Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 975 Counterattack

Chapter 975 Counterattack
Popularization of science is the strength of expatriates—everyone has science popularization items in the training courses before assignment.As for popular science textbooks, popular science books basically come from old time and space, and most of them were compiled in the 50s and 60s. The researchers of the large library believe that the scientific level of the people in that era is limited compared with the level of the common people in Ming Dynasty. , should be the most applicable.As for "One Hundred Thousand Whys", at least readers at the elementary school level can understand it.

He immediately started with why it rained, talked about the evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, and the condensation of water, then talked about the positive and negative charges in the clouds, and finally said the formation of lightning.

This set of rhetoric is easy to understand, and Zhuang Yongling and others who have never been in contact with natural science are fascinated by it. Rain and thunder, and clouds in the sky are the most common things in daily life. In this way", when young people are eager to learn, and these principles cannot be found in books.There is a saying among the folks that the father of thunder and the mother of lightning, but scholars generally do not believe this kind of rhetoric.

It was the first time they heard Zhang Yingchen's statement, and they found it very novel, although there were many things they could not understand or even doubted.

As soon as he came to an end, Zhuang Yongling and others quickly asked many questions: Why does water evaporate?How can matter change form?Where does the "charge" in the cloud come from?

Min Zhanlian thought to himself, good guy, this time he has penetrated to the level of the microcosmic world—as expected of a future Jinshi foundation.Fortunately, the researchers discussed how to answer similar questions, and finally decided to quote some ancient Chinese scholarship, especially the theory of Mohism.Of course, whether Mozi's so-called "end" is the atom theory is controversial in the academic circles, and the researchers of the big library are just borrowing it for "localization".

After all, this theory is too profound, and it is really difficult for children who are only in their teens and have only been exposed to the "Thirteen Classics".

But seeing that this theory opened their eyes, Zhuang Yongling's face was full of excitement:

"A real person is a great talent!" He said with a look of admiration, "It's a blessing that a real person is in our village! Students want to ask a real person for advice every day."

"Why not." Zhang Yingchen thought it would be better if he "poisoned" you.Poisoning your father and uncle is difficult, but poisoning you is still very confident.He agreed with a smile on his face.

Zhang Yingchen took out another science booklet from his bosom, which was recently delivered by Qiweizhan in Linqing, and the Great Library newly edited "Gewu Xiaoshi", which mostly covered astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, geography little knowledge.It is used as a kind of popular science enlightenment books.A batch has just been printed in Hangzhou recently.

"This is a strange book from overseas, you should keep it carefully and read it."

"Thank you, real person!" As soon as Zhuang Yongling took it, the three teenagers couldn't wait to get together and look at it.

In the farmhouse outside the city of Yizhou, all the main leaders of the Nan Wuliang Sect in the locality gathered—everyone’s face showed a kind of expression of sorrow for the death of a rabbit, or rather the expression of imminent catastrophe
The apostle who came to the Yizhou sub-altar like a fairy descended to the mortal world at the beginning has disappeared. It is said that she has been taken back to the main altar in Jinan to deal with it because she "missed the opportunity": one can imagine what will happen when she arrives in Jinan.

Several incense masters directly under the jurisdiction of the Yizhou sub-altar who cooperated with her were still in the crowd, all of them showed panic.Others are reluctant to get too close to them.

The middle-aged man who had met Min Zhanlian with extraordinary poise was still trying to stay calm at this moment, and said with a sneer, "What's his a little bit of morality? Not to mention the leader, he was strangled to death by a little finger of the Four Great Guardians. "

Everyone was silent - what abilities the leader and the guardians have, it has little to do with them right now.If things go wrong, the key is to find out how to deal with them.This Daoist Zhang is so powerful, what if he refuses to give up and wants to call him?They had already heard of Zhang Yingchen's "Thunderstorm" spell, and they thought he would use the Five Thunder Technique or something like that. If one thunder strikes, they don't have the body of a half-celestial being, and they will immediately turn into coke.

"Everyone, don't mess around!" The middle-aged man kept encouraging everyone, "He is alone, so what if he is a half-immortal? Besides, he must be a demon and heretic, and he has some magic tricks to bluff people."

He pointed to a incense owner: "Isn't the incense owner of Dadianzhuang one of your subordinates? Why didn't he come? How many incense sticks are there?"

The other party said with a sad face: "Report to the superior: Dadianzhuang, and the Xiangzhu and Sixiang of the Zhuang family are black! They voted for that heretic! They sold all our people in it. Now the Zhuangzhuang sells Dadianzhuang and the house. They were all washed, except for the few who would rather die than be blacked out, they are now under Taoist Zhang's subordinates..."

"Why didn't you say this earlier?!" The middle-aged man was furious.

"The villain just found out just now." The incense master trembled in fright.

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "Forget it! You quickly pass on my order to the few people who ran out: I want them to try to figure out the movements of heretics!"

"Yes, yes, the villain will do it now!"

"Where is that Min Zhanlian and his subordinates now?"

"Sir, they packed their bags and went to Linqing early this morning..." The shopkeeper of the Wang family's old shop is also a "Si Xiang", "I persuaded them not to leave, they didn't listen—"

"So you let them go away?" The altar master's face suddenly became very gloomy.

"Yes, yes, the villain can't stop it." Shopkeeper Wang was terrified, "But the villain gave medicine to their horse... If the antidote is not used at noon, the horse will collapse in the afternoon..."

"Hehe, good!" The altar master's eyebrows and eyes suddenly widened, "Well done!" He turned his head and ordered: "Immediately send a letter to all the sub-altars along the way, and try to cut off their food. Send someone to 'persuade' them, Want to run away before taking the money? No way!" The altar owner sneered, "I think they can run away!"

The meeting is over.The altar master paced back to the back room.

In the back room, on the kang against the wall, was sitting the apostle who everyone thought was going back to the main altar.

The girl in red was no longer wearing red at this time, but was dressed in blue cloth, just like an ordinary peasant girl.He looked pale and out of his mind.

"The Soul-Searching Sword is gone, and it's moving really fast." The altar master sighed, "I'm afraid we are in big trouble."

The apologist frowned: "You are in serious trouble. Didn't you propose to kill that Taoist priest?"

"Hmph, don't make yourself look like someone who has nothing to do. Soul Search Sword has run away, and it's no longer your business here, why don't you go back to Jinan Mansion?" The altar master sneered, "We are grasshoppers on a rope, Don't separate each other!"

The envoy's face turned blue and then pale, just as the altar master said: She dare not go back to the main altar, now she has lost: she must try to win back some of her roots before she can go back to face the leader and guardian of the altar.

"What do you say?" Her tone had slowed down.

"The only way to kill Taoist Zhang..."

"Killed?" The girl lost her voice, "Even dozens of thunder and fire hit him and didn't kill him. How did we kill him?"

"Since he doesn't want Lei Jie, let's do it with soldiers." The altar master said harshly, "I don't believe it, he has the ability to be invulnerable?"

The spell of invulnerability was very popular at that time, but everyone in their sect knew that it could only be regarded as a kind of "color", and it could not be regarded as real.

The envoy pondered for a moment. Although she had no idea, she still wanted to take a gamble.

If this Taoist priest can be killed or seriously injured, at least he can have an explanation to the higher authorities.

"Okay! He's nothing more than something heretic. Let's prepare some filth to break him!" She nodded.

"Well, I'm going to trouble you with this matter—the Soul Search Sword is unreliable. In terms of martial arts, you are the best here." The middle-aged man said, "Of course, I will send all the local masters to you Send." He said harshly, "The big deal is to swarm up, I see how many five thunders he can cast!"

"Search Soul Sword will force him to come back to help." The girl said, "His group of people is very strong, let them take the lead! Otherwise, our casualties will be too many, so it's hard to explain." She stood up abruptly, "Here I'll prepare my horses, and I'll go after them immediately!"

"It's been less than two hours since they set off. The weather is too hot and the horses won't run fast. They probably haven't left Yizhou yet!"

It was too late when Min Zhanlian realized that his horse had caught the road.When the last horse also fell on the official road and died, and then became a bloody horse stand under the siege of a group of hungry people, he realized that he was too careless this time.

Although he was careful everywhere, he still didn't expect that the other party would tamper with his horse.Even if He Bo and others were left to take care of him at the inn, it was still impossible to keep an eye on the situation in the stable.

Now, they are trapped on the road from Yizhou to Linqing, lost their horses, and trek along the muddy river-like official road after the heavy rain, with the scorching sun and steam above and around their heads, even though they are all physically strong, Also quickly exhausted from the trek.What's worse is that they didn't bring much dry food.

There is almost no food to buy in the disaster area.What's more, the matter happened in a hurry, and I didn't bring much dry food when I set off from the Wang's old inn. I thought that I would be able to reach Linqing in a few days, but I didn't expect that there would be problems with the horse.

Min Zhanlian secretly cursed: These monsters.Of course he understood that the other party was unwilling to let him go, but he really didn't want to deal with that weird Taoist Zhang anymore.

As far as he was safe and sound after being struck by lightning dozens of times, Min Zhanlian already felt that he didn't have the courage to face him.

Even so, I still have a grudge in my heart.This time, I lost a lot.Not only did he fail to kill, but his behavior of running away in a hurry, if it spread, it would embarrass him.

(End of this chapter)

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