Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 889 Food Supply

Chapter 889 Food Supply
The bulk of supplies is food. It takes 6 months for Jeju Island and Kaohsiung to achieve self-sufficiency in food, and it takes at least 4 months for Kaohsiung and Pingtung, Taiwan.That is to say, from the start of the engine plan, it is necessary to maintain the food needs of 20 refugees for 5 months, and to ensure the food needs of about 1 naturalized people.

Calculated according to the calorific value, the calorie requirement per person per day is converted to 350 grams of brown rice—although it is relatively low, most refugees do not arrange labor and mainly rest.This requires 70 tons of brown rice per day, 2100 tons per month, and 5 tons in five months.The average daily supply of participants is 1.05 grams.The food consumed per month is 750 tons of rice.The demand is 225 tons.In addition, the Ministry of Health suggests adding 1200% vegetables and protein from a nutritional point of view to ensure the health of refugees.So also need to provide a certain amount of vegetables and seafood.Most of these materials can be solved locally by organizing refugees - Tiandihui will provide technical guidance, seeds and production tools.

These grains do not include the ration needs of the aborigines on Jeju Island.Although there must be some grain reserves on the island, Jeju Island itself is not a grain-producing area. Until the 21st century, the main agricultural product on Jeju Island was still citrus.Most of the land on the island is used to raise horses.Obviously, the island's food needs to be imported from the outside.

"According to the information we consulted, the Li Dynasty set up a large-scale prison camp on Jeju Island," Thorpe said, "there are at least 1 official servants and maidservants. In order to support these official servants and maidservants, the prison camp must have One or two months of food reserves. The small number of ordinary people on the island should have some food, and we don’t need to supply it for the time being. But the supply in the future must be taken into consideration.”

Jeju Island is not far from the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, and it is still possible to supplement food from these two places on a small scale.At that time, Japan had begun to restrict the export of silver, but it was not heard that there was any restriction on the export of rice.

What is difficult is the transit base in Taiwan, where there is no channel to purchase food. The aboriginal people in Taiwan have a very low level of agriculture and have no spare energy to supply food. The Dutch are interested in doing business, not in opening up wasteland and farming.Although there have been immigrants from Fujian in the Beigang area since the time of Yan Siqi, Zheng Zhilong continued to send immigrants there.However, Taiwan's grain production has not been ideal, and until the Qing Dynasty it still relied on external input and supply.The possibility of getting food supplies from Zheng Zhilong is extremely slim.It is also less likely to buy grain from the mainland - Fujian was originally a province short of grain.

Most of the food supply can only rely on self-transportation.The logistics department needs to prepare a lot of food.The Planning Institute has made a plan for the food supply - the population rushed from Shandong and Zhejiang must have food and clothing, and these must be planned in a unified manner.

Now the Lingao regime does not only control Lingao County. After the Summer Awakening Campaign, the local governments in the entire Qiongzhou have been completely controlled by the Senate in accordance with Mingpi Aoxin's model.The food supply situation has improved -- but only to a limited extent.

The counties in Qiongnan have few acres of land, which does not contribute much to the expansion of grain reserves—you only need to know the local agricultural productivity from the grain tax figures of the counties in Qiongnan; in Qiongnan, only Yazhou has 1630 shi of grain, such as Thanksgiving, Huichang Waiting for states and counties, but thousands of stones, or even hundreds of stones.Relatively speaking, the agricultural conditions of the counties in Qiongbei are relatively good, especially in Qiongshan County, Wenchang and other places where the agriculture is the most developed, and they are the main grain-producing areas of Qiongzhou Prefecture.From the second half of [-], the work team of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs began to clean up land taxes in Qiongbei counties one by one.

The total amount of land tax in Qiongzhou is 450 nine stones.Some of them collect grain and some of them collect silver.Since the commodity economy in Qiongzhou Prefecture is very weak, there is very little silver circulation, so most of it is still priced in grain.

About half of the positive amount was to be shipped to Beijing, Si, and Lian.In other words, 4 to [-] shi are transported from Qiongzhou Prefecture every year.About [-] stones remained in the government as military pay, administrative expenses and food reserves.The remaining part is of course the disposable food of the Planning Institute.

Of course, the amount of grain paid by the common people is far more than 14 shi, which is calculated based on the experience of the People’s Committee of Civil Affairs and the General Administration of Taxation in Lingao’s work of “clearing land taxes”.The actual amount of grain paid by the whole government should be at least [-] shi.The extra food was actually filled into private pockets layer by layer.

That is to say, the Senate can collect 14 shi from the Qiongzhou government under the premise of maintaining the current burden level. After the entire Qiongzhou government pays the tax of more than 4 shi to Daming, it can probably donate to the Senate. One hundred thousand stone of brown rice.

In addition to this part of the land tax, the Planning Institute plans to purchase another [-] to [-] shi of grain from farmers and landlords.However, to complete the acquisition task, they must stimulate their demand for currency.At present, when the Senate enterprises still lack enough industrial products to sell to the countryside, they can only achieve their goals through tax collection.This requires the cooperation of tax system reform.People in Wudaokou believe that in the long run, monetization of tax collection is the general direction.

Of course, collecting, processing, and warehousing are long-term tasks, and it doesn't mean that there are always things.Fortunately, collecting and transporting refugees is also a long-term process. It is not an extra 20 people at once. The Planning Institute still has enough time to collect and prepare food.

In addition to the Senate's own food reserves, the Summer Awakening Campaign also brought additional reserves to the Planning Institute.Those are the five large official warehouses on Hainan Island: the Guangfeng warehouse in Qiongshan, which stores [-] shi of rice every year; the Dafeng warehouse in Danzhou, which stores [-] shi; The accumulation warehouse is four thousand shi; the military storage and Qinglan two warehouses store thirteen thousand shi of rice every year.

These official warehouses store tens of thousands of shi of grain every year, and their main purpose is to "prepare Li".Once a large-scale "Li chaos" occurs, the army can cross the sea to get food on the spot.

However, like all systems in this world, a good system may not always be able to maintain a good system.According to the official documents, the accumulated grain in these main official warehouses should be as much as hundreds of thousands of shi.But in fact the deficit is very serious.The special search team of the Planning Institute accompanied the army and work teams to go deep into the warehouses in every state and county, and they are completely used to the phenomenon of embezzlement.However, the huge deficit of these five large warehouses still made the veterans who led the team dumbfounded.

The actual inventory of the five warehouses shows that removing those aged grains that are purely supplementary and can be used as feed at most, the stored grains can be used less than one-tenth of the book inventory.

The special search team then carried out intensive torture and torture on the secretaries, managers, and brazeners of each warehouse to recover the stolen goods, seized a large amount of property and food, and confiscated a large amount of land.It is a little gain.

"In the previous stage, we received 9000 shi of brown rice and miscellaneous grains from various local government warehouses, totaling about [-] tons. This part of grain is enough as starting grain." Wu De said, "At present, our relief rations are used by us. We have our own dried potato reserves. We still have a lot of dried potato reserves. This can roughly support the consumption of refugees."

"We're a little nervous like this. It's like taking out all the foundations. I thought the food reserves were a little looser." He Ming was a little worried—food is the lifeblood of the army, and when he thought of transporting so much food away , he felt very uneasy.

Zhan Wuya also felt suspenseful: "Except for the army, we still have a large number of full-time people in Lingao, administrative staff, students, and workers. The food supply for these people cannot be wrong, otherwise it will easily shake the foundation of the country."

Wood has already done calculations on this issue: "Food security is guaranteed. First of all, we obtained additional food for the engine program. We obtained this batch of food without increasing the number of people we support. Use Refugees will not reduce our original reserves, nor will we increase our original planned food expenditure. Secondly, after gaining the power of the whole island, it is equivalent to obtaining the power of food collection for the whole island in 1631. The increase in this aspect It's significant. And it's a steady increase in income. Not a one-off than a seizure."

In addition, the Planning Institute is also preparing to expand food imports as an important measure to ensure food security.The focus is on imported Siamese rice.With the intensification of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the supply of rice in Vietnam began to decrease, and the price rose.Siamese rice, which is cheap and plentiful, became the next target of the Planning Institute to increase its food reserves.It's just that it takes up freight tonnage.But overall, the food pressure is not as great as everyone thinks.

Wood explained: Migration transportation is a long-term plan.From the beginning of the first batch of shipments to the end of the last batch, it takes four or five months at least and a year or two at most.As long as the first batch of refugees are organized in time to open up wasteland and plant early-maturing crops in the transit camp, the harvest will actually be harvested in three to four months.Harvested grain replaces part of the supply on the spot.Therefore, it is not necessary to count the rations of all immigrants.

The early-maturing sweet potato varieties owned by the Council of Agriculture can be harvested in about 80 to 90 days, and there are also applicable varieties of potatoes and buckwheat.The annual average temperature in Kaohsiung and Pingtung is as high as 25°C, and the rainfall is abundant, so it can be planted all year round.Take rolling planting ladders to harvest.When the large-scale immigration in Zhejiang is over, even if Kaohsiung's agriculture cannot provide food for Jeju Island, a considerable part of it can still be self-sufficient.

"...There is indeed a shortage of supply. We can still use Hong Kong as a base. After buying grain directly in Guangdong, we ship it to Kaohsiung. The distance between the two places is only 350 nautical miles. It can be back and forth in a week." He finally said.

(End of this chapter)

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