I want to be happy

Chapter 27 The strength of terror

Judging from the figure of this man, it is more like the image of a spiritual master.Now, he can only hope that this man is not their enemy.

With a little bit of luck, he took the lead and bent down, saying in an extremely respectful tone, "Master, have we disturbed you? Please forgive our impoliteness. I think our Patriarch will be honored. We invite you to be our honored guest."

While the masked leader was guessing Sha Ling's identity, the old woman and young man also looked at Sha Ling suspiciously.

This man has black eyes, and from the outside, he looks like a pure Donghua Alliance human being, but this does not mean that he must be theirs.

All the masters in the Donghua Alliance live in Yinhua Star, and they don't know this face.

This face is ordinary handsome, if it is handsome, it is not as good as the young man in armor.

For some reason, the old woman's heart moved, and she felt that this person's figure seemed a little bit familiar.

The heart was beating violently in the chest, and the old woman's eyes widened subconsciously. She couldn't believe it, did that person really appear?

At this moment, the man glanced over and looked at the old woman. There was also a trace of confusion in his eyes. Immediately, the young man stretched his eyebrows and revealed a very comfortable smile.

"You can't be excited anymore, your physical body is on the verge of collapse." Gently, the young man said.

The old woman's lips trembled, and she wanted to blurt out a question.But nothing was said, only two lines of tears.It rolled out from her eyes, and flowed over a wrinkled and vicissitudes of face.

In a blink of an eye, more than 600 years have passed, things have changed, and most of them secretly thought that the expectations they held might have long since ceased to exist.

But never expected, without any warning, he appeared in front of his eyes.

There is nothing wrong with this young man who can see through his physical condition at a glance.It is the suzerain they have been waiting for.

The way he looked at himself, and that smile, were so familiar and kind, no matter how much his face changed, he was still him, the suzerain who had always been at ease in the world and was like a child to his disciples.

Sha Ling turned his gaze to the young man and smiled.Said: "Your whirlpool fist is not bad. However, the power of the infrasonic word "kill" has not been displayed."

Sha Ling only taught the infrasound of "killing" to Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong. To Zhao Wang and others, Sha Ling was afraid that they would kill too much, so he didn't teach it.

"Who are you?" The young man raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously. He was so close to Sha Ling that he didn't dare to look back at his mother distractedly.Otherwise, he would understand something at once.

Sha Ling didn't answer, but just faced the men in black, and said indifferently: "Look at how the real "kill" is used." These people, who dare to bully his disciples, will have the consciousness of being retaliated by him.coldly.A killing intent flashed in Sha Ling's heart.

After all, Sha Ling opened her lips.

in space.There seemed to be a moment of confusion, but there was no sound. A few black-clothed masked men suddenly felt that their ears had been pricked by something, but only for less than a tenth of a second, as short as hallucinations.

However, before they knew it, their eyes seemed to protrude, and strands of blood spurted out from their noses and mouths.

This time was too short, as if Sha Ling's words had just finished speaking, the remaining fighters fell to the ground one after another as if possessed by evil spirits.

In the field, only the leading fighters are still standing there.

"Understood, this is "killing". The sound that is completely inaudible to human ears can only be achieved in one blow after passing through the sound of their infrasonic defense." Sha Ling smiled warmly on his face, facing the young man As he said that, he suddenly realized that the brutal fight just now was not started by him.

"Yi Nan, I don't want to thank the suzerain for your advice." The old woman said tremblingly, wiping away the tears that kept rolling down.



"Yes. Junior Wu Qingfu has met the Sovereign. This is the junior's child, Jia Yinan." The old woman's face was full of tears, but there was a big smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Qingfu, it's actually you, Qingfu!" Sha Ling exclaimed, he had already sensed that the aura in this old woman's body was the practice method of a pure natural sect, but he couldn't get her face, correspond to her identity.

Sha Ling's figure flashed, and appeared directly beside Wu Qingfu, his eyes shot out a ray of light, from head to toe, he looked at Wu Qingfu again, and then frowned: "Qingfu, you It’s been a long time in the fusion period, if you don’t enter the Nascent Soul, your physical body will not be able to hold on, so don’t say anything else, you should sit down and settle down first.”


"Fourth generation disciple Jia Yinan pays his respects to the suzerain!" Seeing his mother's various attitudes, Jia Yinan finally affirmed that this man who looked young and unusual was really the suzerain of the natural sect they had been missing for hundreds of years.

The suzerain of the natural sect was an extremely miraculous figure according to the word of mouth of the seniors. Now that he saw it, he was indeed extraordinary. An infrasonic wave actually killed almost all the men in black!

Jia Yinan put away the armor on his body, and knelt down in front of Sha Ling excitedly.

"Well, you are very good. Go and see how they are doing." Sha Ling pointed at the two fainted women.

"Sovereign Master, these two are also fourth-generation disciples. They were attacked by men in black and were seriously injured. However, they have taken healing medicine and the wounds are healing."

The body of the man in black was drenched with cold sweat, it was terrifying, what kind of magic method did he use, and he killed all his subordinates just by moving his lips!Whether it was the hard metal shell or the opened infrasonic defensive layer, they didn't respond to his attack, as if he hadn't attacked at all.

But the fact is that his subordinates died without even coming out!

Is this the spiritual attack of the spiritual master?

Such means are simply defenseless.

In front of the black collar, on the video screen, were the faces of the subordinates who had died tragically. The blood stains soaked through the black mask, reflecting dark marks.

The third level of physical master, this level that he used to be proud of, is also vulnerable in front of this terrifying man?

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