I want to be happy

Chapter 285 Dark Night Castle

Ang pointed at the thick fog and said, "Our Night Castle is just opposite the lake, shrouded in mist, and the sun cannot be seen."

The mountain wind blew past bitterly, carrying a bone-piercing chill, making people's heads flutter, their skirts flapping, and the thick fog billowing with the wind. However, no matter how strong the wind was, the dense fog As if it was too thick to have a bottom, it never showed a different scene——

Never see the light of day?Reminiscent of the weakness of vampires who don't like sunlight, Sha Ling suddenly realized that this fog is not necessarily just to prevent outsiders from intruding, but it is more likely to protect the vampires themselves, just like their defensive shield.

Before Sha Ling could observe carefully, he suddenly saw something gushing out from the depths of the dense fog, stirring up the entire dense fog violently, and not long after, a road covered with a bright red carpet branched out from the center.

This road is paved on the green grass. At the end of the road, there is a very special castle. The shape of the castle is weird, like a huge bat spreading its wings. The stones that make up the castle are navy blue, and the stone foundation, But it is shining with countless silver lights. From a distance, it is simple and elegant, thick and vicissitudes, and the atmosphere is extraordinary.

At the gate of the castle, dozens of people stood in two rows, and the Marquis was standing in front, waiting for the guests to arrive with a smile.

The corner of Leo's mouth twitched, and the lazy bat was willing to stand at the door to greet it, which shows the degree of grandeur. That guy must have come to the same guessing conclusion as him.

Lai Ang bent down and said: "Everyone, please."

A light blue yacht quietly sneaked out of the dense fog and stopped quietly in front of everyone.

on a yacht.Everyone came to the other side of the lake and spread a red carpet on the road.The color is as bright as blood, but it feels very soft to the touch, even if you step on it with bare feet, it won't make your skin feel a little uncomfortable.

A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of Li Zhijin, the only one who knows the goods in the natural sect—luxury, too extravagant!This kind of top-grade wool blanket is actually used to pave the road? !

Down the road of expensive luxury.With a distance of a thousand meters, with the strength of everyone's feet, they arrived at the gate of the castle in less than a few minutes.

The Marquis of Jin was wearing a pure white suit. He was tall and thin, with broad shoulders and a thin waist. He had a handsome appearance and a pair of blue eyes, as deep as the sea, changing in depth.It is also like the clear blue sky, attracting people to lose their minds.The contours of the features were as perfect as those of ancient gods carved by the greatest artist.Although he was just standing there, his whole body exuded royal nobility and elegance.

Even Li Zhijin had to admit that this man was really unbelievably handsome.

The Marquis stretched out his hand to brush the hanging silk, and said to Leo: "Welcome, Your Excellency the Wolf King." Looking at the people behind the Wolf King, his eyes flashed with astonishment, and said, "That's right, Wolf King Your Excellency, suddenly there are eight more masters in the clan."

Wolf King Leo said grandly: "Well, this is the result of their years of hard work. Come, come, this is the strong man in the east, Your Excellency Sha Ling."

Sha Ling smiled lightly, looking at the vampire who met again.The last time we met, he didn't know the depth of the other party.And because Wu Qingfu's safety is concerned, she has no intention of competing at all, and the 36 strategy is the best, and this time, it may be possible to have a good discussion.

"Welcome, Your Excellency." The Marquis bowed slightly, put his hands on his chest, and performed an ancient noble salute.

After a few words of greeting, everyone was ushered into the castle.

Looking at the master's exquisite style, one can imagine the interior of the castle, but when they actually saw it, the splendor of the castle still shocked everyone.

The floor is covered with pure white carpets, the high ceilings are painted with stories from myths and legends, surrounded by exquisite reliefs, tapestries are hung on the walls, or large portraits are hung, whether it is the edge of the picture frame or the armrest of the chair, every day Every detail is inlaid with gold and covered with silver, exquisitely carved, and decorations of roses, vines and bat wings can be seen everywhere.

rich!It's so rich!

Li Zhijin gasped, any piece of furniture here could fetch at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. Compared to the vampires, their Natural Sect is simply poor.

Go directly to the banquet living room, where only three of the most luxurious chairs are prepared. Islant Sengeyunari sits in the middle, Leo and Sha Ling sit on both sides, and introduce the chairs next to them in sequence. Earth disciples and clansmen.

Seeing more than forty young vampires who came up to salute one by one, the women were all dressed in medieval floor-to-ceiling dresses, with sparkling jewels hanging on their snow-white necks, slender waists, and protruding chest curves, The fluffy skirt is inlaid with diamonds and flowers, gorgeous and noble, long or fluffy in various styles, or lazily coiled up, showing different styles.

The men are dressed in various evening dresses, from the neckline to the trousers, just like their Marquis, every detail is perfectly decorated.

In addition to the ugly face, no matter the style of clothing or the appearance, they are all top-notch handsome men and beautiful women. I don't know where Eslant Sengeyunari found the tribe.

Behind Eslant Sengeyunari stood a handsome man with a silver shawl. He was also a member of the vampires and usually managed the trivial matters of the vampires. Beside him stood a man in a black robe. The wrapped person.

His black robe even covered his head, and the robe was very wide. In this brightly lit room, he didn't even show a trace of his skin, which was very mysterious.

Sha Ling's eyes could not help but slid over him twice. This person had a strange aura. Standing there, Sha Ling could not feel his popularity at all. If it wasn't for his slow heartbeat and long breathing, he would have said that there was no one there. Woolen cloth.The fluctuations around him are different from those of the vampires.

The fluctuations around the vampire's body uniformly showed a strange ice blue color, but the fluctuations of this person were pure black, dark, and icy black.

How keen is Eslant Sengeyunari, she immediately sensed Sha Ling's gaze, waved her fingers, and the silver man and the black robed man stepped forward, and the silver man said: "Your Excellency, I am the vampire Paris." Landon Sangyunari."

The man in the black robe bent down slightly, and the voice came out from the black robe, and said in a hoarse voice: "Dark Mage, Necromank.

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