I want to be happy

Chapter 292 Resurrection?

At the same time Li Zhijin opened the stone gate, the five-person expedition team composed of Zhao Wang, Lu Rui, and Yun Xiangyi also came to the first floor. The statue is about two meters high, like two huge warriors guarding the castle.

Glacier looked fascinated at Yun Xiangyi, and whispered: "There are many similar statues in the Dark Night Castle. Most of these statues have human-like bodies and faces, and bat wings and tails. They are collectively called gargoyles."

Yun Xiangyi raised her small face, showing pure eyes eager to hear the story, those big black eyes, full of anticipation, so that anyone who saw it couldn't bear to refuse.

It's so cute... Iron Fist and Glacier exclaimed together.

Lu Rui looked at it with a smile, with a hint of complacency in his expression—their little flower demon is unrivaled and cute~~~~

Zhao Wangwei turned his head and sighed in his heart. It's not that he doesn't like the innocent expression of the little flower demon. In fact, he thinks that no matter what kind of expression Xiao Yun has, he is beautiful. However, what he likes more is Yun Xiang. Yi leaned under the willow tree, listening to Sha Ling's music with half-closed eyes in an elegant manner. He liked Yun Xiangyi playing with Xiaojiao by the water, with a bright smile on his face that seemed to be shining... What he liked was Yun I want to show my true mood, not what I am now.

Sighing silently again, he understood that he was just feeling sad that he couldn't get closer to Yun Xiangyi's heart, but he actually didn't have the right to feel sad at all.

The little flower demon is pure, kind, cunning, and cute, condensing countless beautiful words into one body. She is a fresh existence like morning dew, which is not what he, a layman full of mortals, can dream of.

But some feelings, the more depressed and painful they become, the stronger they become.

Is this retribution?The first half of his life.Never believe in love.

"Gargoyle is a building that people carved on the corner of the house in ancient times to guide the water flow on the roof." Iron Fist squatted down and said mysteriously: "However, there are also very interesting legends. It is said that these gargoyles are statues during the day. It will be resurrected at night to guard the castle for the vampires. It is a species with low IQ but high combat effectiveness."

"Brother Tiequan knows a lot." Yun Xiangyi looked at Tiequan with admiration, twinkling stars in his eyes.

Iron Fist was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he smiled innocently and said, "Not much, not much, hehe."

Yun Xiangyi stretched out his hand to caress the gargoyle's cold stone body, and asked, "Then, Brother Iron Fist, can the gargoyle be resurrected? What special skills do they have?"

Scratching with an iron fist.Try hard to break it: "The unique skill of the gargoyle is the hard skin like a stone. It has a strong body and is free from magic. It has sharp claws, fangs, and it can fly. It is fighting. If there were no rumors about this, maybe there would be no resurrection." His tone became lower and lower, and he looked at Yun Xiangyi worriedly, afraid that her little face would show disappointment.

But Fairy Xiaohua didn't feel disappointed.I still touched the gargoyle with great interest, and I liked it very much at first glance.

Secretly, Yun Xiangyi cast a glance at Zhao Wang and Lu Rui.

Lu Rui was stunned for a moment, but Zhao Wang immediately understood, and stretched out his hand to poke Lu Rui, attracting the attention of Tiequan and Bingchuan: "We have come to the first floor, do you have any good suggestions? Can I go to your castle?"

Zhao Wang, Lu Rui, Tie Quan, and Bing Chuan squatted in the corner, writing and drawing with their fingers, and drew the general topographical map of the castle. At this moment, Yun Xiangyi looked at it and needed her to lift her little head to see it. Head gargoyle.

The gargoyle crouched on the pedestal, hanging down to the ground. The muscles on its face were knotted, and there were two goat-like horns on both sides of the forehead. The fangs were exposed, the eyebrows were raised, and the eyes were squinting. .

Yun Xiangyi glanced at the faces of the gargoyles in a hurry, and then focused on her hands. She had a wonderful sense of touch. When she walked past these two gargoyles, it was as if there was something in the dark. Xuandi felt that she stopped hesitantly.

In the words of the master, it was the different energy fluctuations emanating from the body of the stone statue that aroused her induction.It's a pity that she is not cultivated enough to be able to judge whether there is any difference in the stone statue like the master.

Following her hand, the spiritual thoughts invaded the gargoyle's body gradually. Yun Xiangyi suppressed her surprise. The material of the gargoyle's body was very special. Almost subconsciously, Yun Xiangyi's divine sense swam along the energy lines, while firmly memorizing the direction of all the lines - this is probably something like a formation, the master will definitely like it!

Too focused on the lines and direction of the formation, Yun Xiangyi never noticed that wherever her divine sense walked, a very small amount of spiritual power was sucked away by the "formation", and bit by bit, the energy lines resurfaced continued together.

With unique rules, complex, symmetrical and peculiar formations, Yun Xiangyi admired secretly, concentrated her thoughts, and probed to the center where all the lines flowed. She saw, a transparent ball with a dim light floating in the center of the ball. ...

Before he had time to see what it was, suddenly, You Ruo's sharp steel needle pierced his brain, and Yun Xiangyi lost control of that part of his mental power in an instant.

There was a burst of dizziness in his mind, and Yun Xiangyi's body shook slightly.

Zhao Wang and Lu Rui, who had been keeping an eye on Yun Xiangyi from the corners of their eyes, rushed over at once. Their speed was so fast that Iron Fist and Glacier could only feel a strong wind blowing across their faces like a sharp blade, and they lost their sight in front of them. .

"Hello!" Iron Fist, who was about to protest, saw Xiao Huaxian lying in Zhao Wang's arms, and immediately changed his blurted accusation into a nervous question: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Before the words were finished, the huge gargoyle five steps away from them made a terrifying rattling sound.

Unbelievable things happened before their eyes.

Even Zhao Wang, who was worried about Yun Xiangrong, couldn't help raising his head.

Yun Xiangrong quietly transmitted voice: "Eldest brother, I seem to have accidentally activated that gargoyle."

Zhao Wang opened his mouth, with the same expression as Lu Rui and the others.

Yun Xiangyi's face was pale, but there was a hint of joy in his round eyes. It turned out that gargoyles can be activated with mental power.

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