Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 951

Chapter 951

Under the sharing contract system, the number of attached labor forces on the land is also an important reference condition, especially the number of tenants.Generally speaking, the more tenants who subcontract the land, the better the sharing conditions.In essence, it is also a means of seizing tenants in disguise.

After listening to Hai Shuzu's introduction, many people were still hesitant.They have long been used to exploiting tenants. The minimum is [-]-[-] cents for the host and guest, usually [-] cents for the host and six guests, and many of them are iron plate rents—the so-called fixed rents. , must pay rent according to a certain amount.The agriculture in this time and space is underdeveloped, and almost every year encounters various disasters more or less. It is not bad to have a good year in three years. The so-called regardless of the good or bad is actually not good for the tenants.When it came time to pay the rent, there were, as usual, many tricks to deceive the tenants.

Of course, tenants are not all vulnerable groups. If the host family is not a powerful local household, but just ordinary small and medium-sized landlords in urban and rural areas, it will become difficult to collect rent. No one is willing to hand over the fruits of their labor at will. Delay in underpayment in name is the least serious thing. Some tenants’ families refuse to pay rent and even drive away the rent collector.Therefore, as soon as Tiandihui's "all-inclusive" plan appeared, small and medium-sized landlords with no power and power enthusiastically asked Tiandihui to "all-inclusive", and there were also factors in this aspect.

The big gentry have no worries in this regard.Therefore, I was very unhappy when I heard that the general contract would be divided into [-]% or [-]% or even [-]% after the general contract, not to mention that Tiandihui is equivalent to the Australian government, and all kinds of tricks and plundering methods to deal with tenants are not available at all, and I dare not use them.

The atmosphere in the flower hall became hesitant.Hai Shuzu didn't force it, after all, he didn't recruit clients for Tiandihui. Director Liu's attitude is very clear: I want to "change the law that has not changed for thousands of years", but I will give everyone a way out at any time. As for whether everyone is willing to leave, it depends on the individual's choice - this is a very serious statement, which made Hai Shuzu feel cold on his back at that time.

After the Hai family's flower hall party ended, he immediately picked up the sedan chair to visit Liu Xiang and reported the whole process of the meeting to him.Liu Xiang listened very carefully, not only listening to the process, but also calling out the names of every large gentry household in Qiongshan County, and asked Hai Shuzu to report their specific attitudes towards grain requisition and the contracting of the Tiandihui.While listening to him constantly pressing back and forth on a dark square box.

After sending Hai Shuzu away, Liu Xiang carefully analyzed the specific attitudes of the big gentry, and found that about [-]% of them were inclined to hand over the land to Tiandihui for contracting, and [-]% were not interested.

As for grain, no household expressed "happy to lose".Liu Xiang frowned, and muttered to himself: "It's really a toast and no fine wine." It seems that they will not honestly hand over the food without resorting to some means.

Liu Xiang originally planned to get at least 7 shi of grain from the landlords in Qiongshan—Qiongshan's autumn endowment quota was 25 shi.Except for Jiangnan and some special tax-heavy areas, the official land tax levied in the Ming Dynasty actually accounted for a relatively low proportion of the total output, generally less than 30% of the output per mu.According to this deduction and field investigation, Liu Xiang knew that the annual grain output of Qiongshan County in a normal year was between [-] shi and [-] shi.

A considerable part of this part of the grain was settled in the hands of the big gentry.Liu Xiang estimates that there are at least 8 to 10 shi of grain in Qiongshan.It is more than enough for the gentry to come up with 2 to 3 shi
Liu Xiang thought over and over again, but he didn't have any tricks up his sleeve.The gentry are all old fritters, and if you understand them with reason and emotion, they will always face each other with tears and poverty, and all of them are flushed with red faces and talk about eating bran and swallowing vegetables.Almost all graduated from the acting department.It is rare that there are a few sensible families who are not big grain households.It seemed that the most effective way was to resort to administrative means, the weapon he didn't want to use at first.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sit back on the chair discouraged.After thinking about it for a while, he gave instructions to Guo Ling'er who was waiting at the side:

"Power generation, to Liu Muzhou, Deputy People's Committee of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs, classified: secret..."

It was nightfall in the old man's apartment complex in Bairen New City, but the lights in the apartment area were bleak.There are not many apartment windows showing light—many veterans rarely return to the apartment except for holidays because they find it troublesome to go back and forth. The recent launch of the engine operation has made their work even busier. went.The only ones who return to the apartment area every day are the veterans who work in the headquarters.

In the midst of this solitude, the bright lights and faint chatter and laughter in one apartment stand out.This apartment belongs to Chang Shide.

Because of the large population, Chang Shide's family applied for a large apartment when allocating the apartment.Since he returned to Lingao from Leizhou, the apartment has been lively every day.

After dinner, the maids were gathering in the living room, chatting and laughing, some were reading and writing, learning abacus, some were doing needlework... a look of joy and harmony.Here, Axiu, Azi, and Abi were among the five women he bought at one go. Azhu gave it to Wentong, and there was a little girl, Aluo, who was really too young and hadn't even started yet.It looks like there is still potential to be tapped.Chang Shide decided to raise him first, and then slowly train him.So I sent A Luo back to Lingao Jinfangcao to study——A Luo was paid by him personally, and Chang Shide paid double the food expenses, and even greeted the office to ration the milk he deserved. Gave it to A Luo.Such spare no expense is of course to ensure that Ah Luo can get sufficient supply of protein and fat.As long as nutrition is ensured, girls in the 17th century can also be in line with the aesthetics of the 21st century.

The women in Chang Shide have jobs during the day, and the male veterans do not have full-time concubines. Apart from serving as secretaries, accountants, and other administrative jobs, they help cook and manage warehouses and other things in the house.Serve the cause of the patriarch by day, and the life of the patriarch by night.Such was the attitude of the senators towards women.

Axiu was assigned to work as a childcare worker in a kindergarten of a national school, Azi worked as a warehouse manager in a warehouse of the Ministry of Light Industry, and Abi was young and got a second-class diploma, so she worked as a full-time secretary and went in and out with her.The whole home is well organized.

Chang Shide regrets that so far no woman has conceived a child under his attack.Because several female veterans and life secretaries are already pregnant, Chang Shide is of course a little anxious.Looking at the current appearance, it is probably impossible to conquer the world in my lifetime, but there should be no problem in conquering East Asia.What if there is no one to inherit the huge family business you have earned!
Since Chang Shide returned to Lingao, he has been messing around in the Agricultural Committee-he is now considered to be half an authority on sugar cane, but Wu Nanhai does not plan to plant sugar cane in Lingao, so all his energy is spent on The work of the Tiandihui has started.The Tiandihui is promoting the agricultural cooperative organization among the self-cultivators and small landlords in Lingao. This is what Chang Shide has done in Leizhou, so Ye Yuming attaches great importance to his experience.It seems that he has become a general of the Tiandihui.

Organizing rural cooperative medical care is a complicated matter, farmers are very suspicious, and it is impossible to convince them that there is no real guarantee of interests.Although Chang Shide has experience in organizing sugarcane farmers, it is still quite laborious to carry out the work. It took a lot of effort and just opened up a small situation.He figured out how to continue riding the hot iron, returned to the door of the house, and opened the door.

All the maids in the room stood up with a huff, and said in unison: "Hello, Chief!" The voice was astonishing.

"Well, take it easy!" Chang Shide waved his hands viciously. In order to reflect the militarization of maid management, he adopted a star maid system in the inner house. The three of them took turns to be in charge of housekeeping affairs, so as to achieve long-term and orderly management .

Following his order, the maids immediately dispersed and performed their duties: a cup of hot and cold tea, a hot towel were delivered to him, the sound of running water sounded in his private bathroom, and his shoes The belt was also untied-someone brought him slippers and was taking them off for him.

Chang Shide changed his shoes, drank a few sips of tea, and went into the special bathroom to take a bath. Azi wiped his back, and Abi rubbed soap and massaged. He lay motionless on the cypress stool to enjoy it.

After enjoying the whole set, he changed into clean clothes and went back to the study to sit on the sofa, took a sip of the freshly brewed tea, and Axiu, who was the maid on duty today, handed a notebook in front of him.

"Here's the family history of the day."

"En." Chang Shide took it over and looked it over—the memorabilia of family affairs is a system he set up, and the star maids have to fill in the daily housework activities and various expenses on a daily basis.At the same time, it is necessary to keep detailed records of the maid's going out and the guests' visits, and there must be written records of the notices from the general office and the calls from the elders.Documents, telegrams, letters and newspapers and magazines sent to him must also be registered.

He flipped through the phone records until the end - he has been active in the countryside recently, and the PHS phone cannot be connected.So pay special attention to calls and notifications.

"Oh? Did the Organization Department of the General Office call me?" He suddenly said.The Organization Division of the General Office manages the appointment, dismissal and transfer of elders.It's okay to never call him.

According to the general procedure of the Organization Department, before a transfer or appointment is officially issued, someone has to talk to someone. Calling him is obviously to ask him for an interview.

Are you going to mobilize him?Chang Shide was excited and worried at the same time.Of course, the excitement is that I can do a big business, and the worry is that I have finally settled down. Wouldn’t it be extremely tragic if I was kicked to a barren place like Taiwan or Jeju Island for development?

(End of this chapter)

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