I want to be happy

Chapter 100 Depressed Little 6

It took five days for Li Du to complete his transformation, and he opened his eyes from the bed. For a moment, Li Du didn't know where he was, and his eyes fell on the sapphire bed below him. Scanning the furnishings in the house, his spiritual sense keenly felt that there were many people outside the house, while there was only one person in the house. This person was sitting generously beside his sapphire bed with a smile on his face. You Ruo is far away from the water and close to the water, leisurely out of the dust, with a vaguely familiar smile, but can't remember who he is.

Based on this person's special bearing, it can be confirmed that this is a unique change after practicing the natural patriarchal sect.

After more than ten minutes, Li Du suddenly raised one eyebrow, cleared his throat, and said hesitantly: "Cough, cough, so I was awakened?"

The man beside the bed smiled and nodded.

After the guess was affirmed, Li Du showed a gleam of joy: "So, the others have also been awakened?"

The man shook his head and said: "The number of pills used to regenerate you is not enough, so we can only wake them up in batches. You are the first batch."

"—Oh, then, are you my junior brother or..." Li Du laughed. He should know this person, not only the appearance is familiar, but even the voice is impressive.

The man smiled slightly: "Xiao Liu, don't you recognize me?"

Li Du was stunned—Xiao Liu?No one has called this title for a long time.A long time ago, the brothers in the Li Tang family called him this way, and then, gradually, there were fewer and fewer people who could and could call him that. Except for the second brother, who would call him that? ?

"——Lu Rui?" Li Du spit out the answer that made the man opposite him want to faint. Then, Li Du shook his head by himself. No matter how Lu Rui changed his appearance, it wouldn't be so exaggerated, right?So say.Could it be...

Seeing that Li Du's eyes were getting bigger and bigger, the man laughed: "Okay. Xiao Liu, your eyes are already big enough. Be careful not to fall out when you stare. I'm Sha Ling."

"—Sha?" Li Du pointed at the man.half an hour.Li Du jumped up.He hugged Sha Ling and said, "Brother Sha. You have appeared!" He beat his head hard.Hopping and scolding himself for being an idiot.

Sha Ling laughed.This is Li Du.lived this age.Still this temperament.

"Brother Sha. When did you come back? Ah. Look at my memory. Brother Sha is here. What about my second brother? And Senior Brother Lu? Hehe. Two beautiful little flower fairies?"

The smile on Sha Ling's face froze slightly.With a sigh.Said: "It's a long story. Xiao Liu. Do you know how long you have been sleeping?"

While talking.The door of the room was hurriedly pushed open: "Master! Patriarch!" Several people rushed in calling one after another.Immediately.They froze.

sky.what did they see.Their suzerain sat beside the sapphire bed.A girl on the bed.The black ground stretches across the bed.Straightforward.If there is love.The snow-white skin is covered with snow cream.Xiao Xiao's face was flushed.Delicate as if it can drip water.A pair of big watery eyes stared round and round.The little pink mouth is slightly open.Extremely cute.

From their point of view.The girls are almost in the arms of their respected suzerain——

cough.Did they go to the wrong room?Involuntarily, the few people who rushed in took a few steps back.He retreated outside the door, looked at the room number, and then turned his eyes suspiciously to stare at the girl.

Li Du was puzzled, but the joy of being able to see his disciples immediately diluted his doubts. With a cheerful tone, he stretched out his hand and beckoned: "Little Nail, Lei Lei, you are here!"

The ones he called "Little Nail" and "Lei Lei" were two big men, two middle-aged men who were as vigorous as leopards and handsome in appearance. Their real names were Ding Zidrill and Zhu Chunlei. , in Li Du's mouth, they became cute "little nails" and "Lei Lei".These two are not only his first and second disciples, but also his adopted orphans.

Ding Zidrill and Zhu Chunlei were actually awakened together with Li Du, but they did not enter the Nascent Soul stage, so they still maintained their original appearance, and they woke up four days earlier than Li Du.

The brows of the two big men frowned deeply at the same time, and they stared at Li Du blankly and suspiciously. Soon, they turned their questioning eyes to Sha Ling.

Sha Ling endured, and no matter how much he endured, he finally couldn't help laughing. He didn't explain, but waved his hand directly, walked out of the room, and walked away.

A light laughter sounded from outside the house, "Sixth brother, you." A woman walked in gently. She was tall and tall, wearing a uniform of the natural sect, her waist was tightly tied, and she showed a slender waist and long legs. The figure is as light as a waterfall, and the face is extremely beautiful, with snow-skinned skin. In terms of appearance, it is almost comparable to the two little flower demons, but it is inferior to the two little flower demons in terms of color and natural charm.

The slender and soft fingers tapped herself, and the ageless woman said: "Sixth brother, do you know who I am?"

Li Du's eyes lit up "swish", this was his reaction when he saw a beautiful woman, besides, the beauty standing in front of him was stunning enough, when he heard the woman's question, Li Du felt a light in his heart Now, he started to laugh, with joy that couldn't be concealed between his eyebrows and eyes: "Jiang Qing? Sister Qing?" Jiang Qing and him are children of the same family, and they played together when they were young. Since then, Jiang Qing has been teased by him Known as "Sister Qing".

A few black lines hung down on Jiang Qing's forehead, and she regretted that she shouldn't have wasted time meeting this sixth brother.

"Ah—are you the master?!" Ding Zibai and Zhu Chunlei jumped up at the same time, pointing at Li Du and asking in shock.

Li Du scowled with displeasure, "Why are you so rude? Pointing at the master? But do you want to close the little black room?" Threatened to intimidate the young Ding Zidrill and Zhu Chunlei by closing the little black room, It is Li Du's specialty, but he has never practiced this punishment.

"Master!!" With no more doubts, Ding Zidrill and Zhu Chunlei rushed over, took Li Du's hand each, and burst into tears.

They showed their true feelings so much that Li Du couldn't help his nose getting astringent, his eye circles were slightly red, he pulled out his hand, and softly scolded: "Why are you crying, am I fine?"

Jiang Qing covered her lips and smiled, her style was infinite, and her tone was light and authentic: "Oh, Brother Six, you really can't blame them. Brother Six, you have entered the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Well, I know." Li Du was puzzled.

"I have also entered the Nascent Soul Stage." Jiang Qingwan smiled and said: "At this stage, the appearance of a person will change once. Just like me, just like you..."

With a light throw, a round mirror was thrown towards Li Du.

"Ah, a tragic cry pierced through the peaceful seclusion of the world of mortals.

Not far away, Sha Ling paused, with a soft smile on his face. The Natural Sect became more and more lively. Poor little Liuzi, back then he looked like a baby face with big eyes. Unexpectedly, after the Nascent Soul Stage, It turned out to be cost-effective...

Another: The latest guest book friends Ding Zidrill and Zhu Chunlei

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