()Qiao Feng spoke out first, and the five senior monks of the Xuan family in Shaolin did not dare to neglect, and said in unison: "Shaolin Xuannan (Xuanji, Xuanbei, Xuanming, Xuandu) refer to the leader of Qiao's sect, and have seen the six monks of the beggar's sect. Old." As for the eight masters of the Hui generation behind them, they didn't even announce their names, they just stood respectfully.

The six elders of the Beggars' Clan have a lot of friends, and Shaolin of the Beggars' Clan is also in Henan, so they have a lot of contacts on weekdays.Even if they didn't know the five senior monks of the Xuan family, they must be old friends when it comes to their senior monks, and they chatted with each other.

Chu Feng was a little bored watching a group of old people there saying "Long time no see", "It's really long time no see", "How is your 'Sleeve Universe'", "Your 'Turn Arm Fist' is even more domineering"... …

It wasn't just someone who turned the topic to today's battle at the bridgehead. After the big guys were amazed at "Governor Qiao is really amazing", they despised "the four villains are full of evil".Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng felt that he was completely surrounded.

In fact, it was Chu Feng himself who came down all day today and followed the beggar gang all the time. Qiao Feng treated him kindly, and the six elders of the beggar gang accepted him as a favor, and they didn't put any airs on him.Once the awe was gone, he was very comfortable getting along with each other, and he didn't care about the seven members of the beggar gang, he picked one at random, and they were all powerful figures.

Shaolin host master Xuanci heard that Xixia Yipin Hall went east to Luoyang, after thinking about it, he sent five Xuanzi and eight Huizi, a total of thirteen masters, out of Shaoshi Mountain, and went straight to the Beggars' Clan to wait for dispatch.It's just that they came a bit late, the Beggar Gang had already expelled Yipintang, and killed Yun Zhonghe to avenge Ma Dayuan.

Originally, Xuannan and others rushed to help the Beggar Gang, as a fellow martial artist, it was a due duty; but when Ye went to Xinyang, among the seven top masters of the Beggar Gang from Qiao Feng down, unexpectedly there was such a young man, There is not even a cloth bag behind him, so he must not be a disciple of the beggar gang.When this young man meets a Shaolin expert, it's fine if he doesn't follow the courtesy of a disciple, and the elders of the Beggar Clan don't mention anything to him.

However, since Chu Feng was standing behind Qiao Feng, the eminent monks of Shaolin Temple would not rush to teach him how to "respect martial arts seniors".Not to mention today's battle at the bridgehead, whether Qiao Feng or the six elders of the Beggar Clan spoke in unison and praised Chu Feng, the thirteen Shaolin masters couldn't help being greatly surprised.

"I don't know which elder has trained such a good student?" How could Xuannan believe that Chu Feng could fight Yun Zhonghe among the four villains for hundreds of rounds at a young age? People are all famous for him.In fact, the old monk thought it wrong. Qiao Feng and the others won a complete victory, but most of the family members suffered from flesh and blood injuries after a big battle. Is it because they want to say that Xixia's first-class reputation is in vain, or that our beggar gang is really domineering? Do not explain it?

After Wu Changfeng opened his mouth and said, "Chu Feng is a young man with amazing swordsmanship", Qiao Feng and the others naturally followed his words and praised Chu Feng greatly.

Hearing Xuannan's question, the six elders of the beggar gang looked at me and I looked at you, and they all knew that the old monk might have misunderstood, so they shook their heads at the same time.In the end, Qiao Feng smiled and said, "Brother Chu, you should say it yourself."

"Junior Beizong Chu Feng." Hearing Qiao Feng's call, Chu Feng straightened his clothes and answered with cupped hands.

The six elders of the beggar gang heard Shanzheng's story about Beizong, so they were naturally calm.Shaolin Xuannan was naturally puzzled, how could there be such a "Northern Sect" that could make the Beggar Gang stand up for this young man, the Hui generation heard this and there were many discussions, and they didn't know where this Northern Sect came from.Shan Zheng and Gu Zichen met many years ago, but it was just a coincidence. Beizong changed its name to "Wanhuilou", and the reputation in the world is indeed not obvious.

It's just this discussion, among the 13 people in Shaolin Temple, none of them said something like "Long admiration, long admiration".Even Chufeng didn't know whether to call these monks "sincere" or "arrogant".

"Inside, please." Several members of the beggar gang looked at each other, not knowing what the Shaolin people meant, and Qiao Feng didn't want to embarrass Chu Feng, so he slightly changed the subject, and turned sideways to greet the inn.

The seven members of the beggar gang stood at the door together with Chu Feng, and asked everyone from Shaolin Temple to enter the house first.There were thirteen monks, some were arrogant and some were modest, but when an old monk of the Xuan family passed by Chu Feng, he stared at his face for a while.Chu Feng didn't know why, and looked back at the past with a smile.

The old monk nodded, but did not speak.

The bartender in the inn had an eye-opener tonight.The innumerable bags on the shoulders of the six elders of the Beggar Clan, not to mention in this city of Xinyang, have traveled all over the Central Plains, they are all very important.The bartender felt a little dizzy when he heard the "Master Qiao" in the mouth of the six elders.Now these big shots are actually welcoming them out the door...

However, what made the bartender very resentful was that when he shouted "Live Bodhisattva" and was about to prostrate to meet the Shaolin monks, a monk of the wise generation helped him up, saying that he was going to arrange meals. stay.It's not that he recognized Xuannan and the others, it's just that he heard the word "Shaolin".

After all, we arrived in Xinyang, the old Ma Da's house is nearby, the beggar gang can be regarded as half of the landlords, so they divided the guests and hosts in this inn.

Chu Feng calmly thought about what it would be like if Shaolin Temple came half a day earlier, captured Xixia Yipintang, and took him back to Shaoshi Mountain to cultivate his body and mind, then Shaolin host Master Xuanci met his old lover Ye Erniang.

"Ahem..." Monk Xuannan looked at Chu Feng, clenched his fist with his right hand, and coughed twice in front of his lips.Chu Feng wandered away, thinking about what would happen in Shaolin Temple if "what if...".It was only when Monk Xuannan coughed three times, his face turned dark, and the cough almost turned into a real cough, that Chu Feng looked at the old monk innocently.

"In the past few months, there have been constant wind and rain in the rivers and lakes. If you want to talk about the first-class event, it is naturally that the heroes of the Beggar Clan assassinate Xixia Helian Tieshu first, and then defeat Xixia first-rank." Xuannan waited until Chu Feng looked at him. , stopped talking for a while, and asked, "This young man Chu, is he interested in listening?"

Although Chu Feng didn't know why Monk Xuannan asked such a question, the meaning of "chasing guests" in his words was very obvious.In fact, the reputation of the Beggar Gang has been growing in recent years, and it has the tendency to surpass Shaolin faintly.The thirteen monks from Shaolin Temple rushed hundreds of miles to help, and it was easy to say, but in the end they could only make a name for the beggar gang, and they were really unwilling to do so.

"Listen to the anecdote, or..." Before Qiao Feng could utter the word "no problem", Chu Feng stood up and said to him, "It happens that I'm a little tired, so I'd better take a rest first." The six elders of the beggar gang are the same.Chu Feng secretly said in his heart: anecdotes or something, Xuannan, do you know who the daughter-in-law of the boss of your family is, really...

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