Eslant brought up by Sha Ling closed her eyes tightly, and the wings on her back were solidified like a marble statue, standing motionless.

In Escalante's world, he seems to be following the wind, wandering in the blue sky and white clouds with the faint music. The wind is soft and comfortable, and the sky is as blue as the best glass, almost transparent. , the clouds are as white as cotton wool, the lake water is cool and sweet, and the grass leaves are tender green... Faintly, there are whispers of elves laughing in the distance...

Very suddenly, but very naturally, he found himself transformed into a wisp of lake water, gently swaying along the water waves, his entire soul was baptized and soaked in the natural pulsation between the sky and the earth...

I don't know how much time passed, Lord Marquis's eyelashes trembled slightly - the direction of the mist, the surge of the lake, the subtle messages in the air... The world became so clear, it was as if, in the past, he was separated by a distance. Observing the world through a layer of foggy glass, now that the barriers are gone, he can finally see the true face of the world, which is fresh, complex, and wonderful.

It seems that every subtle change in the body is under control, and the mental strength that has stayed at this stage for a long time has not improved, and it has broken through.

Escalante's heart was filled with a touch of joy, and he was one step closer to the holy steps.

Taking a deep breath of moist air, the Marquis opened his eyes, his blue pupils couldn't hide his curiosity and looked at the transparency surrounding him. With his spiritual power, he could see that the bubble-like aperture was actually a circle of light. Layers of weird and unique energy are condensed.

Turning his gaze, he looked at Sha Ling with implied gratitude.After waking up at this moment, looking back at the battle situation, he also understands that the sound of Lai that day is not like what can be found in the world, and it has the effect of confusing people's minds.

The internal organs were slightly injured, but the mental strength unexpectedly increased, how do you look at it.He owes Sha Ling a great favor.

As for Sha Ling's divine sense experiment in his spiritual world, Escalante had no impression at all.

Above the surface of the lake, there was still mist rolling, and the walls of the aperture were glowing with a slight brilliance. In the light, Sha Ling was showing a relaxed smile. Danny's injury was not serious, so he took the elixir.Sha Ling's spiritual energy was poured into his body again, and soon, the wounds of the viscera and six internal organs were healed.

Sha Ling's smile was clear and shallow, somehow, it reminded Eslant of the feeling in the elf fantasy, it seemed, Sha Ling's body.There's something about it, like the gentle wind in an elf's vision.It makes people feel comfortable and relaxed.

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Escalante lowered her head and said modestly and politely.


"I have to hear Your Excellency's Tianle. It has benefited me a lot."

"You're welcome." Sha Ling's gaze stayed on the face of the vampire patriarch, and he could tell that Eslant's thanks were very sincere.It seemed that Escalante was unaware of his mental power test.There should be no sequelae, Sha Ling thought reassuringly.

While speaking, another ball of light wobbled up in the lake, inside this ball of light.Surrounded by a group of werewolves, it's just that they are struggling in the light ball in a state of embarrassment, desperately trying to make the light ball float, that appearance is laughable.

The ball of light was the defensive cover that Li Zhijin had kindly opened for them. Although the defensive cover was thin, it blocked the surging lake water, and unexpectedly helped the werewolves again.

Li Zhijin beckoned, and the ball of light flew up following his gesture, and in a blink of an eye, the two balls of light converged together.

After a while, the vampires were not seen flying up. However, no one was worried about their safety. With the strength of anyone here, there would be no danger in the lake.

After sweeping around with her mental power, Islan already knew that Leon and several vampires had returned to the castle along the passage, and they were trying to prevent the lake from pouring into the castle.

Back in the castle, Sha Ling and the others put away their defensive covers. Everyone was numb to this magical transparent light circle. They had already deeply realized that the spells of the East were not the ones they usually came into contact with and understood. It is a completely different system, no need to be surprised how wonderful it is.

The wolf emperor Leo was still healing with his legs crossed, Sha Ling directly sent him back to the room with a defensive cover, and the werewolves took over to take care of him.

Sha Ling's sonic attack and the tunes he sings are quite gentle in nature, and they do not directly shatter and resonate human beings, but induce fluctuations in the internal organs and blood vessels. If time passes, the fragile internal organs of the human body will not be able to withstand If the strength of the shock is raised, it will burst, so he stopped the sound wave in a timely manner.

Even so, everyone was inevitably more or less internally injured. The werewolves and vampires were injured to a similar degree. The vampires were fascinated by the rhythm, and the pain they couldn't feel was a bit more serious.

The Natural Clan's injuries are the lightest, but they are also somewhat affected.

So, right now, everyone is going home to heal.

Instead, Escalante couldn't rest, and had to arrange manpower to solve the problem of the lake's backflow.

For three days in a row, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks were all settled in their own rooms. Nuo Da a castle seemed quiet.


Passing through the long and gorgeous aisle, in the underground space, the air was dry and fresh. Paris Langton Sangeunari led the way in front. His footsteps were light and landed on the soft carpet without any sound at all.

Sha Ling's eyes wandered around the row of paintings hanging on the wall. No matter how ignorant he was, he could tell that many of the paintings should be hung in museums and received the most expensive maintenance and preservation measures, not Like this, hang it casually on the wall as a decoration in the corridor.

It's a pity that Li Zhijin didn't follow, otherwise he would have been able to see the origin and value of these paintings.

While Sha Ling was thinking casually, she sensed the lines of magic power embedded in the wall with her divine sense.

The entire castle is inlaid with magic power lines everywhere. These formations, which are similar to the Eastern formations, are temporarily called magic formations by Sha Ling and others to show the difference from the former.In a castle like this, there are magic circles embedded in it, and there are many underground secret rooms and defensive structures that even the current vampires cannot understand. Sha Ling can't help but admire the gorgeousness and luxury of the castle from another angle.No wonder Escalante chose this remote castle as a base.In comparison, the Natural Villa of the Natural Sect is too ordinary.

I wondered in my heart whether to move this architectural style with embedded formations back to the secluded residence in the world of mortals and the natural villa, but the paintings on the corridor have changed.

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