I want to be happy

Chapter 297 Crystal World

Although it took a whole night of tossing, for the people of the Natural Sect, a day without sleep would affect their physical strength and spirit, so everyone still gathered in the living room, learning new spells with great vigor.

Charm attack and psychedelic attack are basically the same as the sonic attack developed by Sha Ling. However, the sonic attack that Sha Ling handed over to his disciples is only simple stun. With his own personality, he is not very interested in offensive things.But how to defend against sonic attacks, Sha Ling taught his disciples a long time ago. For sonic attacks coming from unknown directions, the best way is to use divine thoughts to envelop the whole body, and mental power to defend in all directions, as long as the opponent's sonic attacks can't With a certain strength, it will be blocked by mental power.

Although it is for the disciples to learn by themselves, Zhao Wang and others cannot see the transmission of sound waves in the air. Can produce sound waves of that frequency.

After trying more than a dozen times, Sha Ling found the right syllable. Coupled with the scatter of true energy, the charm and psychedelic effects are only slightly stronger than the vampire's own spells.

After teaching several times, the disciples had already grasped the essentials. Sha Ling smiled gratifiedly, and focused on the puppet art. Leaving aside the puppet body refining mentioned in the puppet art, Sha Ling thought to himself that it was absolutely impossible to use corpses. To refine some puppet body, but he still remembers the bronze puppet beast in the underground palace. The body of that beast is made of refining materials, that is to say, the body of the puppet beast does not necessarily have to be flesh and blood.

Sha Ling is very interested in taking out and preserving the soul.

In the spell record, it is emphasized that when killing the opponent, cruel means must be used to make the soul persistent and full of hostility, so that the soul can cast dark spells in the future.Use a specific spell to capture the soul, put the soul into the refined black crystal, and sink into a place full of undead spirit.After a few years, when the soul is solidified, it can be put into the core of the puppet body, connected with the formation, and the puppet technique will be completed.

The soul-holding spell was uttered in the unique language of the vampires. Fortunately, Violet recited it just now, otherwise the translated language alone would not be able to achieve the corresponding effect.The black crystal, but I don't know where it is found, and the refining method on the black crystal has never been recorded.

Sha Ling narrowed his eyes slightly. He thought of the blue crystal picked up from the bronze puppet beast. Is the puppet technique of the cultivation magic and the puppet technique of the dark magic interlinked?Is the little beast crouching in the blue crystal a soul?

He reached out and touched the jade pendant on his chest.The treasured blue crystal appeared in his hand, and the blue light in the crystal protected by the defensive cover was faintly visible.Thanks to the aura supplement provided by Sha Ling, the gleaming figure of the little beast in the crystal has stabilized.The cracks on the surface of the blue crystal also miraculously faded a lot, but unfortunately the broken corner was lost in the underground palace and could not be retrieved.

Sha Ling for sure.This soul-like incorporeal body is not a soul, or it is not an ordinary soul. The soul cannot absorb spiritual energy.But the incorporeal body of this little beast is fine, maybe it's the soul of a spirit beast?

There are too few things Sha Ling can use as a reference, so it is impossible to guess.

The crystal is transparent and thin, but in terms of material structure, it is not an ordinary crystal in the human world. Sha Ling extended his divine sense and penetrated into the crystal to inspect it. In the world of crystal structure, it seems that a fictional Sha Ling stands there. Sha Ling looks up and down, and everything he sees is transparent and ethereal water wave lines, which can't be seen at a glance, and there is a sense of vastness and boundlessness. Unexpectedly, the appearance is only a fist-sized crystal, but inside it can have a space as vast as the sea. Whether it is large or small depends on the relative reference object. In fact, no one can say that this crystal is small, and no one can say that it is small. it's big.Perhaps, this is "one flower, one world"?

Sha Ling seemed to be obsessed with thinking, holding the crystal in his hand for a long time without moving.

After a long time, waking up from an epiphany, Sha Ling looked down and saw that where the toes touched, it seemed that the plane of the water wave sank slightly. Sha Ling nodded secretly. This was the influence of spiritual power on the material. , is particularly sensitive to mental power.

Spiritual thoughts wandered in the crystal world, and Sha Ling soon discovered that some invisible silver lines ran through the crystal world, and there were some sunken dots on the lines from time to time, and the dots condensed spiritual energy.The aura flowed and reached the break in the lower right corner, but because the formation was broken, the aura scattered.

Sha Ling laughed. He suddenly discovered that the upper and lower parts of the sixteen-faced diamond-shaped crystal, like the scenery and the reflection in the water, are completely opposite reflections. Judging from the still complete lines, the two Part of the array lines should be exactly the same.

Then, even though a portion of the crystal carrier is missing, he can find a way to make up for this formation. As long as the formation is complete, the bronze puppet beast soul must be able to play its role again.

Find the puppet beast soul from the underground palace, follow the puppet formation in the secret room of the castle, the two complement each other, just enough to form a complete puppet spell, is this considered a chance?

Silently write down the formation in the crystal. The formation is as complicated as the spirit-absorbing formation. However, for the current Sha Ling, it doesn't take much time to write down the formation.

After thinking about it, he took out a piece of white jade from his finger. It wasn't that there were no other materials that were better, such as green crystal in winter. However, Sha Ling considered that the materials were incompatible or conflicted, so he chose the jade with the mildest nature. try.

Use the "moonlight" to cut it neatly, the hard jade is like tofu, and when you cut it, there is no sound.

Sha Ling directly controls the cutting work with divine thoughts, and his observation ability is meticulous. The size and volume of the cut just fits in the crystal gap, which is not bad, and from the shape, it looks like a piece of crystal that fell from the crystal. That one, the lines fit perfectly.

Once the shape is well formed, the next step is the key—the array inlay inside the jade must also be joined to the broken array in the crystal just right. In fact, as long as the inner array is well connected, the outer shape is not too big Impact.

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