I want to be happy

Chapter 341 Babel Tower

Gu's eyes were fixed on those black holes, and the black holes seemed to be a turbulent flow like the water stirred up in a washing machine, which made people feel panicked.

With a calm face, Wu Gu shot out ten layers of defensive shields in one breath, and several layers of superimposed defensive halos made the hazy brilliance of the halos bright and clean. Just as he was about to jump into a black hole casually, his heart suddenly moved slightly. A little touch stopped his movements.

With only a slight hesitation, he missed the approaching black hole, and was pushed and rolled by the energy flow to continue running in an unknown direction.

Wu Gu's nerves were tense, and his divine thoughts were released without reservation. Soon, he passed by a black hole again. Just as he was about to pass by, a strange feeling appeared in his heart again, as if a feather was in his consciousness. With a flick of the middle, he immediately made a decision, Wu Gu commanded the defensive cover to move towards the black hole as hard as possible, with [-]% of the spiritual energy, immediately, the defensive cover was deflected by about one meter in the straight energy flow, and only one meter is enough Yes, the huge attraction from the black hole helped Wu Gu, making it easier for him to move towards the black hole.

As soon as he fell into the black hole, Wu Gu complained incessantly. The energy flow inside the black hole he chose was even more violent and violent than the energy flow that swept them. The speed of consuming the defensive shield almost reached a layer of two seconds. point!

Almost at the moment of entering, his defensive cover only had two thin layers left. When did their solid defensive cover become as fragile as paper?Regardless of admiring the mighty power of nature, Wu Gu's fingers popped out the characters of "protection" continuously, and he was calculating in his mind.He only had a few Heavenly Talismans left, and how long he could last. As his thoughts flickered, he couldn't help thinking of their uncle Li Zhijin. It was Li Zhijin's insistence that each of them carried hundreds of Talismans. Tianfu, at that time, still felt that the uncle made a big fuss, and always thought that it was a gun or something.It's only a few defensive shields that can resist it, so why bother to get a stack by your side, now that I think about it, this is indeed a prudent and wise move.

If you don't have these hundred sub-day talismans.They were already smashed into pieces in the energy channel!

While flicking his fingers, a wry smile appeared on Wu Gu's lips, there was no more Heaven Talisman in his arms.Could it be that this time, he couldn't hold on?

With a slight sound of "poof", the outer defensive halo shattered.The inner circle of light flickered, and I couldn't hold on seeing it.

Seeing the energy flow roaring like crazy, Wu Gu frowned.Pulled out a string of pendants from his bosom.This string of pendants consists of five sapphire charms.Put your finger on one of them a little, and time.A faint light flashed, and another layer of defensive halo was added.

These five small sapphire pendants were carved by Wu Gu himself, and there are defensive shields and spirit absorption arrays hidden inside.

One after another, all five sapphire pendants have been used, but it only added 1 minute to his time.

Pieces and pieces, he took off the cufflinks, the bracelet hidden in the sleeve, the jade ornaments on the belt... These are all the defensive shields that Wu Gu carved out in his spare time, and this time he took them all out.

After activating the defense cover in the last small jade button, Wu Gu suddenly smiled, and the smile was relieved. Thinking about these years, his situation is really very human, but now, even the way of death is beyond the reach of ordinary people. own.

It's just that he is not reconciled, he is not reconciled to being swallowed by the energy flow like this, he has to work harder, otherwise, wouldn't it make his fellow disciples laugh at him?The faces of the crowd flashed across his mind, Wu Gu turned around, resolutely and resolutely, burst out the spirit energy all over his body, and let the spirit ball rush into it!

The defensive cover was wobbly, and the light was flickering, but Wu Gu didn't even look at it. He just resolutely exhausted the last trace of spiritual energy and charged forward, "poof" and "pop", when the defensive cover was broken, Wu Gu slammed hit the wall!

A humanoid mosaic hangs on a stone wall.

After a while, Wu Gu groaned, pushed hard, pushed himself out of the wall, and slid down the wall. Wu Gu's face was pale, and his hair was soaked in cold sweat, sticking to it in strands.

If he didn't have the inlaid ground defense on his clothes, just the force of this last hit on the stone wall would have killed him.

"Huh—" Breathing out, Wu Gu raised his head and looked at the dark black hole suspended in front of him. This black hole seems to be just a painting hanging there on a flat surface. I can't see it, just like the black hole doesn't exist there. Until now, Wu Gu didn't have the time to realize the multi-dimensionality and complexity of space.

Rubbing between his eyebrows, Wu Gu felt that he seemed to be dreaming, obviously dealing with each other all day long

Accurate numbers, but why are you thinking about the complex problem of spatial multi-dimensionality now?

"Hehe~~~" Involuntarily, Wu Gu laughed, not only to ridicule, but also to rejoice that he escaped from death.

His luck is really good, as long as the tunnel is a little bit longer, his skin will fade if he is not dead, but now, it is just that his spiritual energy and divine sense are exhausted, not only his life is saved, but there is no skin trauma .

Leaning his body against the stone wall and laughing for a while, Wu Gu took out a bunch of pills to replenish spiritual energy and ate them. He closed his eyes, and he entered a state of meditation. Only in meditation can he recover his physical and mental strength the fastest.

There was no one around to protect the law, and all the defensive shields were used up, so Wu Gu didn't dare to enter the samadhi deeply, and still left a ray of mind to guard his surroundings.

About an hour or so, Wu Gu breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and moved his hands and feet, the spiritual energy in his body was still very little, but it was much better than the previous situation where the energy channels were almost dry.

In front of him was a wide platform, the stones on which were polished as smooth as a mirror, leaving the wall close to him, Wu Gu turned around and looked, his eyes widened—behind the wall was a huge temple towering into the sky, The structure of the temple is very similar to the temple style of ancient Greece. The round stone pillars that few people can hug can be seen everywhere.The steps of the temple were at least several hundred meters away from where he was standing. From a distance, the countless steps leading to the temple seemed to have no end.

Alas, it would be great if the master, master uncle and Dong Dong were all here at this time.

Wu Gu sighed lightly, stroking the Qianli voice transmission on his chest, after thinking about it, the voice transmission still came out.

The sky is pale, and there are many scattered stone platforms floating in the distance. The scene looks similar to what he saw when he first entered Tongtian Tower. Maybe, he returned to the original space, Wu Gu guessed expectantly.

Or maybe, this is the Tongtian Tower at the top?

But why didn't I hear a human voice?Most of those strong men came straight to the tallest Tongtian Tower, right?

Hesitating for a moment, Wu Gu decided to stay where he was for the time being to recover his energy. He took out the talisman paper and pen, held the writing brush in his hand, and concentrated on the end of the brush. to the end of the pen.

Slowly, Wu Gu's wrist moved, and bits of spiritual light condensed in the air, forming incomparably wonderful strokes.

When writing the next heaven talisman, it should be able to attract the surrounding aura, and at the same time, the writer can understand the mysteries of the world while communicating with the world.

But at this time, there was no sign of aura gathering, only relying on the output of aura in Wu Gu's body.

At this moment, in the space black hole not far from Wu Gu, those turbulent energy flows seemed to be stimulated by something and suddenly became more frenzied.

In an instant, a little silver light flashed and flew out of the black hole, and at the same moment, the black hole shivered violently and quickly closed, disappearing in an instant!

That silver light, if you look closely, it is the little silver bug. This kind of silver bug is actually the same kind as the white bug in the green snake stone box, but the silver bug is the white bug. One of the evolutionary forms.

The small white flying insect is called "Caredus Kobik" by high-level civilizations, which means ever-changing insects.It has a strong ability to survive, and can evolve into different forms according to the energy it absorbs.

When it meets by chance and absorbs space energy, it will turn into a small silver flying insect. The silver flying insect is already a kind of cosmic creature, called "Innesesus", a small Innesesus Si, nothing to be afraid of, however, the Innacessus, who has evolved to an adult, is a terrifying monster that can devour planets. Fortunately, this kind of creature has no aggressive characteristics, only likes chaotic space energy, and only Where space energy is chaotic, it appears.

This Innacessus was just a juvenile body. After it was captured by Dong Dong, out of biological fear, it released the space energy in its body, and forced to tear open a space channel, pulling everyone in.

Innacessus, who had fled, was startled by the violent energy flow just now, and escaped from the passage.

Innacessus lives by eating space energy, but if the food is too powerful, it can only temporarily avoid the edge.

The little silver flying insect rushed out of the black hole in a dazed manner, just in front of Wu Gu.

For some reason, it feels a kind of attraction, very kind, as if instinctively, it attaches to the tip of Wu Gu's pen.

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