I want to be happy

Chapter 33 Caravan

The sun on Donghua Star is huge and perfect. Through the entire glass curtain wall, seeing the sun slowly sinking into the west, the tall and handsome young man couldn't help but change his position from time to time. Pose on the wall.between actions.Looks a little anxious.

fifth day.Today is the fifth day.Will that magical Mr. Sha appear?

Liu Yilin was not very sure in his heart either.He and Sha Ling met by chance, and they didn't know each other's background, so he fell in love with him.It is Sha Ling's powerful ability.If Sha Ling can be recruited as a helper, there is great hope for his own revenge.

For a big family like the Ian family, Liu Yilin didn't expect to be able to exterminate the family.As long as he can kill the main sin.That's what I wanted, of course.If he can survive afterwards, he doesn't mind at all spending his entire life to bring down the Ian family.

The spacecraft that left Donghua Star has already contacted.Proof of identity has also been completed.His temperament is that he hangs out all year round, and he has some understanding of certain ways. After the incident at home, he stepped into another world and groped for several years.He has a much better grasp of the rules of interstellar survival.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be on a strange planet.In just a few days, they found a ship that could leave Donghua Star.Moreover, even the identity certificates have been forged.

It is not difficult for him to return to the Evelaril Empire alone, but he is weak.And the Ian family has always been effective in his follow-up.In this situation.With one more master-level expert guarding by his side, the safety factor is undoubtedly greatly improved.

There are still two hours, and the spaceship on the ground is about to take off, however.Sha Ling hasn't arrived yet.If it's time.If Sha Ling doesn't show up again, Liu Yilin will go on the road alone.

Liu Yilin has been facing out of the window, but his attention is always alert to his surroundings, and he can be alert when there is any disturbance.

His ears moved slightly suddenly.Slowly stretching his hands to his waist, there were some footsteps not far behind him, these footsteps were light and steady.The stride is powerful and free, evident.Is a well-trained master.And the uniformity of the steps has the unique characteristics of the army.

Those footsteps stopped right behind him, Liu Yilin seemed unaware.But the whole body is already tense.Could it be that he was discovered by the military?

"I'm not late, am I?" The voice came from the person he expected, but...

Liu Yilin turned around slowly.His eyes flashed over to Sha Ling who was smiling.Sweeping around him, there were six people beside Sha Ling.Among them, there was even Cheng Wendong whom Liu Yilin knew. These people surrounded Sha Ling like stars.It was as if Sha Ling was their boss.

Liu Yilin looked at Sha Ling suspiciously.However, his hand was pulled out slowly. Under such circumstances, no matter whether Sha Ling betrayed him or not, it was impossible for him to fight back effectively, not to mention other people.There is only one Cheng Wendong.You can restrain him.

He was very puzzled in his heart.See where Cheng Wendong is standing.Obviously the positions of guards and subordinates.The last time he was on the spaceship, he felt that Sha Ling was politely "escorted" by Cheng Wendong. Why did the situation change after a few days of absence?

Sha Ling said: "Don't worry. I'm here to fulfill my promise. But before that, I think we need to talk."

Liu Yilin nodded.

Cheng Wendong took a step forward: "Please."

After all, lead the way ahead.Turned a few corners.Lead everyone into a reception room.

Close the door.

Liu Yilin sat down on the sand, opposite.It's Sha Ling.And those masters who are extremely imposing.But they spread out consciously and abnormally, and there were two people guarding the door.The others stood behind Sha Ling.

"Mr. Sha, where's Xiao Mo?" Liu Yilin picked a topic as an entry point.

"Xiao Mo stayed at home." He went out this time.The future is also unpredictable, Luo Xiaomo is young after all.Sha Ling was worried, so he left him on Yinhua Star, Yinhua Star.There is Wu Qingfu.And the defensive formation has been activated.Still relatively safe.

"Master Sha, your identity is becoming more and more confusing." Liu Yilin said pointedly.Looking at the situation, doesn't he understand? Obviously, Sha Ling's status is quite noble.

Sha Ling smiled: "I made you laugh, before. There was a little misunderstanding between Cheng Dui and I, but I explained it clearly later. I am a member of the Donghua Alliance. The certificate is clear."

"Oh. Then..."

"Don't worry, the Donghua Alliance will not pursue your actions on the spacecraft." Sha Ling pointed out Liu Yilin's worry.That son, Diesel-: Ian actually has a signal device that keeps firing. The signal device is as small as silk, and it is planted in the body of the son.If it hadn't been discovered by Sha Ling, I'm afraid that it wouldn't be long before the head of the Ian family who received the news of his grandson's death would be overwhelmed by troops.

Whether it is for precautionary measures or to help Liu Yilin for long-term investment.The management of Donghua Alliance.Both are considered to be where possible.Eliminate the head of the Ian family.

A first-class civilized country.The patriarch of a powerful family who wants to eliminate a fourth-class civilized country.This is in the universe.It's like a big joke, but if you contact the master hidden behind the Donghua Alliance, and Liu Yilin, the "internal response".The impossible becomes possible.

Liu Yilin's sharp eyes stared closely at Sha Ling: "The price?" The meaning behind Sha Ling's words.It made Liu Yilin terrified.From this point of view, this master can represent Donghua Alliance, his background is probably not ordinary, and such a master figure, why is he willing to join a low-civilized country?

"No one else. We will send you back to the Evelaria Empire. You can show us a way to the Water Star."

"that's it?"

Sha Ling smiled: "That's all. How do you plan to arrange for us to go on the road?"

"Uh. Are you going?" Liu Yilin froze for a moment.Immediately, he realized that these people must have escorted Sha Ling to the Water Star, and sent him back to the Evelaril Empire.I'm afraid it's incidental, but.Anyway, it doesn't do me any harm, on the contrary.In a disguised form, he had more human protection.Why not do it?

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