Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 993 Changhua Fort

Chapter 993 Changhua Fort

This place is Changhua Fort.Since the first sailing around the whole island, Changhua, as the first independent fort stationed abroad, has been expanded several times.It has expanded from a simple fortified blockhouse to a small coastal bastion, hunting the flag of the Venus, and a 24-pound naval cannon on the bastion controls Sanjia Port, the sea gateway of Changhua.

Less than one kilometer away from the bastion, on the coastal wasteland near the Changhua River, a large wasteland was surrounded by wooden fences and thorny fast-growing plants, and rows of barn pens were built.This place is the Changhua Ranch, the main source of animal power and carnivorous livestock currently used in Lingao.

The Council of Agriculture raises a large number of famous Changhua sheep on the seaside pasture here.Cattle are supplied by local people.Wu Nanhai and Yang Baogui visited the Changhua Ranch many times to inspect and guide the work, constantly expanding the scale of the breeding industry.In particular, Yang Guigui used Changhua sheep as the female parent in the local area, and used frozen sperm to breed fine-bred sheep.The Council of Agriculture also sows a large number of high-quality grasses suitable for the local soil and climate here.

Thanks to the efforts of the Council of Agriculture, a large number of live sheep and cattle are now shipped to Lingao in Changhua every month.

Outside the Changhua Ranch, a small regular market has been formed. Li people come here on the first and fifteenth day of each month to trade various local products: exchange cattle, cotton cloth, venison deer skin, kapok and saponin beans for salt, small hardware, Sugar and various daily groceries.At other times, Changhua Fort also sent mobile trade caravans to go deep into the interior of Changhua for trade.

The large amount of groceries shipped from Lingao has stimulated the people's desire to consume. Compared with the past when there was only one back basket, what they sold was just salt and hardware. There is a wide variety of goods, high quality and much cheaper prices.

Although the Li people do not store gold and silver, there are many local products in the mountains. As long as you work hard, there are local products that Australians are willing to exchange everywhere.If it weren't for the Planning Institute's reluctance to exterminate the large and small deer in Changhua and limit the number of monthly purchases, the Limin would have killed all the local deer.

Such transactions certainly destroyed the livelihood of some local people, but the construction and operation of Changhua Fort required a lot of manpower, and these unemployed people were quickly employed by Changhua Fort.Although some people harbored resentment, no one had the guts to provoke the "kun thieves" armed with live ammunition and cannons.

In addition to conducting barter trade with Limin, Li Haiping also hired a large number of local migrant workers to mine quartz sand and supply it to Lingao's glass industry in accordance with the instructions of the industrial department.

As more and more people were employed in Changhua Fort, the commander Li Haiping selected some young men from the hired people to form a "regiment training" of 50 people, equipped with machetes and standard spears, and used them to defend the ranch. Safety.

As for the local government, they turned a blind eye to the Kun thief's every move-of course, even if they wanted to make a difference, they could do nothing.In Changhua, the presence of Daming is quite weak.

This peaceful situation was maintained until the Battle of Awakening in Summer: a naval company and three 12-pound mountain howitzers landed in Sanjiagang, and then quickly drove to Changhua under the leadership of the "leading party" organized by Changhuabao - Changhuabao Tuanlian Under the county seat.Dian Shi, who was acting as the county government agent in the county, surrendered Kaesong without hesitation. As for the Qianhusuo outside the city, although the young and strong military households were once concentrated to prepare for the battle, when the sailors launched the cannon, the soldiers of the guards station just fired a cannon. They scattered and fled, and Li Haiping commanded the sea soldiers to take down the Qianhusuo in one charge, and all the rest were captured without a fight, with zero casualties on both sides.

The Han population in Changhua is very small. Except for a few officers and landlords in the Qianhusuo, there is no power that can be called a gentry. Because there are few villages and many Li districts, ordinary bandits have no room to move. It was peaceful and there was no armed conflict.Typical of peaceful takeovers.

Despite occupying the county seat, the local governing body of the Senate has never entered Changhua County——the original Changhua canonical history of "Nursing the Changhua County Seal" is still in the dilapidated county government.It's not that he deliberately maintains the status of Daming, but in fact, there are really no buildings in the entire Changhua County that the elders would like.Instead of staying in a county with no infrastructure, it is better to stay in Changhuabao, which has a much better environment.

A few months ago, the joint working team sent by Lingao went to Changhua to conduct a comprehensive census, registered the household registration, surveyed and mapped the terrain and towns, and drew up the cadastre. A group of people were arrested and killed.Take all the local land, population and resources into your hands.

After some "purges", the Senate became the master of the entire Changhua County. More than 600 registered households and the same number of hidden households all belonged to the rule of the Senate.Become an on-the-go workforce.

Changhua has almost no economy due to its small population.Although natural resources are abundant, they are currently unable to develop them.That is to say, there are not many military affairs and no civil affairs to manage, so Kong Lingyang was sent to preside over the county administration and concurrently serve as the commander of Changhua Fort. Kong Lingyang is not an officer of the Fubo Army, but an authentic agricultural technician working in the Agricultural Committee. His appointment as the commander of Changhua Fort illustrates the position of the Senate on this place.

Kong Lingyang is a member of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Agricultural Committee, a "General".He and Yang Baogui are half of the same company.Also started as a veterinarian and later worked in a breeding station.Although he is very good at everything from academic qualifications to work experience, he even bought a full set of professional tools from the animal husbandry and veterinary station for the time-traveling group, as well as various breeding eggs and seeds, but after D-Day, he has been working in the farm for a long time. The committee assists Yang Guibao in animal husbandry work in a very low-key manner, unwilling to show that he is too "professional", lest he be fixed in the role of "technician".Based on his personal experience in the old time and space, being a "technician" is far less rapid than being an "administrative".

Yang Baogui is now well-known in the Senate. Every time the Executive Committee holds an enlarged meeting on agricultural issues, he will attend. It is indeed very good, but in the end he will fix himself in the role of "chief veterinarian"—— His Kong Lingyang's ambition does not lie in this.

A few months ago, he was sent to Changhua as the director of the county office and the commander of Changhua Fort, which made him feel that he had finally taken a solid first step in his official career.Although this appointment is mainly due to his professional skills-the Planning Institute is currently unable to carry out in-depth development of Changhua, and the local positioning is mainly based on agriculture and animal husbandry, and assists in the collection of a small amount of natural resources.

In this way, when choosing the director of the county office in Changhua, Kong Lingyang, who took the initiative to sign up, has agricultural and animal husbandry skills, and is not a key figure in the Agricultural Committee and the Tiandihui, became the most suitable candidate, let alone him Anyway, I also worked as a civil servant, so I have some understanding of administrative operations.

The status of Changhua is of course not comparable to that of the large county in Qiongbei managed by Liu Xiang and others, but at least there are about a thousand households in the county, with a population of less than ten thousand, a reinforced platoon of sailors and a newly formed The County Guard Company of the National Army - the original Changhua Fort Regiment Training.Although it is called a company, there are only more than 50 people at the moment, and it needs to be further adjusted and enriched.

Most of the National Army garrison companies formed in various counties were recruited locally, and are currently only needed for emergencies.When the situation in the counties is stable and a large number of immigrants arrive, the training directorate will adjust and train in rotation all the county guard companies of the national army.According to the plan, some people in each company will serve locally and some will serve in other places.

At this time, in the top hall of the main tower in the bastion, a small banquet was being held to welcome Major Wei Aiwen, Mu Min and Fang Jinghan from the Political Department of the General Staff who had just arrived by boat.

On the table, there are more than a dozen dishes steaming, all provided by local vegetable gardens, corrals and fishing boats. The most conspicuous one is a large plate of kebabs, sprinkled with sesame, cumin and chili, and grilled fragrantly. .Although eating this dish in Changhua in the hot summer is a little hard to swallow, but for the elders who are seriously short of meat and consume a lot, the climate will not affect their appetite.

There is no refrigeration or ice in the house, but it is close to the sea and on the third floor, and the windows are open to enjoy the refreshing sea breeze.Coupled with a lot of refreshing drinks that were chilled in the well, several people were sweating profusely after eating, and shouted happily

Except for Mu Min who ate less, Wei Aiwen and the others ate Hesai nonsense, and in a short while the table was full of bamboo sticks skewered with meat and many bottles of kvass and rice beer.

Kong Lingyang doesn't eat much vegetables - the food supply here is abundant, and he is one of the very few veterans who eat meat every day.Kong Lingyang is a fat man wearing square-frame glasses and wearing a cotton summer training uniform made by Lingao. While wiping sweat with a towel, he greets everyone to eat and drink.

"Old Kong, the conditions here are really good." Wei Aiwen finally had enough to eat, he sighed and praised while picking his teeth.

"There, it's not as good as the leaders of the Senate and the Executive Committee..." Kong Lingyang avoided mentioning the names of Mr. Wen and the governor, so as not to be too personal.Don't stand in line at will before the situation is clear. This is one of the lessons Kong Lingyang has learned from his five-year life as a civil servant.

"You don't want to come here." Wei Aiwen chuckled, "We are not unreasonable people." He hiccupped and asked the others: "Let's talk about work. thing?"

Mu Min nodded: "I'm full too, just in time to talk."

Naturally, Fang Jinghan and the others didn't have any objections—everyone ate to the brim.

Kong Lingyang nodded again and again: "Okay, okay." The caretaker cleaned up the leftovers on the table and prepared tea and paper stationery.He speculated that the sudden arrival of the "people from the central government" was probably related to the local affairs of the Li ethnic group.

(End of this chapter)

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