Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 977 Captured alive

Chapter 977 Captured alive
Almost at the same time, the people under him showed their weapons and rushed out of the woods.

Some blocked the head, some hit the tail, and some rushed straight to the center of the team, with swords and guns raised at the same time, as fast as a thunderbolt.

Min Zhanlian only saw a flash of fire on the opponent's horse, and then a thunderclap—they were actually carrying firecrackers!Before a single thought had passed, fire and thunder rang out one after another.

In a split second, he saw Uncle He throw out his waist knife as if he had been punched severely, and his body fell backward at an inconceivable angle, spattering with blood.

The three eyes and ears arranged to break the back road, because the target of the attack was at the back of the team, they rushed out of the woods in one go, which can be called moving like a rabbit, but they all fell down after five consecutive loud noises.One of them lost half of its head after a loud bang, and its brains splattered.

This was the last scene he saw.

Within 30 seconds, Min Zhanlian and his eight subordinates fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Ye Mengyan put his Glock pistol back into his robe—thanks to the pistol rapid-fire training conducted by Xue Ziliang and other old beauties, he and his team members knocked down nine moving targets within 30 seconds.This is nothing: according to the assessment standards, this is not even a passing grade-everyone has only 0.9 goals, which is a piece of cake.

"Clear!" The players shouted one after another.Ye Mengyan frowned:

"Control the battlefield! Recover the bullet casings!"

Several team members immediately rode their horses to control the front and rear intersections to take charge of vigilance, and some went to examine and dispose of the corpses.

There were nine attackers, seven men and two women.The team members searched their belongings a little bit, nothing more than changing clothes, weapons and a little silver.

Of the nine, only one man and one woman are still alive.The man was shot in the thigh, and the bullet passed through the flesh, and the woman was also shot, but the bullet passed.Just overwhelmed by fright, passed out.

"Probably some kind of gangster. Not a serious person." The guide said, looking at the items he had found.Otherwise, it would not be possible to block roads and robbery on official roads - this is a serious crime. Generally, some wealthy quacks may have done murder and arson behind their backs, but road blocking and robbery are the work of green forest heroes. Once they are taken out, they will be thrown away. head.

"Zhao Kai is dead." Someone came to report.Speaking of presenting a dart.

Ye Mengyan took the blood-stained dart with a disgusted expression - the workmanship is very fine, and the surface is slightly dark.He smelled a familiar smell.

"Poison Arrow Wood!" He immediately remembered that when they were practicing in the Li people's territory, they had seen Li people's hunters search for this thing and use it to stain arrows-it is said that this thing was occasionally bought by the Han people in the past.

Arrow poison wood is a rare tropical plant, and it is unexpected that this group of thieves also has it.It appears that demand is the market.

"What about the captives?"

"Make up a knife and throw it into the ditch." Ye Mengyan said indifferently, he is on his way now and cannot take prisoners.Although this place is relatively remote, and there are few pedestrians in the afternoon, it is an official road after all.People come and go and cannot stay for long.

"Captain, look!" Suddenly a team member handed over a roll of paper, and Ye Mengyan opened it casually, and it turned out to be a portrait of Daoist Zhang!
"Tie it up and take it away!" Ye Mengyan changed his mind.

The injuries of the two were not serious, and there were no bullets left - if the injuries were too serious or the bullets were left deep in the body, they could not be cured with their abilities, then they had to be sent on the road.

There has long been a rule for carrying captives: wear a hat on the head, cover the face with a veil, put on veil, wrap the body in a cloak, and look like a knight on the road.

It's just that the prisoner has a shackle in his mouth, the eye veil is opaque, and his hands are tied--the special belt made by Lingao is used, but the material is tough and fine rattan.The captives were strung on horses, unable to shout or move, and could only follow the team in the dark, without any second thoughts.

Of course, Ye Mengyan couldn't think of such a way. All these tricks of the rivers and lakes were learned from Wei Li-although the bodyguard bureau doesn't do black work, it deals with people who do black work every day, and knows every move and every style. clearly.

A group of people hurried on the road, and soon arrived at Dadianzhuang, where someone had already been there to meet them.

Zhang Yingchen's power in Dadianzhuang has grown -- it's not that he deliberately did it.The disciples of Nan Wuliang Sect in Dadianzhuang, from the incense master, Si Xiang to ordinary believers, all turned against the water.Before Zhang Yingchen could react, he became "Zhang Jiaozhu" and "Zhang Immortal".

It wasn't just the sect organization in Dadian Zhuang who turned against the water, but the Nan Wuliang sect in the entire Yizhou area was shaken. The panic of the altar master and the upper echelons seemed to confirm the legend of the "fight" at the dealer that night.

Although an order has been uploaded from the Yizhou altar that believers are not allowed to spread the matter, and declared that the fighting method is completely "non-existent", the believers in Dadianzhuang seem to prove that their choice is the "righteous way" and are particularly keen on it. Spread the word about it.Bragging about the "Boundless Magic Power" of Master Zhang everywhere, Zhang Yingchen originally thought they were going to talk about "Yu Lei", but he didn't expect that in less than a week, his various "divine achievements" were almost like gods.

Zhang Yingchen had already gained a lot of fame in Yizhou for free clinics and treatment, plus this "fighting".The incense masters, sixiang and believers from various villages and towns in Yizhou came to Dadianzhuang privately to "see" "Zhen Zhenren" and offer various gifts.Zhang Yingchen knew that these people were ready to change their families at any time.

Even in the banker, he had a great breakthrough among the female relatives.Several female family members of the owner's family expressed their willingness to convert to his "New Taoism".

At that time, folk religion often had more influence among women than men.Through the spread of eunuchs, it quickly penetrated into places like the inner court of the harem: women in deep boudoirs are easily influenced by these popular and simple folk religions.Palace ladies and concubines all have followers.Research on folk religion shows that the legends and beliefs of the Nine-Lotus Madonna circulated in the Chongzhen Palace also have a great relationship with folk religion.As for the "Striking Case" among the three famous cases, it was also involved in the consecration of a well-known folk religion at the same time.

"The revolutionary situation is changing with each passing day, and the poverty-stricken people really can't keep up." Zhang Yingchen was restless in the manor house over this happy situation, happy that he was able to open up such a situation in Yizhou, which was unexpected - now not only he can He easily organized immigrants, and even occupied a territory here, laying the foundation for the large-scale operations of the Senate in the local area in the future; worrying about his reputation, he could easily become the target of public criticism.

I thought that I was just doing a local free clinic at the beginning, but I was plotted against by my opponent.Now that you want to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, I don't know what methods the enemy will use?How will the government and dealers view this freshly baked "magic stick"?Although I am appreciated by Zhuang Qian, the owner of the family, and now I am loved by the nephews of the Zhuang family, but such a farming and studying family has always been wary of monks and Taoists. Their reputation is too great, and the other party may deliberately alienate them.

Once he loses the protective umbrella of the banker, not only the Nan Wuliang Church will use all its strength to deal with him, but even the government will try to make him look good anytime and anywhere.This was what he was most worried about - a "bewitching words to confuse the crowd" or "the remnants of the White Lotus Sect" was enough to kill him.

Just when he was worried, the arrival of Ye Mengyan's team lifted his spirits -- the missionaries who were born in old boys trained by Lao Dai are of course useful, but right now there is no "knife handle" for them.

On the hill, there is a forest.Next to the woods is a small temple.It is less than two miles away from Dadianzhuang, and it was originally the real estate of the incense owner in Dadianzhuang.Later, a small temple was built here with the donations of the congregation.After the incense master turned his back on the water, the temple also fell into the hands of Zhang Yingchen, and became another stronghold for his activities outside the village.

It is said to be a temple, but it is actually just a small courtyard.The houses are small.The palace was empty.Zhang Yingchen preached that the new Taoism "does not work with idols", so the entire temple was empty, and only the God of Haotian and the God of Sanqing were set up.

In the small courtyard, seven or eight knights were divided into several places to stand and sit, but they did not chat.Instead, he watched all directions and entrances and exits vigilantly—they were the members of the special investigation team brought by Ye Mengyan.They were placed here after joining Zhang Yingchen.

In the wing room, the prisoner is being interrogated.

The two captives had treated their wounds and poured a bowl of glucose saline to refresh them a bit.

The person who asked the confession was very careful, and the captives were stripped naked, regardless of whether they were men or women.

The two team members knelt down on the ground and held the shoulders to prevent sudden violent injuries, and the person in charge asked for a statement.

The person in charge is Ye Mengyan himself, accompanied by the guide and escort sent by Qiwei. He is an interpreter and pays attention to whether the other party is lying. .

Min Zhanlian was the first to be pulled out for trial. Even if nothing was found from him, based on the common sense of society in this time and space, it can be known that his status is probably higher than that of female captives.

Min Zhanlian is only 25 or [-] years old. His body is strong and tough, but his muscles and bones are not particularly strong. He is well-proportioned and strong, with soft lines like a leopard.The bodyguard knew at a glance that this person was an expert in martial arts, and definitely not an ordinary person.Even a veteran like Ye Mengyan has to admit: this person has excellent muscle coordination, and Chen Sigen will definitely be greatly praised.

However, it can also be seen from this that if the ancients wanted to be a martial arts master, they had to be from wealthy families. Otherwise, the protein needed to develop the muscles of the body would not be within the reach of ordinary people who dream of having a full meal.

All his belongings were laid out on the ground one by one: dozens of taels of silver, a few strings of coins, a few small government notes and Shanxi bank notes: only 200 taels.Simple luggage, a hand knife.

(End of this chapter)

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