Swordsman in Tianlong

Chapter 40 The Living Buddha

() When Chu Feng was still trying to answer Monk Xuanbei, "Why did the benefactor ask such a question", the old monk was completely unaware that he had offended Gusu Murong, and continued to say: "The old monk used to have meridians in both arms. Ni Luan, the meridians of the benefactor of Chu today are damaged, which is [-]% similar to that of the old monk." Speaking of this, he sighed again, "Touch the scene to make me feel emotional, talk about old things, don't worry about it, don't say it."

Chu Feng hurriedly put down what was there. Anyway, the old monk was killed by Murong's family on the way to Dali to help. Chaos" has [-]% similarity.

Qiao Feng also looked puzzled, and said: "Mr. Xue once saw it for Brother Chu, but he never talked about the disorder of the meridians."

Xuan Bei smiled, and said: "Man eats five grains, but suffers from a hundred kinds of diseases. The way of internal strength cultivation is also the same. Gang leader Qiao's miraculous skills are the best in martial arts, and the truth of this should be clearer than the old monk." Qiao Feng has not yet spoken. , then I heard Xuan Bei say again, "Back then, I searched all over the pharmacopoeia for a cure, but found nothing."

"This old monk is already disheartened. Since he can't practice martial arts, he won't force him anymore." Xuan Bei said it plainly, but everyone knows that "yesterday I was still a generation of god monks, but today I don't even mention martial arts anymore." It is really a sad word in his name.

Chu Feng quietly listened to Xuan Bei and continued: "I hear the morning bell in the morning, and I listen to the evening drum. I usually worship the Buddha and go out of the mountain in my spare time. Although the meridians of the old monk were disordered back then, his body was still strong. He was a woodcutter in the mountains, and in the fields at the foot of the mountains. Muroyama."

Having said this, Xuan Bei stopped again, and said after a long while: "After so many years, I really forgot about martial arts, I just feel safe and happy. Who would have thought that the meridians of my hands have disappeared without medicine. Healing, it is really the Buddha who has mercy on you."

Chu Feng unconsciously felt that Xuan Bei was looking at him with sincerity, and thought in his heart: No, Xuan Bei, do you want to ferry me into your Shaolin?As the saying goes, "Kungfu in the world comes from Shaolin". For hundreds of years, Shaolin Temple has enjoyed a respected status in the world, but there are too many troubles in Shaolin Temple at this time.

The illegitimate son of Master Abbot, the book thief of the Cangjing Pavilion, Jiumozhi's younger brother, whatever they do, it is estimated that even the bones and dregs can't be found.

Chu Feng remembered that the God Sweeping Monk said that Shaolin's unique skills can easily hurt people's lives, and the hostility will also be severe when practiced to the depths. You must practice Buddhist scriptures to resolve it, otherwise you will end up asking for trouble.Although Monk Xuanbei has not been able to practice Buddhist scriptures, he has been doing good deeds for several years. Compared with those monks who read Buddhist scriptures in vain, their realm is not known to be much higher.

It’s just that things in the world can’t escape the words “knowledge is easy but action is difficult”. If you want Chu Feng to be at ease, recite Buddhist scriptures hard, or serve the people at all times, I’m afraid it will all fall on the word “doing is difficult” .The experience of more than twenty years has always turned Chu Feng into a standard screw, and made him suddenly regard being a good person and doing good deeds as his lifelong pursuit.

Xuan Bei watched Chu Feng's face change, and naturally knew what he was thinking. Feeling a little disappointed, he folded his palms together and said, "Although benefactor Chu is not a disciple of my Buddhist sect, you might as well read the scriptures well in your spare time. Evil is everywhere, if the spiritual platform is not clear, it will be difficult to move in it." I don't know what the monk remembered, Chu Feng looked at Qiao Feng, it is easy to say that the spiritual platform is clear, whoever meets Qiao Feng in the future, what will happen to him? Can Lingtai be clear?

Xuan Bei went on to say after a while: "There is great joy in the scriptures, but the secular world still needs expedient methods. The wound of the old monk's chaotic meridians healed without medicine, but he thought in his heart: In the future, if my Shaolin disciples are like me If you are greedy for merit, you will never be able to go through my hard journey again..."

Qiao Feng suddenly remembered something and was about to speak when he heard Chu Feng ask first: "Master Xuanbei, if it's about Shaolin martial arts, you can't make things difficult for the master." The last two sentences arouse the addiction, and the next sentence is "not to be passed on lightly".After listening to Chu Feng's words, Qiao Feng also tried to persuade Xuan Bei.

"It's okay, it's just a trick, it has nothing to do with Shaolin martial arts." Xuan Bei shook his hand, indicating that the two don't need to care about it, and said, "The way of martial arts is to cultivate the body by habitual energy. Qi disturbs the spirit, and the spirit is distracted. If you are depressed, you will be dizzy, and if you are angry, you will be hurt. The benefactor of Chu can be described as 'dry and chaotic', and it will inevitably hurt the body and the spirit."

If you want to say these words separately, Chu Feng can naturally hear them clearly, but when they are put together, they are a little confused, so I heard Xuan Bei continue: "If you can 'peace your heart', you can 'harmony' yourself, benefactor Chu, look !” He raised his right index finger.

Chu Feng was slightly taken aback, and wanted to answer, but saw the finger slowly pointing towards the center of his brow.Seeing that it was slow, Chu Feng opened his mouth, but he couldn't even say the word "index finger". The finger touched the center of his eyebrows, and a soft shout came from his ear: "Duh!" The old monk's beard and hair are all stretched out, covered with a layer of brilliance under the setting sun after the summer rain, almost like a living Buddha.

This scene was only for a moment, and Chu Feng came back to his senses.

The old monk still sat quietly.

Qiao Feng raised tea to drink.

Chu Feng felt that something had changed in him, but he couldn't tell.

Chu Feng was ignorant, but Qiao Feng's arm raising the teacup was frozen, and he said after a long while, "Congratulations, master." This shout pointed directly at his heart, and all the trivial matters in Chu Feng's mind were swept away, and he naturally reached " The state of "nothing and no self".Qiao Feng's congratulations originally had two meanings, one was that Xuan Bei's Dharma was profound and rare, and the other was that Xuan Bei's practice of such a wonderful method would inevitably damage his cultivation.The Beggars' Clan recorded this kindness.

"Helper Master Qiao praised you. The benefactor of Chu is full of gold and jade, and the old monk is very happy to see it, but it is a pity that he has not developed a heart for Buddha. If you have time in the future, benefactor Chu may as well go to Shaoshi Mountain. The old monk will sweep the couch and wait." Xuan Sadly got up and said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't know what the old monk had done, but looking at Qiao Feng's actions, he knew that he had received great benefits, so he didn't dare to be obedient, so he quickly said: "Chu has a Buddha's grace, as soon as he is safe, he will definitely go to the treasure temple, Listen to the instruction."

Xuan Bei smiled, stopped talking, and was about to turn around and leave.

Perhaps the power of that finger was still there, and the person "Murong Bo" appeared in Chu Feng's heart again, and he asked in a strange way: "Master Xuanbei, in the past, he traveled in the Shaoshi Mountains, how carefree he was, why do you want to do it again now?" Go back to the rivers and lakes?"

"Huh? Why did the benefactor Chu ask such a question?" Xuan Bei stopped, looked at the young man at the table, and an old thing came to mind.Twenty years ago, Xuanci, who was not the abbot of Shaolin at that time, was already the hero of the party. He invited friends to go to Yanmen Pass, saying that he wanted to thwart a big conspiracy in the martial arts.At that time, Xuanbei's martial arts had not recovered, so he could not walk together.He only knew that after returning from this trip, his senior brother Xuan Ci's Taoist mind was scattered, and his cultivation of Dharma collapsed a thousand miles away, and he was even worse than himself.

It wasn't until later that Xuan Ci, who had taken over as the head of Shaolin, told Xuan Bei the reason, and asked him to go to Gusu to ask why Murong Bo had falsely spread information and trapped him in an unjust place.Murong Bo can't hide and can't see Xuan Bei, but he can't imagine that Xuan Bei's mind is meticulous, and from all kinds of subtle clues, he actually deduces Gusu Murong's intention to rebel.

Chu Feng didn't answer, just stared at Xuan Bei's face.

ps: I have two things to report. It seems that there are a lot of things on the weekend. Tomorrow is the weekly update. If there is no update at [-]:[-] in the morning, it will only be delivered at night.Then, twice a day for the next week.

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