Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

In order to ensure that the indigenous workers can correctly grasp the essentials of production, Shi Jiantao had to invest more than he expected.After communicating with the veterans of the industry, everyone believed that it is not enough to just train the workers. The key is to provide a simple and easy testing equipment, so that the indigenous workshops can accurately and conveniently determine whether their products meet the standards.

To solve this point is not something that can be solved by purchasing standard distribution of standard measuring tools.And it is quite a difficult process to teach them to use measuring tools.

After discussion, the most suitable solution is to use a special go-no-go gauge for testing.

The go-no-go gauge is also an industrial measuring tool.In actual production, if a large number of products are measured with standard measuring tools—such as vernier calipers, dial gauges and other graduated measuring tools—it will be very troublesome and inefficient.Generally speaking, qualified products have a measurement range, and all products within this range are qualified products.Therefore, companies often use go gauges and stop gauges to measure according to product specifications.

When in use, different special go-no-go gauges are manufactured according to different workpiece requirements.To check the size of the hole, the upper limit of the permissible deviation of the aperture is used as the stop end, and the lower limit of the permissible deviation of the aperture is used as the through end.During the inspection: if the stop end can pass: it means that the hole diameter is too large, it is unqualified, and it cannot be reprocessed, it can only be scrapped; qualified.

When China and the Soviet Union were fighting against each other, there was a story widely circulated among the Chinese people. It said that China used agricultural products to pay its debts to the Soviet Union. When exporting apples, the Soviet side put each apple in a box and put them in a set It was only when I was willing to receive the goods.If it cannot be put in or if the apple shakes when put in, it is unqualified.

Not to mention whether this legend is true or not, but in the actual application, the box plays the role of a go-stop rule.This system has been used in the European military industry since the 18th century.The origin of the application is to unify the specifications of bullets and shells in order to obtain a greater range.European artillerymen at the time had realized that the smaller the play of the shell in the bore, the better the range and accuracy of the shell.In order to be able to test whether the specifications of the shells meet the standards on a large scale, a large number of special measuring tools similar to go-no-go gauges are used in the arsenal: caliper plates, ring outer diameter caliper and so on.

Now they do the same thing, but in a more "dumb" way.Make sure anyone can fully understand it just by listening to it and watching it once.This batch of special go-no-go gauges are all made of iron to ensure that the material itself does not have a large deformation, and a new adjustment has been made in the tolerance regulations: the wooden structure itself has a large deformation due to temperature and humidity.

In addition to promoting special go-no-go rules, Shi Jiantao also placed orders for some special production tools and equipment from the General Machinery Factory.Includes modified woodworking tools and a foot-operated woodworking lathe for use in Aboriginal shipbuilding workshops.

Indigenous workers training in Hong Kong tried out the equipment and measuring tools on the spot - and the results were remarkable.Shi Jiantao was so happy that he shook the hand of the veteran of the general machinery factory who delivered the goods. It was like the Northern Shaanxi Red Army meeting the Central Red Army in Wuqi.The shopkeepers and foremen of the indigenous shipbuilding workshops were also happy to find the north: everyone thought that there was little hope of working for Australians, but now they suddenly found that they could still make money-the Australian gentlemen really had the same methods as the legends said.One by one said that they would absolutely produce according to the standard.

The imported go-no-go gauges, woodworking tools, and woodworking lathes were all sold to shipbuilding workshops at a price—the price was not cheap, but it did not exceed their ability level.Shi Jiantao kindly stipulated that they could owe the money first and then deduct it from the processing fee later.

Taking advantage of this wind, Shi Jiantao implemented a whole set of outsourcing system management.All ship parts suppliers are authorized with a material code.This code authorization requires a tael of silver authentication fee.Each workshop, as the designated outsourced manufacturer of the Hong Kong shipyard, must pass the qualification inspection, and the inspection fee is ten taels of silver.

Of course, if the shipbuilding workshop does not purchase the tools and production equipment provided by the shipyard, and does not conduct worker training, it will be difficult to achieve this qualification.Therefore, the shipyard also provides two commercial services of "qualification review consultation" and "training agency", of course, there are also charges.

These fees can also be used to cover processing fees, which is still attractive to indigenous workshop owners with weak economic strength.Shi Jiantao's idea is to try to attract the participation of indigenous shipbuilding workshops in the Pearl River Delta, and gradually improve their production technology and management level, so as to fully support the main industries of the Senate.As a result, the indigenous shipbuilding industry in the entire Pearl River Delta region, except for a few workshops specializing in the manufacture and repair of small boats, has all become supporting outsourcing enterprises for Hong Kong shipyards.Eventually, the shipbuilding standards of the Senate were extended to the whole of Guangdong, and all indigenous shipbuilding industries were controlled and reformed.

Although new improvement measures have been taken, it is very difficult for the handicraft industry in the agricultural society to keep up with the pace of industrial production.Although there are qualified products for outsourcing parts, the qualified rate is always around 40%, and the delivery cycle is also very slow, and there are generally delays.

Shi Jiantao had to put his main energy on the inspection and rectification of outsourcing companies.Sometimes he took a steamboat and sometimes a schooner patrol boat, and under the protection of soldiers from the navy, he moved around the mouth of the Pearl River and inspected various shipbuilding workshops.Provide improvement requirements and suggestions anytime and anywhere.Within two months, the Hong Kong shipyard issued 13 yellow cards for rectification, and sent more than 100 skilled workers to various factories for guidance.Several training sessions have also been held.Before the arrival of summer, the qualified rate of outsourcing parts finally rose to 60%. This figure finally gave him a sigh of relief—although it is still difficult to complete the order of the planning institute on time at this level, at least there is hope.

While Shi Jiantao was concentrating on shipbuilding, there was a new wave of construction on Hong Kong Island.This time, it is a comprehensive expansion of logistics and shipping facilities.

Because of its geographic location, Hong Kong Island was the general logistics supply base for Operation Engine.Various materials expected to be supplied to Zhejiang, Taiwan, Jeju Island and Shandong are all ready to be shipped on Hong Kong Island.The warehouses and freight facilities that were originally only used for the garrisoned agricultural reclamation team and a small amount of garrison reserve materials are not enough.Xinde warehouses, cargo yards and pier trestles are constantly being built.

Hong Huangnan has been busy in Guangzhou for more than ten days, and wants to set up his own carriage 4S shop in Guangzhou.But Guo Yi, the head of the Guangzhou station, is not very interested in the 4S store itself—or rather, he thinks that Hong Huangnan is just thinking about it.So it is only superficially enthusiastic that it will put the 4S store as a "key project" in the newly built "big world".However, the Great World project is still just in the stage of digging and filling the foundation. No matter how you look at it, the project will not be completed until 1632, so the 4S store is like a dream.Hong Huangnan looked at his project every day and sighed.

The Joint Logistics Headquarters was established, and the news that he was appointed as a minister did not make him happy-even though this position was equivalent to Dongmen Chuyu's status.In the past, he just held the title of chief staff officer, nothing more than coming up with ideas, making a plan or something, and he was a person who did not take responsibility for his efforts.Now a full-fledged head of department, the responsibility is extraordinary - and appointed before Operation Engine.

"This is with ulterior motives." Hong Huangnan murmured to himself, looking out from the window of the fortress on Hong Kong Island.

Because he lives in Guangzhou, he is within easy reach of Hong Kong Island.Therefore, according to the order of the General Administration of Military Affairs, Hong Huangnan became the person in charge of the logistics support of the direct engine operation.

Standing in a five-storey-high fortress on the upper floor of a senator's exclusive residence to watch the Virgin's Bay is a pleasant thing, but Hong Huangnan felt that his head was a little too big when he thought of taking on the logistical work of the entire engine operation.

The so-called "logistics advantage" of Hong Kong Island is only due to geographical conditions. Compared with Hainan Island, which is located in a remote corner, Hong Kong Island is moderately far away, has a natural deep-water port, and has a certain amount of water on the island. Pearl River Delta region.In addition, there are no material conditions to be used in logistics supply.

Whether it is additional warehouses, docks or other corresponding supporting facilities, there are none here, and they have to be built before the engine operation officially kicks off.Of course, building houses is not his business. The construction company originally had an engineering team on Hong Kong Island, and Shi Dafu was in charge.Now the Xinde engineering team and veterans have been sent to reinforce it. According to Hong Huangnan's estimate, it will probably not be a problem to complete the project on time.

The problem is that the material storage, deployment and transportation plan is still a blank.The Planning Institute had told him a few days ago that he could prepare 9000 tons of brown rice and miscellaneous grains for the engine operation.But how much other materials are needed in total, how much each point needs, and how to arrange the varieties all depend on the arrangement of him, the head of the Joint Logistics Headquarters, to formulate a specific supply plan.

"Grandma, I just have an orderly and a female secretary, can I do such a big job?" Hong Huangnan made another dissatisfied voice in the senior's bedroom.A few days ago, he had already sent a telegram asking Thorp to call in a logistics staff to come to Hong Kong Island to form the Front Finger.

Thorp responded with a "do it now" call back, and then nothing.Hong Huangnan couldn't help feeling suspicious, could this guy be plotting something?I was in Guangzhou when the Joint Logistics Headquarters was established, and Thorpe attended the ceremony.Could it be that his "deputy minister" has other secrets?Then I thought about when I was in the logistics command, I often took the attitude of "you are the leader, you can do whatever you like, anyway, my opinion is here" to the head of the Fubo Army and the leaders of the Planning Institute.He felt more and more that his conjecture was justified.

(End of this chapter)

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