I want to be happy

Chapter 348 Babel Tower

——Is this the interstellar teleportation channel that enters but never exits?

Li Zhijin glanced at Leo and Eslant. These two people surrounded the interstellar transmission channel like a real person. Could it be that they didn't believe Sha Ling's words and wanted to try again?

If so, then he has nothing to say.

After staring at the door floating in the air for a while, Li Zhijin asked, "Why is the edge of this portal so weird?"

The edge of the huge stone door is blurred, as if the air and light nearby are distorted.

"The portal is not fully in place, you can only try to enter it after the entire door appears. At this time, even if you try to push the door, it will not be able to push it." Leo explained.

Li Zhijin nodded, turned around and signaled the elders of the family to follow him, they came to a nearby fork in the road, walked in, to see if no one was paying attention, Li Zhijin waved a "magic" character, covering them all live.

"Huh, well, people outside can't see us now." Li Zhijin smiled.

"Is it a character?" Li Shouyu wondered. He had seen the "protection" character in the hands of Li Zhijin and Li Du, but this character was different from the "protection" character.

"Well, this is a phantom character, which can create illusions." Li Zhijin stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and immediately, the original ordinary and forgettable face disappeared, revealing his handsome and extraordinary true face, " My face is also set up with small phantom characters."

"It's really miraculous, Xiaosha's martial art is really amazing." Shang Yingfeng and others took off their masks.After several years of consolidating and recuperating, these old people have completely shaken off their old state.One and two are both black, with very few wrinkles on their faces, and their skin is elastic and plump. The decades of rich life experiences have given them a deep and deep temperament, which makes them more beautiful than when they were young. Added a bit of style.

"I really can't wait to compete with Boy Sha. Xiao Li, do you know when he will meet you?" Jiang Qianhai, who is short and ruddy, actually has a baby face, such a young face, Coupled with flashing wise eyes from time to time.It looks a little out of place.

"I don't know either. He's a casual guy, and he'll come back when he's done enough. By the way, seniors, don't enter the portal here unless it's safe." Li Zhijin said solemnly.


Li Zhijin started from the beginning, the origin of Tongtian Tower.Bai Tiezheng, Jiang Qianhai and others were amazed at the existence of the main powerful races in the West and so on.

"The world is so big... We were really frogs at the bottom of the well before." Feng Wanding sighed softly, a pair of black and white apricot eyes flashing with yearning light: "How did the vampire castle hold up the entire bottom of the lake? There are werewolf transformations..."

Li Shouyu looked at the beautiful face of his beloved wife.The gaze is soft, revealing tenderness: "Wanding, we still have a lot of time to explore the mysteries of this world."

"En!" Feng Wanding looked back at her husband who had been with her for decades, and reached out to hold his hand.

Li Zhijin said: "It's not difficult to meet the werewolf tribe. Our Natural Sect has a good relationship with the werewolf tribe. And there is a castle near the werewolf tribe's residence, named Natural Villa. If you don't mind, you can go there Stay here for a while. Hehe, the werewolves are warlike, and they like to fight against the strong, even if you go to fight every day, they will only welcome you happily."

Hearing this, no matter it was Bai Tiezheng, Jiang Qianhai, Li Shouyu, Feng Wanding and the others, they all burst into a semblance of aura at the same time. Although they were restrained instantly, it made people see their sudden excitement.

There is a string of black lines hanging from Li Zhijin's forehead—these elders:_|I'm afraid there are more of them than him.

It took two days for the stone gate to be stabilized. Everyone was guarding the hall or the nearby side road, and no one left.

Li Zhijin had no interest in that Shimen, but stayed there with the intention of watching the excitement.

In two days, he either exchanged ideas with a group of elders, or studied the long sword that the elders picked up. That long sword was the reason why the elders fought with the holy warriors. It is wide and wide, completely different from the Chinese sword style. There are several gemstones inlaid on the handle, which form a pattern of constellations. Looking at the style of this sword, it is indeed the same style as those weapons of the holy warriors, but, even if So what if it was really the heritage of the holy warriors?The treasure in Tongtian Pagoda, whoever finds it first will get it.

Of course, whoever has the ability to snatch it will go to the winning side.

In the world of the strong, the law of the weak and the strong is even more naked.

The werewolves brought fine wine and jerky with them, and Li Zhijin took some of them bluntly, and shared them with the elders in the door. Li Shouyu and others had an accident when they entered Tongtian Tower, so they brought very little dry food with them.

Vampires are simple, a cup of frozen blood per person every day.

Or being suppressed by the three parties of werewolves, vampires and the Holy See. For a while, all the powerful people were very quiet, and even those holy warriors who stabbed Li Zhijin and others with their eyes from time to time did not provoke disputes.

Seeing that the portal is already available.

Escalante said indifferently: "Then, I, the vampires, will enter first." The high-back chair he brought from nowhere, he sat there comfortably, as if he was in his own palace.

Ruinan Wood, who was sitting quietly, raised his thick white eyebrows slightly, opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and shot towards Eslant with the momentum of a sharp arrow, and said with a smile: "Why? Why don't we, the Holy See, try it out first."

Leo said unconvinced: "Why! Of course we are advanced!"

Werewolves and vampires have always been alliance-like when dealing with the Holy See, and this time it is not ambiguous. Although in Leo's heart, he has no intention of sending out his own manpower at all, but in order not to cause Ruinan .Wood's suspicion, no matter what, he will have to fight for a pass.

There is basically no point in arguing with words. Ruinan Wood knows very well that he alone cannot compete with the combination of the Wolf King and the Vampire Marquis.

Due to the nature of the Holy See against vampires, for them, vampires are relatively easy to deal with, while werewolves are much more difficult.He would rather choose a vampire to enter with them at the same time than a werewolf.

Renan Wood chuckled: "So, the old rules, a vampire, then a paladin, and a werewolf, okay?"

Leo turned his gaze to Escalante.

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Escalante's lips, and a mysterious sparkle appeared in her blue eyes: "Yes." Another: Tongtian Tower is coming to an end soon

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