As soon as Chu Feng saw the gray monk robe, he felt a little familiar, and he didn't care about shocking the world, so he picked up Ling Bo and rushed towards the corner of the street with small steps.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant was still talking about the local flavor to Du Lingzi, when suddenly he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he looked closely, there was one person missing in front of him.When he looked at Du Lingzi again, the golden light of "God of Wealth" was missing from his eyes, and he became timid.

The restaurant was quite noisy at first, and a group of martial arts tycoons gathered here, but at this moment, they all fell silent and looked towards Du Lingzi.

"Heroes, wait for a moment, the little old man will go down and urge..." The shopkeeper was a little hairy from the crowd's stare.

But Du Lingzi didn't let him go, and asked intentionally: "Shopkeeper, how many days are there before we go to Datong?" He dared to move again, but his sharp mouth seemed to be sewn shut, and he couldn't even answer such a simple question.

When Du Lingzi asked this question, he didn't expect the shopkeeper's answer at all, he meant for all the martial arts people in the restaurant to hear.Chu Feng didn't want to cause trouble, but Du Lingzi really wanted to know if these people were "fellow travelers".

Sure enough, the shopkeeper was muttering for a long time and couldn't say a word, but a middle-aged man among the drinkers stood up and said to Du Lingzi: "This old hero, I have traveled more than a hundred miles to Datong." The words of people are extremely respectful.

According to some unscientific rules, the middle-aged man obviously regarded Du Lingzi, who was traveling with Chu Feng, as Chu Feng's elder.Since Chu Feng's lightness kungfu is so good, how could Du Lingzi's kungfu be worse... Although the head of Duda seems to be a little bit miserable for the time being.

Du Lingzi was about to thank him, but he didn't think that the man didn't want to stop, and continued: "However, why did the old hero rush to Datong? Outside of Yanmen Pass, why can't he kill Liaogou?" [

Chu Feng left quickly and came back even faster, and said with some depression: "I picked some steamed buns. Let's go see an old man..." The first half of the sentence is of course telling Du Lingzi: Your big meal is gone; The sentence is because the monk in gray is not Murong Bo.But monk Zhiguang.

But before he finished speaking, Chu Feng felt as if he had heard a very familiar word, repeated it in surprise, and said, "Yanmen Pass?"

The middle-aged man who spoke to Du Lingzi said very seriously: "The Khitans are coming again!"

Chu Feng seemed to understand a little bit, and gathered his voice together to ask Du Lingzi: "Is this the Yanmen Pass?"

Du Lingzi said "hmm" and said, "Then now?" The implication was to ask Chu Feng to continue to Datong.

Seeing him nodding, Chu Feng confirmed that this place is indeed near Yanmen Pass.He said "No wonder" twice, and then said to the middle-aged man, "Since it is a major family and country matter, how dare Chu Feng resign. Let's leave today, and outside the Yanmen Pass in the future, the big guys will fight the enemy side by side!" Push hard under Du Lingzi's armpit.Take the head of Penglai half-supported and half-dragged downstairs.

The people in the restaurant saw that Chu Feng promised happily, but their feet seemed to be oiled, and immediately booed again and again.

Only the middle-aged man murmured with doubts on his face, "Chu Feng...Chu Feng? Why does this name sound familiar?"

Suddenly, five almost identical faces appeared in his mind, and this person's face was immediately filled with joy.He yelled angrily towards the booing place in the building: "Shut up! Brother Qiao Gangzhu, how could he be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Hearing the commotion in the restaurant, Chu Feng turned his horse towards the street corner and thought to himself, "No wonder Monk Zhiguang is here...but what is he doing here?"

Just as he was thinking, the monk Zhiguang, who was dressed in gray, unexpectedly turned back from the corner of the street.

Monk Zhiguang looked at Chu Feng on the horse, apparently unable to hide his surprise, and said, "Chu benefactor is rare." He even moved the bamboo basket on his elbow away from Chu Feng.

Chu Feng jumped off his horse and said, "It's really a blessing to be able to meet Master in this fortified place. There is turmoil at the border. If Master has something to do, you might as well leave temporarily."

Monk Zhiguang thanked him first, and then said immediately: "The old monk has a little understanding of Qihuang, and there is no reason to leave when there is chaos in the border. If one person can be saved, one person will be saved."

"Master has a compassionate heart. The younger generation respects you." Chu Feng said seriously. In fact, if he hadn't known that this place is not far from Yanmen Pass, and even more that the monk Zhiguang had ambushed Qiao Feng's biological parents outside the pass more than 20 years ago, he would not have responded to this. The old monk became suspicious. [

A very special person.Naturally, there should be more special reasons for coming back to this special place.

Chu Feng is very concerned about Zhiguang's special reason, but he knows that monk Zhiguang is such a person. If he refuses to tell, no one will be able to ask.

Du Lingzi looked at his crippled right leg very sadly, because his horse was ridden away by monk Zhiguang. He really wanted to ask monk Zhiguang: "Can you bear it? You can't give it to me if you're a little Tongqihuang". Let me see?"

He could even ignore the wounded in front of him. Chu Feng believed that Monk Zhiguang didn’t want to get in touch with him anymore. Perhaps he didn’t want the basket between his elbows to be seen by Chu Feng. Even the old monk forgot to ask him why. I came here, why did I walk with the enemy...

Yanmen Pass is said to be near, but in fact it is thirty miles north of this county.

Among the forty border gates in Shanxi, Duyan Gate is the most important.The east and west mountain peaks face each other to form a gate, and wild geese pass by from south to north, hence the name Yanmen.

The mountains are majestic, and the flags inside and outside the pass can be seen faintly.

The patrols of the soldiers in the mountains were also much stricter than Chu Feng imagined, not to mention that the monk Zhiguang who "led the way" in front had lost all his martial arts.

If it hadn't been for Chu Feng to lure away the soldiers that the old monk couldn't avoid, I'm afraid the old monk would have taken the title of "fine work" and was sent to the army.

It's just that Chu Feng wanted to lure the soldiers away alone, so he threw Du Lingzi alone in the mountain. After several times, Du Lingzi finally couldn't help asking: "Aren't you afraid that the old man will run away?"

Chu Feng only replied lightly, "You haven't run away yet, so there is a reason why you don't run away." This is what Du Lingzi told Chu Feng at the time, and he returned it as it was.

Du Lingzi smiled "hehe" and said, "Where is Datong? Isn't Shaoxia Chu going?"

Chu Feng said: "Didn't you say that it's already a month late? What's the big deal if it's a few days late?"

"Speaking of which, why does Chu Shaoxia follow Master Zhiguang from afar instead of simply taking him along?" This speed is obviously much faster.

Chu Feng shook his head and did not speak.Twenty years ago, that bloody battle almost affected the entire Central Plains martial arts.

Except for Xiao Yuanshan and Boss Qiao, the remaining ones survived were Monk Zhiguang, Abbot Xuanci, and Zhao Qiansun, who was already insane. I am afraid that they would never tell others anything related to Yanmen Pass in their entire lives.

Chu Feng finally destroyed the letter that changed Qiao Feng's fate. Now that Monk Zhiguang came to Yanmen Pass, how could he not follow him?

While he was thinking about it, Monk Zhiguang turned another mountain pass, and Chu Feng rushed a few steps, and heard a loud "clang clang" sound coming from the air... (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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