database as a backup.

"In order to further explain how this system works, I will take the Hong Kong shipyard as an example." Skade said, "In fact, it is mainly about table operations, and there are tables for various activities."

For example, if the shipyard wants a certain type of boat nail with a size of 20 centimeters, it can send the demand form to Guangzhou Station.The Guangzhou station notifies qualified native workshops and craftsmen to quote, and then signs a contract to buy the goods.Dabo Shipping, as the receiving agent, took the forms and signed for them one by one, and then passed them on to Shi Jiantao, and Delong paid with the receipt.

Each workshop of the shipyard reports the usage plan to the warehouse every day, and the warehouse determines the inventory plan according to the consumption and stock. After the plan is approved, it is transferred to the supporting department and then finds the Guangzhou station to place the order.After Dabo Shipping receives the ship, it also accepts maintenance parts. According to the consumption rate of the parts, a warning line is set up, and additional orders will be placed if the line is reached.

"Similarly, we can also use it in logistics supply, trade management and many other aspects. These tasks can be done manually when I first went to work. It is not impossible to implement without the complicated management of the computer--only However, there is a decrease in efficiency. The purpose of the NSN code is to ensure that the transmitted information will not be distorted at all stages of the process, and at the same time all additional information, such as the ability of a supplier, the failure and damage of the component itself Recording and analyzing these things can be entered into the file according to the only clue, and then forwarded to those who should know the information."

"In this way, the speed of information exchange becomes very important." Shi Jiantao expressed concern about this.

"We have wireless and wired telegraphy, and data can be exchanged by telegram. More complicated forms can be sent by mail."

"I am deeply skeptical about such an exchange of data. First of all, the timeliness is messed up, and secondly, have you underestimated the complexity..."


The two sides debated this issue for more than ten minutes, and finally everyone's eyes fell on Wu De who was in a "meditation state".As the moderator of the meeting, he has the final say on this issue.

"Well, what everyone said is very reasonable." He suddenly "woke up".In order to hide his distraction, he coughed, "I think the standard code system should still be implemented. It is better to implement it later than early—taking advantage of the current lack of materials, establishing the system first will save a lot of trouble in the future. I think Just follow Skaide's plan, let's do it and see."

At the meeting, it was decided that the Hong Kong Shipyard and the Logistics Command of the Fubo Army would be used as pilot units to implement the imperial standard code system.

After the meeting, Wu De picked up the fake BOSS briefcase and walked out of the conference room of the Planning Institute. He still had another meeting to attend.At this time, three steps and two steps came up from behind.

"Ad! Go slowly."

"what's up?"

Skade said: "This time the standard code is implemented, and the outsourcing of shipyard parts is going to be carried out. Can the letter of credit system be launched in Guangzhou?"

"Let's discuss this matter again. I don't think there is any problem." Wu De has always had an attitude towards things like letters of credit-anyway, the Planning Institute has always been not very interested in financial aspects, "on the executive committee Just pass."

"The problem is that people don't seem to know enough about this aspect. The implementation of the letter of credit system is of great benefit to import and export trade. It is a good thing for convenience. It is not a financial trick or something..."

Wu De didn't listen to Skade's complaints much, and he has been a little absent-minded since the meeting - the concept of the imperial inventory code was strongly advocated by him.He didn't know anything about the concept of FSN at first, it was completely the result of Hong Huangnan and Skaide's constant lobbying to him.The concept of "standardization" of everything is often mentioned in the "One Week of Thinking" compiled by Wen Desi himself and circulated weekly to the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the Senate, and the heads of various ministries and commissions.

It was under this double stimulus that he became very interested in the FSN system and took the lead in preparing for its implementation.However, only having a code system is only convenient for management, and the objects to be managed are far from enough.

The deployment of Dengzhou and Zhejiang operations is imminent. The Senate has no exact figures on the population obtained by these two operations.Even so, in Ma Qianju's private conversation, Wu De believed that at least two actions with a population of more than 20 were worthwhile.At present, the number of refugees in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Jiangxi has decreased, and the pace of receiving people at each station has slowed down considerably.If the crisis is not artificially created, it will become difficult to absorb a large number of new people from Guangdong.

"Of course it's good to vote by yourself, but I still prefer contracted slaves to contracted slaves." Ma Qianju said, "He is more motivated to work than ordinary people and is easy to manage. In addition, we also need to change the proportion of the population structure. .”

The Senate is also very dissatisfied with the current situation that there are too many naturalized people from Guangdong and Fujian.Most of the naturalized people were taken in from Guangdong.Due to geographical conditions, the population of Guangdong and Fujian is bound to be the largest.In Lingao, Cantonese vernacular and Hokkien not only have the possibility to replace Lingao dialect, but even Mandarin, the official language, has fallen behind.Although the veterans vigorously promoted Mandarin in schools and offices, these two dialects tended to gradually become the lingua franca among workers in manufacturing enterprises.

In the final population transport plan prepared by the Planning Institute, it was planned to transport 10 people in northern Zhejiang and at least 10 people from Dengzhou—most of them were transported back to Lingao, and 1 people were resettled to Taiwan and Hong Kong.In addition, 3000 people were resettled in Zhejiang as labor force for Zhao Yingong's industries in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

(End of this chapter)

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