() Xue Muhua looked at Chu Feng, and saw that his face was ruddy, and he was a little dry, and his heart was like the number one doctor Wang in Xinyang City.Of course, he also knew that Xue Muhua would not be able to bother him with such errands if he was just full of energy and blood, let alone offering Ma Dayuan's fame stunt.

"Chu Shaoxia, please." Xue Muhua still held the cheat book in his left hand, pointed to the chair beside him, and signaled Chu Feng to sit down.

Chu Feng opened his lips slightly, as if about to speak, but no sound came out.Xue Muhua could tell that what Chu Feng "said" was the word "you have to work", and he didn't care, he just thought that Chu Feng's voice was low and he didn't hear it.

"Give me your right hand." Xue Muhua said again.Chu Feng put his right hand in front of Xue Muhua as he said, but raised his left hand to his ear, put it behind his ear, and shook it.

Xue Muhua thought it was a bit strange, but the characters in Jianghu were much more strange, not to mention his own family, all of them were first-class monsters in the eyes of outsiders.Unexpectedly, as soon as his right hand touched the pulse of Chu Feng's wrist, he felt a surge of internal force. He was so startled that he pointed his left hand straight at Chu Feng's nose, and said tremblingly: "You are Ding...you are Hua..."" The three characters "Ding Chunqiu" said a T, and the four characters "Hua. Gong. Da. Fa" said a word of Hua, but they didn't dare to say all of them.

The Beiming Divine Art sucks people's internal energy, and transforms it into a person's internal energy. There is indeed a difference between "thousands of gold and abandoned land" for those who practice it. But to Xue Muhua, he only feels the internal energy flowing out of his body. I have time to distinguish between this and that.When Xue Muhua was astonished, he saw that Chu Feng had a slight smile on his face, and a force came from the two fingers of his right hand, and he had already bounced himself away.

"The dumb who is not dumb? The deaf who is not deaf?" Xue Muhua was inexplicably astonished. He is proficient in medical skills, and he already knew that his foundation was not damaged during the circulation of internal energy, and he only lost a little energy. Where is Chu Shaoxia's fairyland?" Chu Feng's actions that surprised him just now and his imaginary "transformation. Kungfu. Great. Law" immediately reminded him of his mentor.Xue Muhua was expelled from the teachers by his mentor "Mr. Congbian" in his early years, and later "Mr. Congbian" also became a "deaf-mute old man".

Chu Feng saw that his expression was very different, but his heart felt a little at ease, and he asked suspiciously, "Why did Divine Doctor Xue ask such a question?"

Doctor Xue was waiting to ask again, when Qiao Feng said: "Doctor Xue, brother Chu's injury has turned around?" Xue Muhua checked Chu Feng's wrist, and his complexion changed drastically.There were quite a few people with outstanding martial arts skills in the inn, but no one knew what was going on. It was just that there was something strange about Chu Feng's injury, which shocked even Divine Doctor Xue.

"It's okay. It's just that Chu Shaoxia's internal energy is blocked. Is there any secluded place here, so I can diagnose him carefully." Xue Muhua listened to Qiao Feng's inquiry, he responded casually, but thought in his heart: " It’s not an injury, maybe it’s another martial arts master, you and I are ignorant.” It’s just that he doesn’t know whether Chu Feng is practicing magic or evil, at least the way is not evil.

"The guest room of these gentlemen is the most secluded place in the store." Xiao Er pointed to Qiao Feng and the others honestly in the eyes of everyone asking.

"Wouldn't it be better if Divine Doctor Xue followed Chu Feng to the guest room?" Chu Feng smiled arrogantly. <Qiu is entrenched in Xingxiu Sea, just like his weird poisonous skills, he has been peeping at Leigu Mountain.This autumn's disciple, Xue Muhua felt that he needed to figure it out.But he didn't know whether Chu Feng didn't want to hurt him just now, or didn't want to hurt him, or didn't bother to hurt him...

"Just a cup of tea, if Xue hasn't come out yet, please ask Gang Master Qiao to come in and help." Xue Muhua thought about it, and said to Qiao Feng.The so-called helping each other naturally prevents Chu Feng from trying to kill him, and Qiao Feng can save his life if he comes in.

Qiao Feng naturally didn't mention it.

"Where did you learn this skill?" As soon as he entered the room, Xue Muhua stared at Chu Feng's eyes like flames, and roared softly.

"If I dare to say it, you dare to listen?" Chu Feng mocked.How did he know how to explain clearly to Xue Muhua, even if he wanted to tell Xue Muhua about the cheats for jumping off a cliff, no one would believe him.

"Isn't it just Xingxiu Haimen, why don't you dare to listen?" Xue Muhua provoked Chu Feng half-testingly.

Chu Feng looked at Xue Muhua's wide-eyed eyes. He didn't have the temperament of a genius doctor at all. He deliberately added a hint of disdain in his tone and said, "Xingxiuhai? You mean Old Monster Ding? He is also worthy?" After three questions in a row, Chu Feng's tone became more and more serious, and at the end it seemed that he was about to shout out.

When Xue Muhua heard Chu Feng dictate the words "Old Freak Ding", his mind immediately relaxed. Xing Xiuhai's skill in using poison is the best in the world, and his skill in flattering is even better than three points.If Chu Feng were Ding Chunqiu's disciple, just the word "Old Freak Ding" would have killed him without a place to bury him.

"Then how do you know about it... Well, how do you know about the 'deaf-mute old man'?" Xue Muhua asked tentatively.

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart: "If it wasn't for fear of your fast talk, who would pretend to be a deaf-mute old man... As for how I knew, would I tell you casually about the fact that I traveled through time?" , Chu Feng just smiled and didn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xue Muhua had so many thoughts in his mind that he couldn't make up his mind.From the first day he saw Chu Feng, he felt that the four words "handsome young man" that his teacher said back then seemed to be tailor-made for this young man.He originally wanted to introduce Chu Feng to his mentor, maybe the master was happy for a while and took back his old life, so he could return to the teacher's school.

He stared at Chu Feng for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked tentatively, "Are you the descendant of Master Uncle?" Treating the wounded, he actually took out all the famous stunts of Ma Dayuan, whose bones were not yet cold. He felt as if he understood it.

"Huh?" Chu Feng was noncommittal.How did he know that the seemingly serious old man in front of him had gone to a weird corner that he never thought of.

"Hey..." Xue Muhua pretended that he had guessed rightly, laughed dryly, and asked, "What arrangements does Master Uncle have for that traitor?" The Master Uncle he was talking about was Li Qiushui, so there is no need to say more about the traitor. Naturally it was Ding Chunqiu.

"Do you think I can handle Old Freak Ding in my situation?" Chu Feng asked back.

"It's easy to say, Xue Mou is not good at martial arts, but his medical skills are a bit crazy."

"Thank you, Miracle Doctor Xue." Chu Feng said lightly. The word "autumn" is like the moment he uttered the words, the generation of murderers who occupy the Xingxiu Sea will appear in front of him.

Look, hear and ask, four-character essentials.

Xue Muhua first helped Chu Feng re-treat the injury on his right shoulder, despised Bai Shijing's unprofessional bandaging technique, but was quite interested in the Jinchuang medicine produced by Nianhua Temple, and said that he could go with that Huang when he was free. Master Mei discussed it.It didn't take much effort to get the bruise on his chest, Xue Muhua took out his golden needle and burned it on the flame, pierced it several times, and then purple and black blood flowed out.

After all this busy work, Xue Muhua looked at Chu Feng and said very seriously: "External injuries are not a problem, and internal strength is related to the supreme magic of this sect. Xue Mou only heard about it in the early years, so I don't know the truth. Teacher..." Thinking that he had been beaten Expelled from the teacher's school, Xue Muhua sighed, "But Chu Shaoxia has this opportunity to acquire such magical skills, he will definitely have a solution in the future." This means that Xue Muhua has nothing to do with this stagnant internal force.

Seeing the purple bruises on his chest being removed, Chu Feng felt a lot more comfortable. Hearing what Xue Muhua said, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your good words." Whether the internal injury can't be cured or if this genius doctor Xue doesn't want to treat it, Chu Feng won't go either. Guess more.

Xue Muhua didn't know whether he was happy or not, since Chu Feng uttered the word "Old Monster Ding", he must not be on the same path as that old fairy Xingxiu.However, he imagined that a young expert trained by his master's uncle would be able to fight Yun Zhonghe when he first came out of the arena, but now his internal energy is sluggish, and he doesn't know when he will recover, it is really a great tragedy.

Xue Muhua went out, only said "Xue has gone" to everyone, and then left.

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