() The disciples of the Beggar Clan entered Luoyang and went back to the north of the city. Peng Guotao, who made the "Five Tigers Breaking the Door Knife", also went looking for friends and friends. In the end, only Chu Feng and three were left in Debu Yunxuan.

"Three guest officers, do you want to stay at the hotel?" As soon as they entered Bu Yunxuan, a little second came up to Chu Feng and the three of them, but the little second's eyes fell on the faces of the two Shans beside Chu Feng. Then, he said directly, "Three gentlemen, upstairs please..."

In the lobby on the second floor, Shan Zheng was not there, and the five Shan brothers sat in a group.

Chu Feng looked at the elder Shan Boshan in his 30s to the old Wudan Xiaoshan in his teens. It was amazing to say that the five people had the same appearance, with the same thick eyebrows and big eyes, and they could be seen from the same mother at a glance. five brothers.It's no wonder that Xiaoer saw the appearance of Shan Er Dan Wu, so he brought Chu Feng and the others here without thinking.

When five brothers meet, there is always something to say.That Shan Zhongshan didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, since he entered Yunxuan, he had never spoken to Chu Feng.Even when chatting with the brothers, he didn't mention Chu Feng to them.The five of them didn't speak very loudly, and the people in the rivers and lakes beside them were not far away from provoking this unlikely group of five.In the whole restaurant, their circle was much quieter.

"Chu Feng, my elder brother, please go over and talk." Shan Xiaoshan got his elder brother's order, and said "please" in a polite manner, but this kid bumped into Chu Feng when he first came out of the rivers and lakes. nails.Now that he sees that his elder brother is going to stand up for him, he is not happy...

Chu Feng didn't show his timidity. Among the five heroes of Mount Tai, the old Wu Dan Xiaoshan needless to say, even Qian Guanghao of Wuliangjian was three points better than him in real kung fu.Among the remaining four "Bo Zhong Shu Ji", the second eldest Shan Zhong Shan is not afraid of kung fu, the most serious of the other three must be the eldest Shan Bo Shan.But Shan Xiaoshan kept staring at that one, Chu Feng reckoned that if he did something to him this time, he should be the one who did it, but he didn't know if it was the third child or the fourth child.

"Are you the descendant of Teacher Gu?" Shan Boshan, the eldest of the five heroes of Mount Tai, asked straight to the point.

Chu Feng nodded, but did not speak.

"May I have an audition?" Shan Boshan heard what his two younger brothers had said about Yizhuang, and seeing Chu Feng admit it, he continued.

Before Chu Feng could speak, the person Shan Xiaoshan had been staring at stood up and said, "If Brother Chu lacks an opponent in the practice of sword moves, Shan Jishan just wants to see Brother Chu's Excalibur." In a word, The words of Chu Feng's resignation have been completely blocked.

Hearing the two brothers singing together, Chu Feng smiled and said, "I think Mr. Shan doesn't want to see Chu and the brothers fighting in this city of Luoyang." Neither pair was seen.In this rare and harmonious scene, Chu Feng reckoned that with the name of the "iron judge" alone, he probably contributed a lot.

The five Shan family brothers originally only wanted to vent their anger on Shan Xiaoshan, but for a moment they forgot that there were many disputes in Luoyang City, and Shan Zheng even confessed that the three of them would help the beggar gang to mediate.Unexpectedly, they would find Chu Feng by themselves at this moment. The five brothers thought of their father's usual sternness, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

"Hey, what are the five heroes of Mount Tai, I think they are not as good as the five worms..." A harsh voice came from the side.

Chu Feng looked at the person who spoke, and saw that his beard and hair were brown, sitting in the cloud pavilion, he was really eye-catching, and thought in his heart: It's really not a big deal to watch the excitement.When Chu Feng spoke, he didn't deliberately lower his voice, and this person was sitting not far away, so he must have heard it.

The Five Heroes of Mount Tai looked at the man together, and the youngest Shan Shushan said: "I don't know what to call this friend? 'Five Heroes of Mount Tai' is just a favor from friends in the world, but what did our brothers offend Your Excellency?" Between words Although the room was full of anger, it still suppressed the anger.

The sarcastic man glanced sideways at Shan Shushan, then pointed at Chu Feng and said, "It's just such a little white face, with a 'click', just break his neck. There is no need for such nonsense, Taishan Five Insects It's really outrageous, outrageous!"

"Cracked his neck?" Hearing this, Chu Feng looked at the back of the man's head and asked suspiciously, "The back of your head is not high, is it?" Among the four villains, the most The God of South Sea Crocodile who likes to break other people's necks, but the person in front of him, regardless of his age or the legendary raised back of his head, is no match for the third villain.

Hearing the word "back of the head" in Chu Feng's mouth, this man collapsed as if his ass was burned, and shouted: "Who is the momentum of your little boy, how dare you use your 'little evil spirit'? Uncle Sun kidding me?" Chu Feng didn't know that the word "back of the head" was the Achilles' heel of this "little evil god" Sun Sanba.

Under the Nanhai sect, there has always been a single pass.Sun Sanba worships at the door of the God of Crocodile in the South China Sea. In the South China Sea, everyone calls him "Little Ancestor" when they see him.But as time went on, he felt more and more that his master didn't care about him, and his kung fu was even less than one or two percent of his master's.Later, by chance, he realized that his "back of the head" was not protruding enough, so he couldn't practice the unique skill of Nanhaimen.

The five Shan brothers heard this man's self-reported family name, and Shan Boshan, the leader, had already held a ghostly sword in his hand, and shouted: "'Little evil god' Sun Sanba? Dare to come to Zhongyuan to do something!" The other four moved forward together, immediately blocking Chu Feng behind a human wall.

Seeing the posture of the five Shan brothers, Sun Sanba sneered, and said: "I have long heard that the Central Plains martial arts rely on numbers to win, and it is a well-deserved reputation." As he said this, his right foot suddenly moved towards the table beside him. Mentioned, the unfinished food and soup on the table flew towards the heads and faces of the five members of the Shan family.

Most of the five members of the Shan clan had heard about how cruel and domineering the South Sea Crocodile God is. This "little evil god" Sun Sanba probably got his name from the Nanhai sect, and the five of them had never seen this person make a move.Right now, the soup is coming, so I have to dodge it hastily, dodging most of the head and face, but the lower half of the body is inevitably contaminated, which is very embarrassing.

"Ah!" "Ah!" Two screams, Sun Sanba said that he didn't take the Shan brothers seriously, and he didn't dare to be careless. He took this opportunity and rushed out of Bu Yunxuan, and he didn't forget to twist Break the necks of two people to show the majesty of the little evil god.

"Little Fiend God" Sun Sanba jumped down from the second floor, not only played tricks on the Shan brothers, but also killed two of them. His heart was a little depressed, but he still held some grudges towards Chu Feng who teased the back of his head. Bu Yunxuan shouted: "Little white face, your head will stay on your neck for two more days, I will come back when I am free..."

Before Sun Sanba could finish his sentence, he felt a rush of sharp energy rushing towards his face, he quickly rolled on the ground like a lazy donkey, trying to avoid it.This "Lazy Donkey Rolling" move was only halfway through, when a sudden force rushed towards him, knocking him to the ground.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised, he saw Sun Sanba killing someone before chasing Bu Yunxuan, the first move "Baihong Guanri" was avoided by Sun Sanba regardless of face; the second move "Golden Needle" "Du Jie" was obtained from the Dazhui acupoint on his back, and he hit the sword right away, but who knew that the sword's edge and body could not penetrate through the clothes, it was really strange.

Sun Sanba shouted in his heart, "Master bless you, master bless you", this time he took refuge in Xixia Yipintang from Nanhaimen, and got quite a lot of extraterritorial gold.His master Nanhai Crocodile God forged a crocodile scissors, and Sun Sanba's skill was not enough, but he also gained a lot of energy, and forged a serrated long knife.Coincidentally, Chu Feng's sword just hit the serrated knife, which saved the little evil spirit from piercing his chest with his sword.

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