Swordsman in Tianlong

Chapter 23 No. 4 in the world

() Duan Yanqing held the stick and went up again, all his life's internal energy was channeled on the stick, the light iron stick immediately became as heavy as fifty or sixty catties, it was more than a single weapon, it had both light and heavy weapons.Chu Feng saw it in his eyes, and felt that Duan Yanqing made every move, leaving only the word "clumsy".

Duan Yanqing was still disabled after all, if Qiao Feng hadn't stayed in the coffin, the number one villain in the world would have been defeated long ago.Right now Qiao Feng is only defending but not attacking, Duan Yanqing has already taken advantage of the world, when we meet again in the future, how can there be such a good opportunity?

Nu'erhai is at a disadvantage, everyone in the arena, the most urgent thing is this section of Yanqing.The "sorrowful and crisp breeze" that Chu Feng chanted in his heart, when he carefully mentioned it to Shan Tie Mian, he did not hesitate to borrow Gu Zichen's reputation.If Yanqing knew about this, he would probably laugh out loud three times.It is true that Xixia Yipintang has this "Sorrowful Crisp Breeze", but the main medicines for the preparation of Sad Crisp Breeze can only be found in the depths of the Xixia Great Snow Mountain.

In the whole of Xixia, there is only one bottle hidden on Helian Tieshu, and there is another bottle on the Xixia King.But he, Duan Yanqing, is neither the prince of Xixia who commanded the army, nor the lord of Xixia, how could the lord of Xixia be willing to give such a sharp weapon to outsiders?

Duan Yanqing devoted all his life to regaining the Dali throne and getting back what should belong to him.After more than ten years, running around here and there, winning the reputation of the world's most villainous person is also the result of hard battles.When Xixia took the order, the king also briefly mentioned the matter of helping him restore the country in Dali. If he could get the help of a country, his chances of restoring the country would be infinitely greater, so he couldn't help but be indifferent.

But Nu Erhai can be regarded as No. 1 among Xi Xia warriors, since even he was defeated, there is no need to say more about the others, I'm afraid they are not worth it.Ever since he and Qiao Feng came together, this young leader of the Beggar Gang has given him "surprises" one after another.

After thinking about it a series of times, now Qiao Feng seems to be the number one enemy hindering his return to the country. He couldn't stop attacking again and again, and his heart gradually became anxious. When he went up again, he would naturally use Dali Megatron Tiannan One yang refers to force.Just hearing the "rumble" sound of the iron rod piercing the air, no one would have guessed that it was just a thin iron rod.

Unable to attack again, Duan Yanqing retreated and went up again, but this time it was different. He hit the bridge head hard with two iron sticks, and two pits immediately burst out on the compact ground. splash.The next moment, Duan Yanqing was already leaping high in the air, his internal energy was everywhere, the iron staff was as heavy as a mountain, since he was in the air, he didn't need to leave an iron staff to support his body from time to time.However, since a person is in the air, he has nowhere to focus. Once he exhausts his strength, when he falls to the ground, he is actually defeated.

Qiao Feng stood in front of the coffin, his body motionless, and he also had a three-point admiration for the world's most wicked person in front of him.Previously, the Duan family's swordsmanship was not well-known, and the Dali Duan family seldom used it to fight against enemies, although he didn't know the basics of swordsmanship.But in terms of martial arts, that sword move is majestic and majestic, it is really not some evil spirit.The number one villain in the world is not born to be evil, and if you look at his disability, you can get a glimpse of the tragedy in his life.

Qiao Feng also didn't know that he was close to the truth by observing people with martial arts, now that Duan Yanqing is about to make a fierce move, he has a strong intention of going all out, and wants to decide the victory or defeat with him in this move.He has been in the Jianghu for many years, when his teacher Wang Jiantong was alive, he handed over all the big and small affairs of the gang to him, and later took over the position of the gang leader, after dozens of battles, the stronger the enemy, the more fun he fought.

Duan Yanqing was in the air, knowing that the opportunity is rare, the two sticks pierced the air, stabbing out consecutively.This was the only moment when he was no longer troubled by the disability of his legs. The two sticks were pointed out repeatedly, and the subtlety of Yiyang finger was clearly evident.The sound of the iron staff pierced through the air, Qiao Feng stood still, protecting the black coffin behind him, receiving as many as he could, dialing as many as he could.

Yun Zhonghe stood by, and when he heard that Nu Erhai asked him for help, he still had some doubts.Originally, according to their brothers' agreement, Duan Yanqing held Qiao Feng head-on, and he used the world's best lightness kungfu to bully him, it would be better if he could take Ma Dayuan's head.If he can't, once he is caught, his body will be divided into two parts, so that the deputy leader of the beggar gang will not be completely dead, and he can do business as much as possible when he returns to Xixia.

However, before the meeting with Qiao Feng, not to mention that he was a crane in the clouds, even Duan Yanqing himself did not expect that Qiao Feng would be able to force him to come closer by staying within three feet of the coffin.The word "containment" in the plan is more like a fantasy.Duan Yanqing exerted all his strength this time, and his energy overflowed within a few feet.A little bit, two of them flew in front of Yun Zhonghe, he blocked it with steel claws, when he touched it, he felt like being struck by thunder, and couldn't help feeling sad: the boss didn't use all his strength, it's just that this young man The leader of the beggar gang is indeed the number one expert he has ever seen in his life.

Chu Feng was originally beside the black coffin. When he saw Duan Yanqing jumping in the air, he had already consciously retreated three feet away. There is no flat place.He secretly said "Pervert", Duan Yanqing is indeed a pervert, but in terms of skill, this Qiao Fengqiao gang leader is even the best in the world.Until now, Qiao Feng's wishful swing was still the "Taizu Long Fist".Others will not talk about it. If Chu Feng challenged Qiao Feng with great interest one day, he would actually abuse him with the Taizu Long Fist. He would not even see the legendary "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms" , I'm afraid it's because I want to die.

Duan Yanqing didn't know if he knew what Chu Feng was thinking, anyway, he was in the air, borrowed a bit or two of strength from Qiao Feng's punches, and jumped into the air again, attacking Qiao Feng continuously, his moves were even more fierce.Yun Zhonghe looked at the two people fighting in the arena, knowing that it was difficult for him to intervene in it, he slowly rose up, floated backwards, and looked at the place where Nu Erhai and Wu Changfeng were fighting.

When Nu Erhai's arms were intact, he was still no match for Wu Changfeng, but now he can't even use his left arm, let alone use his strength.But just now it can be regarded as a contest, Nu Erhai didn't know Wu Changfeng's identity, and he felt a little contemptuous, now he knows who this old beggar is, and also knows that if he loses another trick, his life will be in danger , there is still no life.After counting the tricks, there were many dangers, but Wu Changfeng had never been slashed by him.

Yun Zhonghe came here in high spirits, but was forced by Qiao Feng's aura and dared not even move forward. He promised Yue Laosan to take Chu Feng's head, but Chu Feng was still alive and well.He thought to himself: "Boss is desperate for his life, and if he thinks about it, he can delay Gang Leader Qiao for a while." But even though he thought so, he didn't decide to take Ma Dayuan's head according to the plan, but he was thinking "I Go to help Nu Erhai and other guys first, and defeat the red-faced old beggar with two against one. After such a turn, at the end, the big guys all attack Chief Qiao, even if he is really martial arts, he will definitely not escape robbery!"

"Boy, I'll let you live a little longer!" Yun Zhonghe made up his mind, of course he didn't want to spend any more time on a "little character" like Chu Feng, so he slowly rose up and floated towards Nu Erhai , but he couldn't help but add such a sentence.

Chu Feng could guess three points of his thoughts by looking at his figure and movements. Wu Changfeng's martial arts are far better than Nu Erhai's, but compared with the fourth villain in the world, he may be one or two points better.But if he wants to fight two against one, it will be difficult for the strong.As long as this Wu Changfeng loses, the balance in the field will definitely fall to Yipintang.From this point of view, Chu Feng really can only "live a little longer"...

The world's lightness kung fu, between small rooms, advancing and retreating tends to avoid, it is undoubtedly the best in the world with "Lingboweibu".Chu Feng took two steps forward, rushed in front of Yun Zhonghe, stopped him, and said in a loud voice: "The fourth wicked man in the world, how can talking be a joke?" This is what Yun Zhonghe said when he attacked. Yue Laosan rest assured that Chu Feng will be dealt with by him.

Yun Zhonghe didn't expect that Chu Feng would dare to chase after him. Compared with his timidity when facing Qiao Feng, this kid completely outshone him in courage, and he was ashamed and angry, and he cursed: "Looking for death!" !" As for Chu Feng's Qinggong, he really didn't take it to heart.

ps: The two chapters are finished and will be presented in advance.Begin Monday/Tuesday to wrap up the drama.

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