I want to be happy

Chapter 322 Babel Tower

Ling Mang stared blankly at the blue ball of light, what was it?Without Sha Ling, who was instructed by his spiritual master, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. Could it be that after the spiritual power is condensed, it will also form a special pill?

Close your eyes and look inside. The ball of light is compressed spiritual power with extremely high density. Like the golden pill in the dantian, it rotates slowly. The surrounding spiritual power is like a whirlpool, converging towards it, flowing out again, gradually Yes, the blue spiritual power body is no longer a diamond-shaped rough structure, but has become a three-dimensional swirl.

There seemed to be a loud bang bang bang bang in his ears, and Sha Ling felt dizzy for a while. When he regained his composure, the blue vortex in his mind formed a rotating nebula map, and the arms of the star were full of soft blue starlight. In the center, The blue ball of light also solidified.

Is it because the spiritual realm has risen again?

Sha Ling could only speculate. Seeing that there was no adverse reaction, he gave up thinking and opened his eyes.

"Master, wake up, let's have a cup of tea." Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong stood beside him quietly, holding hot tea and snacks in their hands.

Li Zhijin stood up from the reclining chair, walked over and asked, "Why did you retreat for a month without saying a word, I almost thought you didn't want to go to Tongtian Tower." While speaking reproachfully, there was concern in his eyes.

Sha Ling smiled brightly, took the tea, drank a couple of sips, stood up and stretched his muscles and bones: "Well, the unexpected small breakthrough is in mental strength. Well, time is running out, let's get ready to leave."

"Okay, I'm just waiting for your words."

First send the family and Zhao Wang back to the secluded residence in the world of mortals. Xiaojiao, Yun Xiangyi, and Hua Xiangrong stayed behind in the castle. Sha Ling took Li Zhijin, Wu Gu, and Dongdong, the three contest winners, to simply pack and prepare their luggage, and went to Werewolf Inn.

Wolf King Leo had already sent people to urge him several times. He was so anxious that he saw that Sha Ling finally arrived, so he couldn't help but went forward with great joy, bumped his hand on his chest, and saluted, "Your Excellency, you have left the barrier." ?”

Cultivated to level s or above.A retreat means a comprehension and a possible breakthrough, and sometimes the retreat will last for several years. Therefore, when Leo heard that Sha Ling of the holy rank was retreating, he almost thought that he would not be able to wait for this strong man Go to Tongtian Tower together.

While talking, he looked at Sha Ling, this young and strong man was still so handsome and refined.It is obviously an exceptional appearance and demeanor, but it can be restrained like a mortal. Is this the realm where all the energy and spirit can be restrained after reaching the holy rank?

I don't know how your Excellency Sha Ling gained from this breakthrough?

"Well, I kept Brother Leo waiting for a long time." Sha Ling cupped his hands naturally to express his apology.

"It's okay, you only take two, cough, three of you?" Leo hurriedly counted Dong's head.Can explore ancient ruins such as Tongtian Tower.There are many strong players joining, no matter what, you should bring all the strong players in your hands.Under Sha Ling's sect, their skills.The werewolves knew very well that each of them could bring down the opponents on the S level, but for some reason they only brought three of them, Leo secretly wondered.

"Yes. When are we going?"

"Let's go now." The Wolf Emperor led the crowd to the back of the inn, where a bto17 helicopter had long been parked.

Li Zhijin whistled, he hadn't driven or sat in a military helicopter for a long time, and stepped on the ladder to board the plane again.It felt like doing a mercenary mission again.

There are three people and one dog in the Natural Sect, and the werewolves are still the same team as when they visited the vampire castle last time. Everyone is old friends.

Still the old route, first arrive at Geneva Airport, transfer to the special plane sent by the vampires, but the destination is not the Castle of Darkness, and they are released on the tarmac of the famous Royal Palace in the Lake District.

After getting off the plane, I transferred to another small passenger plane. The passenger plane was luxuriously and exquisitely decorated, with soft carpets on the floor, and several handsome men and women with bare feet and light gauze lined up to welcome the passengers. Lant led the butlers Lai Ang and Paris Langton to greet them. Paris Langton was as handsome as moonlight, wearing a white military uniform style formal suit with a silver gleaming scarf on the collar, looking elegant and extraordinary. , although Leon's appearance is not as handsome as that of vampires, but he has strong facial features full of masculinity, and a strong and wild body. Standing next to Escalante with Paris Langton on the left and right, it is even more suitable One of the masters of the style.

Escalante's clothes still pay attention to details everywhere, the well-fitting coat is well-trimmed without any wrinkles, the gorgeous lace on the cuffs and neckline is decorated with many diamonds, and there is a rose flower made of ruby ​​on the chest.

There is no doubt that Escalante is like the sun god, strongly attracting people's attention.His light completely overwhelmed the two excellent butlers beside him.

As for the black-robed mage who followed closely behind, he was completely ignored like a shadow.

Sha Ling sighed silently in her heart—it's really Escalante's flirty style.

Escalante's eyes flashed with joy. He was very happy that Sha Ling, a strong man, could come to help. Moreover, since the last contest, he was deeply impressed by the opponent's strength. From the bottom of his heart, He respected this strong man.

So far, Escalante has not noticed the change in his mentality towards Sha Ling. From the food at the beginning, to the instinctive obedience later, the contrast did not attract his attention. Of course, this is mainly because of Sha Ling. There was no order what he did.

Moreover, Sha Ling had no intention of controlling him.

Ignoring the peace of mind and joy in her heart after seeing Sha Ling, Escalante gestured elegantly and led Sha Ling and Leo into their exclusive VIP room.

However, the joy in his heart was clearly felt by Sha Ling who was close at hand. That kind of joy was just like the kind of joy when we meet again after not seeing the master for a long time in winter, it is very simple and very real.

Sha Ling was startled for a moment, and then remembered the unintentional mental control, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, cough, he didn't like vampires, but he didn't think about leaving such a deep spiritual imprint on them. , I don't think there is anything wrong with doing an experiment, but now, the emotions deep in the other party's heart make Sha Ling excited.

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