Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 967 The Undercurrent of Competition

Chapter 967 The Undercurrent of Competition

This Taoist temple is in dilapidated condition. Beggars used to live in the dilapidated house I entered first, and now it is crowded with disaster victims.Zhang Yingchen went in from the narrow passage and went to the back.Taoist Huoju was chopping wood, he said hello hastily, and went to the small courtyard where he lived.

The yard is not big, and there are stoves and charcoal piled on the dirt floor, as well as many pots and pans.The air was filled with the smell of vinegar charcoal and disinfectant water. Zhang Yingchen knew that there had just been a flood, and now that the temperature had risen rapidly after the water receded, the outbreak of infectious diseases was a matter of seconds—although his blood vessels were full of antibodies , in the end it is better to be careful.

Ming and Qing welcomed him back at the door of the room. This young Taoist boy in Qingyun Temple had officially become his "disciple" in Hangzhou.After his careful training, he is now his reliable and capable assistant.He was also in charge of the initial training of the two Dao students—at least they could read characters in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

"Master—" Ming Qing said respectfully.

"Go inside and talk." Zhang Yingchen said.

Ming and Qing were not officially naturalized people, so Zhang Yingchen had reservations about him.He just tried to instill in him the theory of Neo-Taoism and his own religious views, and imparted medical knowledge incidentally.As for the Senate for the benefit of mankind, he hasn't revealed yet.Zhang Yingchen just explained to him that he was a Taoist priest from Guangdong Province—anyway, Qiongzhou was also under the rule of Guangdong Province at that time.

In the main hall in the middle, there are bamboo plaques containing medicinal materials, guillotines for cutting medicinal materials, stone mortars for pounding medicinal materials, earthen pots for boiling medicinal materials, copper pots and charcoal, all of which are so numerous that it is almost impossible to settle down.In order to treat as many people as possible, in addition to the Chinese patent medicines and western medicines brought from Lingao, many medicines are prepared locally by him.

Two young Taoists sat on the kang in the house to choose medicinal materials.They were all teenagers, their parents and relatives died and separated in the disaster, and they themselves were half starved to death. After they were taken in by Zhang Yingchen, they took care of them for a long time before they recovered a little bit.

Seeing him coming back, the two children immediately got off the kang and bowed to him inexperiencedly.

"Okay, you guys continue to shoot the medicine." Zhang Yingchen said with a smile, "How is it? How many herbs have you recognized?"

"Only recognize more than ten kinds..." one of the children replied.

"Well, the herbs I use here are few, and it's hard for you to recognize as many as you want. Tomorrow, I will go to the raw medicine shop to get the medicine, and I will teach you how many more to recognize on the spot."

"Thank you Master."

In addition to teaching them how to read characters during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhang Yingchen also takes time out every day to teach them to identify medicinal materials and recite soup songs.Do some enlightenment of traditional Chinese medicine.Generally speaking, he is quite satisfied with these two children, which are much better than the Daosheng he got before.

But these two children should not stay with him for a long time, they have not been purified, their bodies are relatively weak, and the local environment in Yizhou is complicated, so we must try to arrange for them to be sent away.

Zhang Yingchen took out a key from his waist and opened the door of the back room - this was his private room.He hid the most important things here, the so-called most important things are some medicines and medical equipment.The most important of these are his writing potion and code book.

Entering the back room, Ming and Qing first reported the family affairs: how many new words they taught the two juniors, the progress of the medicine, who came to Zhang Yingchen, and what unusual things happened outside the door.

The most suspicious thing is that three or four strange beggars live in the outermost part of the Taoist temple. They are not as weak and wilted as others, but they look full of energy.I don't often go out to beg.Sometimes at the door.One of them often wandered around the back door of the Taoist temple.

"Well, you've done a good job." Zhang Yingchen praised him, "We men are foreigners here, so we should be more careful. You go out first."

He locked the door and lit the oil lamp—the shutters were down, and the room was dark.Seven or eight days ago, a death threat with crooked characters fell in his yard-he couldn't do it carelessly.

Zhang Yingchen had read a lot of Taoist materials before, and also dabbled in many classics, incision materials and research papers of various folk religions and secret societies in the late Ming Dynasty.However, he has been in the local area for more than half a month and has deeply felt that the historical data are too limited - the situation he faces is more complicated and difficult to grasp than what is recorded in the book.

According to the content he has mastered, there are more than ten secret societies of various kinds in this area taking advantage of the famine to preach and develop organizations to buy people's hearts.Some of them he had never heard of.

Zhang Yingchen touched the pistol holster under his ribs: a Glock19 pistol - he can go to Li District without any weapons, no matter whether it is Li people or Miao people, he will not kill people at will, let alone kill a person doctor.But the current Lunan area is simply a hornet's nest - both the Foreign Intelligence Agency and Zhao Yingong objected to his activities in counties and counties without logistical support alone.

What's more, his current behavior is not only good for the government, but also for those secret religious societies, and he is suspected of having "ulterior motives".If you don't take more care, your life will be a matter of every second.Sometimes Zhang Yingchen also admires himself as a person of "belief". He dissolves a special writing medicine with clear water, and then dips a brush into it and writes quickly.

The letter was written to Zhao Yingong, and Zhang Yingchen was eager to know how his progress in Qilu was going.Have you set up a relatively stable base? Not only does he have manpower to deliver, but he is also eager to get supplies of medicine from Zhao Yingong's channel.

He blew dry the first letter he had written, and then wrote some insignificant content with a brush in the spaced lines of the cipher text.After the letter was written and sealed, the sealing wax was wrapped with oilcloth.Tomorrow, he was going to personally deliver it to a shop in the city. Every three or four days, that shop would have its staff go to Linqing to deliver letters and handle errands, and they could do it for a little money.When the man arrived in Linqing, he handed over the letter to the local Qiweizhan.Qiweizhan used pigeons to send letters, and the letters could arrive in Hangzhou within three or four days, and then sent out by telegram.Zhao Yingong and Lingao will know the contents of his letter within a week.

Although this speed of transmission is extremely fast in this time and space, it is still unimaginably slow for the elders.And there are too many uncertainties.

Zhang Yingchen has no other choice, this is not the place to set up points for the five elements, five merchants and black dragons.The closest contact point to him is Linqing, the shipping center in Ludi on the Grand Canal.

The second letter was more cautious. Not only did he use the writing potion, but he also converted it into a password before writing it.This is a very sensitive letter about how to carry out further activities in Qilu.Except for his deputy, Dai E, and the head of the Religious Affairs Office, he does not want anyone else to know about this for the time being—as an independent department, Xintaoism has its own codebook—just like Lingao Church.However, He Ying, as the director of the religious office, has the codebooks of the two of them.

In fact, Zhang Zhang has a bigger and more intense plan in mind.What the letter talked about was a targeted plan for the Dengzhou Rebellion:
"Old Dai, see the words as the face:
As Operation Engine unfolds, you and I, members of the honorable Senate, must make every possible preparation for the Dengzhou Rebellion.Considering the urgency of time, it is difficult to maximize the population transfer only by relying on indigenous bureaucrats.Therefore, I referred to the incident of the Queen Mother of the West during the reign of Emperor Ai in "Han Shu Wu Xing Zhi", and felt that it was necessary to use the folk religion and the worship of the inanimate mother, which had become rampant in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan area, to create a little bit in advance. The legend of the holy ship that saves all beings.I also conveyed this opinion to the Great Library and Intelligence Department. I think this plan has certain value for the engine operation.However, the uncertainty is also worrying, please talk to Yu Eshui and Director Zhao for me, in my opinion, no one is more interested in this plan than him..."

Some words were not mentioned in Zhang Yingchen’s private letter, such as how many tragedies would be caused by the riots that erupted blindly among the people. Obviously, Zhang Yingchen deliberately ignored this part—no wonder he didn’t mention the use of New Taoism as a way to spread rumors and guide public opinion Tools, in the eyes of Zhang Zhangjiao, it is better to leave this kind of dirty work to the folk religions that are destined to be banned.

After writing this paragraph, Zhang Yingchen felt a little hesitant—he felt that He Ying might try his best to oppose his plan.The risk he personally bears in this plan is extremely high, and it will be difficult for Lao He as the head of the department to take care of it if something goes wrong.

No matter, he thought, to get more people, it is necessary to mess up Qilu more.At least in the intelligence and civil affairs departments, his idea has received a lot of support.However, with his current tragic execution ability, he himself has no idea how effective it can be.

"No one can do anything!" Zhang Yingchen was heartbroken and once again thought of those boys around the porridge market—what a resource!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel excited.Or just recruit seventeen or eight of them and come back!Anyway, they can be sent directly to Linqing, and let the Weizhan ship transport them back to the south of the Yangtze River.

Then, at the end of the letter, he asked Lao Dai to send a few of the current Taoist students who could speak better Mandarin and who were reliable in religion to Qilu for use.In addition, he added a few words, asking Dai E to try to get some powerful bodyguards or members of the special investigation team to come to Qilu to "help out."Especially to protect your own safety.

After writing the letter, he got up and stretched his waist, and walked outside to watch the Taoist students process the medicinal materials.The "epidemics" after the flood are almost all intestinal infectious diseases, and the medicines are simple.Most of the medicinal materials processed by Daosheng are this kind of medicinal materials.In addition, he also has a special "antidiarrheal medicine" in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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