I want to be happy

Chapter 287 Spiritual Confrontation

Behind each guest, there are two waiters, one male and one female, who serve various dishes. When each dish is served, the waiter will ask the guest softly if they want it, and immediately change another dish if they don't need it.

Hua Xiangrong and Yun Xiangyi only picked some fruit juice and salad to eat, and didn't choose anything else.

No less than the vegetable hodgepodge of the French Laundry restaurant, a cold appetizer composed of crab shell tortillas and vegetable puree, cooked with champagne, lobster with green apples, coriander and coconut meat, Paris berry ice cream served with milky scallions Juice and pistachio and fig biscuits, it seems to be a masterpiece of the Michelin restaurant in Paris, and the unique jelly of the El Bulli Hotel...

These are the delicacies that can only be made by the top chefs of the top restaurants in the world. If you want to eat in these restaurants, you must order two to three months in advance. We were invited to the Dark Night Castle together, and in the big kitchen at the back, we cooked refined and delicious delicacies for the guests.

Li Zhijin's mouth was sharp, and as the dishes were served one after another, he, who knew the goods, was secretly shocked. The financial resources of the blood-sucking clan were obviously not on the same level as the werewolf clan. Even the British royal family could not afford such a luxurious meal. banquet.

It's a pity that Li Zhijin, who has tasted these top delicacies all over the world, has no appetite at the moment. Those snacks at home are made of fruits and vegetables containing spiritual energy, and the two flower demons skillfully make them. The delicacy is beyond ordinary ingredients. limit.

Furthermore, who can eat while the person on the opposite side is drinking human blood?

Zhao Wang and the others ate very elegantly, so they deliberately picked a few vegetables to eat.Only Dong Dong and Xiao Jiao still have good appetites, what should Sha Ling feed them.They could all swallow it in one gulp.

Dozens of high-hanging crystal lamps are noble and gorgeous, illuminating the fine fluff on the wings of the dark angels painted on the ceiling. The faces of Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong are more delicate under the light. To drip, in the eyes of vampires, the eyes of these two children are as bright as stars.The smell of the whole body was extremely fragrant, almost subconsciously, the beautiful vampire sitting opposite Hua Xiangrong involuntarily stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

The fragrance wafting from that pretty boy was fresher and more fragrant than the bouquet in the vase in front of him, and sweeter than the blood in the cup.

How poignant and beautiful would those jet-black pupils reveal despair, and how gorgeous would that snow-like skin be if bloodstained? !

If you can make this child your own blood slave.Or children, what a thing to show off.

The beautiful vampire took a sip of blood.The plump red lips became more vivid, and she said in a soft voice: "Why don't you try this foie gras, do you think it smells fishy? It is made with ice cream and lemon juice. It has a unique flavor, I promise. It is very delicious .”

Hua Xiangrong raised her bright eyes and looked at the other party. It was a woman who stood out even among the many handsome vampires. Her golden curls were loosely coiled behind her head, and several strands of her hair hung down. Sprinkled on the pure white skin, there are a few spots of sunshine jumping around, brilliant and charming.

Violet eyes, like the most precious gems, shimmering.Dazzling.

Hua Xiangrong pursed her lips and stared at her for a long while as if fascinated.

Escalante, who was chatting and laughing with Leo, glanced here inadvertently.At the same time, Lei Ao quietly gave Sha Ling a wink.

Sha Ling didn't realize it, and still lowered his head, stuffing things into Xiaojiao and Dongdong's mouths leisurely—this time when he came to the vampire castle, Sha Ling didn't introduce Dongdong and Xiaojiao's identities as pets. come out.

Sha Ling's eyes seemed to be focused only on the two pets, but every move on the dining table could not escape his attention.

The vampire launched a spiritual temptation similar to hypnotism, but Hua Xiangrong's mental strength is not low, and he is familiar with spiritual spells, so how could it be so easy to get the way?

Moreover, in order to prevent the disciples from being attacked, Sha Ling taught the disciples to arrange the spiritual power scattered around them in a defensive state at all times. As long as the spiritual power gap is not too large, the attack can be directly blocked by the divine sense.

The mental attack that vampire used was only based on hypnosis and pupil techniques, and Li Hua Xiangrong's spiritual spells were fundamentally different.

Slowly, Hua Xiangrong burst into a sweet smile, the smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, extremely bright, for a moment, everyone who saw it had a momentary flash of light, before that, Hua Xiangrong's mental strength was as strong as A kind of gentle and gentle fluctuation approached the vampire's brain without sound, the mental fluctuation was like a lover's hand, gently caressing the opponent's mental fluctuation, the vampire felt a burst of relief and joy inexplicably.

Following Hua Xiangrong's pure smile, the vampire's heart relaxed, taking the opportunity, Hua Xiangrong's mental fluctuations smoothly invaded the opponent's mind, um, what should I do next?

Sha Ling's spiritual spells are still in the practice stage, the principle, but the two little flower demons have heard about it before, and the specific operation is unknown. Therefore, Hua Xiangrong, who successfully invaded the opponent's mind, stood there, not knowing what to do.

After thinking about it for a while, the master has nothing to say, and he probably doesn't intend to turn against the vampire, so it's better not to make a scene too rigid, and just teach him a little lesson, so Hua Xiangrong had a flash of inspiration, and a kind of fear The emotions of obedience and obedience were imprinted in the other party's mental fluctuations, and immediately Hua Xiangrong withdrew his mental fluctuations calmly, and continued to drink his drink openly.

"Huh?" The black-robed mage let out a low sigh of surprise.He felt the weird mental force field emanating from that little boy, but, what effect can this level of mental force field be so soft and gentle?

It was ridiculous that there were so many people present, but only Yun Xiangyi and Sha Ling knew what Hua Xiangrong had done. As for the black-robed mage, they were still guessing and suspicious.

"Good job." The master's praise came from his mind, Hua Xiangrong smiled happily, and waved for another glass of juice.

The purple-eyed vampire looked a little dazed, but soon she returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, but when she inadvertently glanced at Hua Xiangrong, there was a trace of fear and respect in her eyes.

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