I want to be happy

Chapter 344 Babel Tower

Stunned and Necromank were taken aback, and then flew into a rage.

Nestor flapped his wings lightly, and his whole body was like a sharp black arrow, disappearing at the other end of the passage with a "shua".

Nakromank looked at the mutated blood-sucking worms in agony. If the ancient spells were still available, he could have dozens of ways to revive the worms and then become his pets.

But now, he can only watch the bugs die. At this moment, his hatred for the Orientals has reached its peak!

He stomped his feet resentfully, his body dissipated like dust, a black breeze blew by, and Necromank disappeared instantly.

Li Zhijin quietly leaned against the corner of the corner, he ran all the way, but the passages in this maze seemed endless, with countless forks, each of which looked the same.

With his physical strength, he also felt a little tired after running like a sprint for five or six hours. The mercenaries of the Wild Leopards had already separated from him at a certain fork in the road, and the vampires fanned their wings. The sound, but like a bone attached to a maggot, has been following him not far behind, it is really annoying.

Fortunately, these passages have twists and turns, not a straight line, and there are many forks, which affect the flying speed of the vampire.

An hour ago, he could still hear the movement from the vampires, but now, there was no sound at all.If not, he would never have stopped for a moment.

Did he get rid of them?Li Zhijin closed his eyes and calmed down the violent heartbeat in his chest. The green snake carried by him on his shoulders bumped all the way, and at this moment a painful gasp escaped from his lips.But he will wake up.

"—Where is this?" He adjusted his gaze blankly.After a while, I realized that I was hanging on the shoulder of the savior.

"Shh, silence, we are being hunted down by vampires..." Li Zhijin lowered his volume, and at this moment, he sensitively heard a sound like sand sliding across the ground, all murmured.It was very slight, but at this moment, Li Zhijin transported the spiritual energy to the ears.Hearing is enhanced several times.How can you not hear it?

As soon as he heard the voice, he immediately realized the crisis.The passage was empty, not even dust.How could there be the sound of sand rubbing?Maybe it was the hem of the vampire brushing against the wall.

Li Zhijin didn't know the black-robed mage's ability to transform into deserts, but made a wrong judgment. However, there was a wrong move, and Li Zhijin hurriedly stuffed a handful of spiritual energy snacks into his mouth.Swallowing it in one gulp, the air flow circulated.The toes touched the wall a little, and he ran again.

He ran extremely fast, but the sound of the ground was no louder than the friction of the sand. As for the sound of the vampire's wings, to Li Zhijin, it was as clear as a stain on a white wall.

Green Snake bit his lips tightly, not letting himself breathe—his stomach was overwhelmed by Li Zhijin's hard shoulders, and his mind felt dizzy for a while.

Li Zhijin knew the situation of the green snake, but he couldn't think about it. If he left the green snake, it would go without saying that he would be eaten by a vampire. How long will it last?

Or, kill the vampires!

With this evil thought flashing in his heart, Li Zhijin sighed. He calculated countless ways to kill the two along the way. Using the phantom array, he could avoid the sight of the vampires. However, the passage was not wide, and the two vampires walked side by side. Come on, it is very likely to hit the illusion, the attack power of the illusion, it is not a problem to deal with ordinary people, but to deal with ss|

Using the attacking sub-day talisman, the aura of heaven and earth here is almost non-existent, and the power of attacking the ground is very limited.

It would be fine if there was only one person on the other side. He would definitely be able to kill or run away with some injuries at most.

Touch the bead on his wrist, this is his last magic weapon, the lightning energy contained in the bead is enough to turn a vampire into charcoal, of course, the premise is that it can be hit exactly.

In his hand, there are only three lightning energy beads, each of which is extremely precious, if it is not to the point where he has to do it, he is reluctant to use it.

Well, let's run again, just think of it as a way to exercise your perseverance. After staying in the Natural School these years, the practice of pure body skills is still too little.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Zhijin took out a handful of spiritual snacks and handed them to Green Snake, "Eat it," he said.When I took it out, I felt a bit heartbroken. The spiritual snacks of Shimen were made by a beautiful little flower demon. Every member of the natural sect treated them like treasures. They were eaten by the green snake, a non-practice. What a waste of luxury.However, Li Zhijin is not a procrastinator, once he made a decision, he handed the snack to Green Snake without even explaining the rarity of the spiritual snack.

The green snake took the dim sum and stuffed it into his mouth without even looking at it. As soon as the food entered his mouth, it released a sweet aroma, and the taste was soft and sticky, just like the cold food he ate in Chinatown a long time ago. Cake, translucent, nostalgic dessert.The sweet fragrance, suddenly, turned into a sweet spring and rushed straight into his mind, swimming along his spine to all his limbs, cool and fragrant, there was a short blank in his mind, and when he woke up, he felt The internal organs seem to be reborn, and the body's functions are happy and active. Try to move your arms and legs lightly, and you won't feel pain anymore!

He opened his mouth and wanted to say thank you, but for some reason, he couldn't say the word as if it weighed a thousand catties.

"It's not so sad now, is it? Hehe, our escape is very long, don't increase my burden by moving around." Li Zhijin smiled, adjusted the posture of the green snake, and carried him on his back.

"I understand." Green Snake said softly, the wall in front of him, like a shadow, slipped past his sight, which shows how fast Li Zhijin is running.

"Why don't you use the portal?" Seeing Li Zhijin running past another portal, Green Snake couldn't help asking in doubt.

That's because the Suzerain did not allow it, and only we know that the real interstellar transmission channel will kill people as soon as it enters. Li Zhijin thought to himself, "We can't be sure whether it is a fixed transmission gate or a random gate. If it is just Fixing the portal, apart from slowing down our speed, is of no benefit to escaping."

Green Snake nodded. He didn't even take a big breath when he heard Li Zhijin's words, so he knew that Li Zhijin was still far from the limit of his physical strength.

Suddenly, the green snake exclaimed: "My stone box is gone!"

"Stone box?"

"Yes, the stone box hidden in my chest is gone!"

"Is it the treasure that the Gu Master wants to snatch?"


"What's the use of the Gu Master grabbing that thing?"

If in the past, if it was so obviously tentative, Green Snake would never answer, and immediately regarded the person who asked the question as an enemy, but experiencing life and death together in a short period of time made Green Snake develop a feeling for Li Zhijin. Emotions that were unfamiliar to me—trust and gratitude.

How many people are willing to save a stranger?How many people, in the face of vampires' pursuit, would work hard to escape together with wounded people they didn't know?Even the fixed team combination in the mercenary world will choose to abandon the wounded out of consideration for the preservation of the overall strength of the team.

How many people, without saying a word, will use expensive and life-saving medicines on others?

Therefore, he only paused for a second, and then replied: "We picked up that stone box in the maze. At first, we thought it was a treasure such as a holy artifact. When I opened it, there was only a limp Bugs, it's because we were careless, Baige found out that there are very special genes in bugs, um, Baige has research on biochemical genes, she thinks this is very useful, who knew that Gu masters heard about it, and wanted to snatch this bug. "

The green snake still hides some content. For example, since the laboratory exploded, they have been relying on the gene stabilizer made by the white pigeon to survive, and the discovery of a new gene means that there is one more possibility of survival. Therefore, they have an attitude Resolutely refused to hand over the bugs to the Gu Masters.

What he didn't know was that Li Zhijin knew their origins best. Therefore, Li Zhijin immediately understood the importance of bugs to Green Snake and the others.

"Oh, with me, when you fell down, the stone box fell out and I picked it up. If you don't tell me, I almost forgot to give it to you." Li Zhijin said calmly.

"Ah, that's really great." Green Snake was stunned for a moment and replied.Maybe his savior did have thoughts about the box at the time, but he saved him after all.

The thin protective cover seemed unable to isolate Li Zhijin's body temperature. In an instant, Green Snake's memory was blurred for a moment. He remembered a long time ago, when he was a child, his father carried him behind his back...those human beings The body temperature once gave him warmth, but he can't remember how long he has never touched other people's skin, except for the moment when he killed the other person...

Then, bowing his head slightly, the green snake thought, if he wants that stone box, then give it to him...

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