I want to be happy

Chapter 303 The Voice of the Elves

please. " Sha Ling waved his hand.

On the platform, not to mention the vampires and werewolves holding their breaths nervously and excitedly looking forward to this peerless contest, even the natural clan who had been sitting there leisurely in front of him also rushed to the glass wall, feeling a little bit nervous. Watching the situation on the field anxiously.

For Sha Ling, they are very confident, but one against two, and both of them are unworldly powerhouses, this more or less makes them a little worried.

Leo eagerly licked his tongue, and Escalante spread out his bat wings on the back. It was no longer black air condensed, but solid wings. These wings of the body would bring him the most Fast speed.

Leo and Escalante looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding, and they shot at the same time!

Wolf King Leo let out a loud roar, green brilliance shot out from his two pairs of eyes, the greenness was extremely terrifying, and his aura surged like a beast, "Wolf King Po!"

Accompanied by this roar, a huge golden wolf actually appeared on Leo's body. The golden wolf's hair was all spread out, its eyes were cold and ruthless, and its mouth was wide open, blowing out countless winds that were as sharp as blades. Blade, and immediately, the Golden Wolf King jumped on him!

And the vampire patriarch disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Sha Ling's spiritual sense felt the impact of the wolf emperor, the wolf emperor broke, this move not only relied on Leo's own strength, but also kneaded the spiritual power together, first using a powerful mental shock wave, and then followed by Physical attack is indeed very powerful.

In front is the wolf emperor Po who is about to reach his body, and beside him is the vampire patriarch watching.

Escalante disappeared in that instant, and although she was moving extremely fast, she couldn't escape the pursuit of Sha Ling's divine sense, Yueyin!The speed of the vampire patriarch's voice is too loud!

A second ago, Escalante was a hundred meters away, and a second later, Escalante circled around him less than five meters away.An infrasonic attack has already come out without a sound!

Sha Ling already had an idea in mind.

A smile flashed across his eyes, Sha Ling took a step with his feet in the air, and lightly flashed to 200 meters away. The position was exactly behind Eslant.

His speed also surpassed the pitch!

Opening his lips slightly, the real air in his body circulated, and a low breath came from Sha Ling's throat.

Recite aloud: "Ding——"

His voice.Tongue bursting with spring thunder, the rumbling sound came from the extremely far sky, with endless aftertaste!

Eslant was stunned. Sha Ling should have been standing there, but she suddenly disappeared from sight!In front of his infrasonic attack, Sha Ling escaped!

His degree.Also sound? !

Compared to his stunned, Lei Ao is already familiar with Sha Ling's speed.As soon as you hit it, it's instant.He changed his position with incomparable agility.

Suddenly, Eslante's whole body felt a chill, and his ears moved slightly, keenly capturing the abnormal sound waves coming from behind.It's a sonic attack!

Immediately, he flapped his wings, and the sound moved, appearing hundreds of meters away!

Just two seconds.When the figures of Lei Ao, Eslant and Sha Ling reappeared in everyone's eyes, they completely changed their positions.

But at this time, a series of sonic booms formed after the sound came to everyone's ears!

The werewolves only saw clearly that their patriarch gave birth to the wolf emperor, and what happened after that, but they were in a fog, and they didn't know why.

The vampires know that the strong man in the east also has an amazing voice, and only in this way can he get rid of the patriarch's agility.

Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong reluctantly sent voice transmissions to Li Zhijin, Zhao Wang and the others: "The master used a curse, the blood-sucking patriarch used infrasonic waves, and the wolf emperor used a mental attack. We can no longer use divine sense to watch the battle, otherwise will be affected."

The three peerless powerhouses quickly shifted their forms and shadows, and the practice field was very humid. After the sound moved, clouds of fog burst out, making the battle situation even more confusing.

Sha Ling's face was solemn, Eslante was already in full swing, mental attack and infrasound were launched at the same time, this was a completely different fighting style from Wolf King Leo's, which made him a bit uncomfortable at first, but soon, he didn't even stop Use your fingers to directly use your spiritual thoughts to fight back the mental attack.

A sonic attack, as long as the opponent can make a sound, or has a speed close to the sound, it is very likely to dodge. However, Leo and Escalante are these two cases.

So, what about the sonic attack that should overwhelm the audience?

Sha Ling has never used a large-scale sound wave attack since he figured out the mantra, this time, he should give it a try.

With a thought in his mind, while resisting the mental attack with divine thoughts, while dodging Leo's punching wind, Sha Ling began to groan.

At first, his voice was not obvious. Even the vampire patriarch with extremely sensitive ears didn't notice something was wrong. Mixed in the wind of fists and infrasound waves, Sha Ling's low-pitched voice was low-pitched and intermittent, as if it was leaking out of the ground occasionally. The dark river has no lethality or attack power, and it is like spring rain moistening things silently.

However, when Escalante noticed the faint melody, his mind was captured by the melody—it was beautiful, it was the real sound of heaven, whispering from the land of elves, For a split second, he stopped all attacks, even stopped moving his body, and listened intently, carefully, coming from a distance, the incomparably beautiful natural sound was washing his soul, and human ears could not capture it. The natural rhythm is so gentle, like a sunbeam quietly illuminating an inch of land in a dense forest, like a drop of round dew rolling slightly on a leaf, like an elf with transparent wings dancing on a flower ...

The vampire patriarch always wears an elegant and distant smile on his face, with a look of intoxication.

However, all the people watching the battle on the platform felt as if the air had been emptied for an instant, and there was a buzzing in everyone's minds, and all of a sudden, they almost couldn't hear any sound at all.

Although invisible, yet tangible, the indescribable sense of oppression filled the air, causing the flowers, plants and trees in the practice field to collapse in all directions.

A pale golden light suddenly appeared on the glass wall of the platform, and the light flickered non-stop. Soon, with a slight "click", the first crack appeared on the glass wall.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third... Crash, the glass wall shattered all over the place!

Leo was gasping for breath, but he couldn't hear his own breathing!

With a suffocating pain in his chest and a trace of fear in his eyes, he looked at Sha Ling who was floating in the air with indifferent eyes—what kind of attack was this?Silent and invisible!

He was completely restrained, unable to move, his internal organs were shaking violently!

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