Wow, little Lu, you are so fierce, every time you compete with me, you are merciful. Du Bangqiang Lurui smiled softly.

Lu squinted at him sharply: "I don't believe that you can't knock it down?" The snake is a bit bulky, but he only used 6% of his strength.

Li Du rubbed his nose and said awkwardly, "Maybe he can, but he used the gun instinctively. For unknown creatures, it's safer to attack from a distance."

Sha Ling was dozens of steps away from them. Hearing Li Du and Lu Rui whispering to themselves, he sent them a voice transmission: "Xiao Liu is right. Xiao Lu has a perfect way to protect himself. It doesn't matter if he is reckless." The implication is that Li Du should keep it as it is and not take risks.

"Wow, sound transmission into the secret." Li Du sighed, his inner strength is not enough, the sound transmission into the secret is not up to the point, and Sha Ling's sound transmission is small but very clear, and Tan Suyu, who is one step away from the two, has nothing to say. It can be described as a great achievement.

Regarding Sha Ling's strength, Li Du used the words "unfathomable" to describe it. Just because his disciple Lu Rui, who he had trained for only a few years, could draw with him, made Li Du give up his plan to challenge Sha Ling. .

In his selfish heart, he has placed Sha Ling's strength on the same generation as his master.I was mentally prepared, but I couldn't help but sigh when I saw Sha Ling show some shocking strength from time to time—how could there be such a difference in strength even though they were about the same age?It's discouraging just thinking about it.

Sha Ling's gaze fell on a dark corner, where there was a small pool, and he walked slowly to the edge of the pool.Sha Ling looked down, his eyes narrowed slightly, his spiritual sense saw steps appearing less than one meter below the water, and the steps went down continuously—this stone kiln actually has a secret place

On the other end, Uncle Zhu asked Li Zhijin: "Second son, do you think those expedition members will be killed by the big snake..."

Li Zhijin glanced at Sha Ling, his lips moved slightly, and asked via voice transmission, "Sha, did those people feed the snake?"

"Probably not, there are no wrecks in the water." Sha Ling turned around and waved: "Li Zi, I found something interesting. This stone kiln has a mysterious second layer. It's just under the pool. I think those expedition members may have discovered it." The path to the second floor."

Everyone gathered around, several flashlights pointed at the water together.Under the strong light, the stone steps covered with wet and slippery moss marks hidden deep in the water appear indistinct with the rippling water.

"Well, there are no traces of people stepping on these stone steps. But the possibility of them swimming directly through the water cannot be ruled out." Li Zhijin squatted by the water's edge, his face almost touching the surface of the water. The distance was so close that Uncle Zhu and the others could squeeze I broke into a sweat.

Wang Wenda couldn't help but said: "Second Young Master, you are too close to the water, what if the water channel here is connected to the stone kiln in front..." Everyone would understand what he said next.

Thinking of that huge and terrifying existence, Tan Suyu immediately pulled back Su Yue, who wanted to squeeze forward, and Wang Wenda, Han Dong, and Uncle Zhu also stepped back a few steps.

Li Du let out a sigh of relief, but neither Li Zhijin nor Sha Ling moved.Still relying on the water surface as before, and did not speak to communicate.But Li Du suddenly understood the tacit understanding between them, and Sha Ling didn't remind the second brother of the danger.Then the second brother was convinced that there was no danger, and dared to stick to the water at such a close distance. Is this perhaps the tacit understanding between the companions?

Sha Ling also squatted down, took some water and drew a rough outline on the ground: "The stone steps extend to the bottom of the water surface, and there may be no water in the innermost part. Why don't we go down and have a look?"

"Okay. Old six, little six, you stay here and watch. Let's go down and have a look." The two went ahead and jumped into the water with a "plop".

Sha Ling is there.As long as it wasn't as dangerous as the bottom of Poyang Lake last time, Li Du believed that nothing could hurt his second brother, so he stood by the pool with Lu Rui at ease.

The faces of Wang Wenda, Han Dong, and even Tan Suyu and Uncle Zhu were all fluctuating. Knowing that there might be a big snake in the water that could be swallowed, the two jumped down nonchalantly. Are they too confident or desperate?

Holding his breath, Li Zhijin followed Sha Ling and dived in the water, sinking about six or seven meters. Sha Ling made a gesture, pointing to the right.

They had come to the bottom of the pool. Sha Ling pointed to a stone wall. The stone wall was smooth and tidy, and it was carefully carved by hand. There were two huge bronze rings in the middle of the stone wall.

"Stone Gate at the bottom of the water?" Without waiting for Li Zhijin to be surprised, Sha Ling opened two protective paper amulets, stuffed one into Li Zhijin's hand, and put the other in his clothes.They entered the water deep now, and they were swimming obliquely, they were no longer under the stone kiln, no one saw them even if they used their defensive shields.

As soon as the protective cover was opened, Li Zhijin felt relaxed all over. There was no pressure at the bottom, and he could breathe freely. The clothes on his body became dry in an instant, and there was no excess water between his head. , but he didn't know that it was Sha Ling who flicked his fingers to absorb unnecessary water for him to prevent moisture from entering his body.

The two stepped forward and tried to open the door knocker, but it was unknown whether it was a long time ago or for some reason, Shimen remained motionless.

Li Zhijin flicked his hands and feet inside the defensive cover, his posture was a bit awkward, but somehow he managed to make the defensive cover float up according to his wish, touched the stone wall, and soon said happily: "There is a mechanism, Move away from the sand, I will press the switch."

In terms of rich exploration experience, Sha Ling is far from being able to compare with Li Zhijin. He was still thinking about whether to forcefully break the door, but Li Zhijin easily found the mechanism.

With Li Zhijin's hand pressing down, after a while, there were two muffled "clicks", and the stone gate about two meters high sank to the ground——this stone gate did not open left and right, but fell downwards. , the knocker is just a disguise.

Sha Ling gave Li Zhijin a thumbs up.

As soon as the stone gate was opened, a large amount of underground river water poured in. When the water situation stabilized, the two floated into the stone gate.

Inside the stone gate is a dark corridor. At the beginning, the passage was still submerged in water. As the passage sloped upwards, the passage became dry again.

Sweeping with the flashlight, it was pitch black and the bottom could not be seen. Li Zhijin smiled lightly and said, "Good guy, I never thought there would be a big project underground. Sand, places like this are often dangerous, or organs, or weird creatures hiding in the dark , it’s not easy.”


The passageway is tortuous, the carvings on the four walls are extremely fine, and the tentacles are smooth and clean, which is more delicate than the upper layer of the stone kiln. However, there are no patterns on the passageway walls.

"Could it be an abandoned underground imperial tomb? Look at the meticulous carving." Li Zhijin wondered.

"No." Sha Ling smiled lightly, and at this level, he was even more sure that this was the residence of the cultivation sect.Invisible to the naked eye, there are some lines of spiritual power inlaid on the wall, which may be too old and become intermittent.

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