The setting sun slanted, adding a touch of blood to Murong Bo's long snow-white eyebrows.

Chu Feng's heart suddenly relaxed. The Northern Sect was destroyed and Xuan Bei passed away. It was all due to this old man who looked like a fairy in front of him. Today I finally saw him.

He finally had the ability to avenge the old man.

But Chu Feng also knew that Murong Bo was patient and would never appear in front of him for no reason after lurking in Shaolin Temple for so many years.

Xuanci, who was struggling to support under Xiao Yuanshan's "Wuxiang Jiezhi", suddenly heard Murong Bo's voice, and couldn't help but feel a split.

Xiao Yuanshan's kung fu is already superior to Xuanci's, he saw Xuanci's moves were messed up, he didn't even think about using the move "No Form, No Tribulation" to go straight into the palace, directly grabbing the big "Tanzhong" acupoint on Xuanci's chest.

Xuan Ci stepped back three steps "thump, thump, thump, thump" and pointed at Murong Bo with his halberd. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth, but a mouthful of blood spewed out, obviously he was seriously injured.

Xiao Yuanshan didn't intend to attack Xuanci again, instead he cupped his hands towards Murongbo, and laughed loudly: "Brother, you and I have bumped into each other here again." Both Xiao and Murong Bo could be counted as half of their classmates.

Chu Feng's face darkened when he heard this, and he thought to himself: "Where is this your sister? Old Xiao already calls Murong Bo 'brother'." After hearing this person's voice, you are in a state of confusion?" As he spoke, he walked in front of Xuanci, put the middle and middle fingers of his left hand together, and pointed at Xuanci's "Tanzhong acupoint".

"This matter is related to the old man..." Xiao Yuanshan originally thought that Chu Feng wanted to intercede for Xuan Ci, but he was halfway through.Feeling something was wrong, he looked at Chu Feng suspiciously.

Standing still, the motionless Murong Bo stepped in, and replied to Xiao Yuanshan: "Brother Xiao got his revenge today, are you interested in doing some tricks with brother again?"

"Haha, I'm going to have a match with you today." When the two were peeking at the scriptures in Shanlin Temple, they had already fought twice, and they were evenly divided.

"...cough cough...Murong Bo, old benefactor Murong, that day you sent false news that Khitan warriors would come to Shaolin Temple to seize martial arts classics in a big way. As a result, all kinds of big mistakes were made. Did you ever feel guilty at all?" Xuan Ci's voice suddenly sounded.

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Chu Feng, and said: "Stinky boy, you have some tricks." He really didn't expect that Chu Feng would drive away the alien true energy in Xuanci's "Tanzhong acupoint" in just this moment.

Murong Bo laughed "haha" and said, "Brother Xiao is wrong. Young Master Chu mastered the 'Beiming Divine Art' which is rare in the world. What kind of 'ghost way' is it?"

Chu Feng felt something was wrong.Hearing that Xuan Ci had regained his strength, he said loudly: "What kind of bloody enmity do you have with Benefactor Xiao, that you don't care about the century-old reputation of the Murong family..."

"What?!" Xiao Yuanshan's heart shook.Regardless of Chu Feng's presence, he grabbed Xuanci's collar with his big palm-like hand, "What did you say?"

Xuan Ci didn't answer him directly, but sighed, and said: "Murong benefactor, when you told a lie back then, the Central Plains Wulin lost dozens of heroes, and even with old benefactor Xiao... oh..."

Murong Bo seemed to have thought that as long as he appeared, Abbot Xuanci would reveal his identity to everyone, he still said calmly: "I am ashamed to say that I only saw it once in the abbot's letter before I went back to hiding. Brother Xiao's name. Speaking of which, I have fought against Brother Xiao twice in the Shaoshi Mountain, and I don't know that you and I have such a fate."

Xiao Yuanshan felt a fire ignited from the bottom of his heart, he punched Abbot Xuanci in front of him and flew away.

"Death!" Xiao Yuanshan clenched his fists and rushed towards Murong Bo.

His dead wife was buried in a deep stream beside the mountain road. Xiao Yuanshan thought that today he would be able to kill all the enemies of the past one by one, and then go to the Central Plains to persuade the unfilial son, so that he can return to the underworld and reunite with his beloved wife.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the enemy who has been forgotten for 28 years, there is also a culprit.

Chu Feng helped Abbot Xuanci, who was vomiting blood, and looked at Xiao Yuanshan who was rushing away in anger. He felt that things seemed to be on the "right track": the hatred at Yanmen Pass 28 years ago, will be here again 28 years later. Yanmen Pass is over...

"Chu Shaoxia, hurry... run away!" Du Lingzi, who was lying beside Abbot Xuanci, called out to Chu Feng in a low voice.

"What?" Chu Feng looked at Du Lingzi in surprise, and thought, "It's obvious that our military strength has crushed Murong Bo, why should we run away?"

Before Du Lingzi could speak again, Murong Bo, who was far away from him, suddenly retreated, and laughed loudly: "It's too late!" He only saw Du Lingzi at this time, he knew that Du Lingzi knew His habit: before making a move, burn it for a while...

But it's really too late!

Rockets filled the sky, covering the mountain path from the sky behind Murong Bo.

The rockets that have been scaled up seem to be spells cast by the gods from the sky. On this narrow mountain path, Chu Feng had a strange idea in his heart, "Are you a time traveler, or am I a time traveler?" There is nowhere to hide.


In the past 28 years, in Xiao Yuanshan's impression, this mountain road is the same as before.Time has not left its own mark on this mountain road.

But in this moment, everything has changed.

Xiao Yuanshan was hit by two arrows, the arrows had been pulled out by him, and the pulled out arrows were still stained with his flesh and blood, and there was still a burnt smell on the flesh and blood.

"Brother Xiao, you and I are brothers in martial arts. Now that you are seriously injured, do you still want to fight with me?" Murong Bo looked at Xiao Yuanshan who rushed out of the rocket formation, and was a little surprised in his heart, but he was very happy. Quickly suppressed this accident, and started talking with Xiao Yuanshan sincerely.

Xiao Yuanshan said: "No matter how sweet your words are, don't try to tell me not to take revenge for killing my wife!"

"The dead are already dead, why is Brother Xiao doing this?" Murong Bo smiled, and then moved back, "Back in the Central Plains Wulin, just listening to this old man's words, I was able to rob and kill your family of three outside the Yanmen Pass! Today Your country’s soldier Yanmen, if the martial arts of the Central Plains knew the identity of your child, would you dare to ask your son to leave the Central Plains?”

"You may not be able to survive in the hands of the old man!" Xiao Yuanshan said in a deep voice, even though he said so, he had already slowed down.

"Of course, of course." Seeing that Xiao Yuanshan had stopped, Murong Bo nodded his head and continued following Xiao Yuanshan, "If there is only one brother, whether we can spread the news or not, but..." He waved his right hand , a dozen or so people appeared on the mountain.Looking at the longbows on their backs, one knew that the rockets just now were shot by these people.

Xiao Yuanshan watched the dozen or so people retreat again, knowing that there might be more hidden in the dark, he frowned and said, "How are you doing?"

"Of course I killed them all!"

A sword cry sounded right behind the mountain peak.

Murong Bo listened to the screams from behind the mountain, shook his head and said: "This kid really has some ghost skills."

Xiao Yuanshan looked at Murong Bo's face, his heart suddenly brightened, and he said: "How can you be a brother with the leader of the beggar gang, how can you only have some ghost skills?"

Hearing Xiao Yuanshan's unscrupulous words, Murong Bo was speechless for a moment, and said loudly: "Chu Shaoxia, please come here!" Unexpectedly, Chu Feng not only did not answer, but even screamed after the mountain, Murong Bo angrily said, "Don't Missed the life of the little girl surnamed Mu..."

"What did you say?" Dichen stopped three minutes in front of Murong Bo, and Chu Feng asked directly.

Murong Bo could easily hear the tremor in Chu Feng's voice, relieved his heart, and said with a smile: "Chu Shaoxia's lightness skill is unparalleled in the world, but Miss Mu may not."

"Wanqing should be with my master and wife now, how could you touch them?" When Chu Feng left Luoyang, Mu Wanqing went to Yunmeng.Thinking of this, Chu Feng felt relieved, and secretly said: "I was almost bluffed by this old guy."

"Really?" Murong Bo said with a slight smile, "Dare to ask Chu Shaoxia, how does this old man know that you possess the 'Northern Divine Art'?" As he spoke, he felt that he was too close to Chu Feng. Backed away.


"Chu Shaoxia guessed right, it's Ding Chunqiu!" Murong Bo smiled happily.

"Ding Chunqiu?" A doubtful voice came out from behind Chu Feng and the three of them. Xuanci's sales were worse than Chu Feng's, and he was already wearing a red cassock. "Chu Shaoxia, Ding Chunqiu forced his way earlier Shaolin, I want to get the 'Shenmu King Ding'...ahem...I have been imprisoned in Shaolin for many days."

Xuanci remembered this matter clearly, if Ding Chunqiu hadn't gone up the mountain, he would not have been able to see Xu Zhu's 27 ring scars so quickly!

Chu Feng was worried, looked at Murong Bo's depressed face, and said to Xiao Yuanshan: "You or me first..." (to be continued...)

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