I want to be happy

Chapter 358 Sit on the clouds and watch the sun

The bed was stable, and the high-altitude air was blowing quickly, but it was completely blocked by the defensive cover. The attention of Zheng and others could not help but be attracted by the sea of ​​clouds outside.Zuilu College

"Spells..." In my heart, I was curious, longing and itchy. I really wanted to hear Sha Ling say more about magic, but I was afraid of crossing the line and breaking the rules, but I endured it in my heart. The feeling was really uncomfortable. .

Sha Ling had a smile on his face: "The seniors must have realized their own cultivation these days. This time, we need to have a good exchange."

Bai Tiezheng nodded slightly: "Xiaosha, talking about communication is flattering us. We are just beginners and have a little understanding. Compared with you, the orthodox one, we are far behind."

Sha Ling was speechless. The elders always thought that there was a hidden sect behind him, and his practice was inherited. How could he know that all his cultivation bases were obtained through exploration.Smiling a little awkwardly: "In terms of practice, the most important thing is comprehension."

Li Zhijin interjected: "Shazi, look at these people, should they be transported back to the Natural Villa, let them go after being cured, or sent to Danny?" four people.

Wu Gu said: "Danny seems to miss Baige quite a bit, or let them meet? However, the nature of these people is unknown..."

"Which one is the white pigeon?" Sha Ling asked.

"This." Li Zhijin unceremoniously lifted off the white dove's mask, revealing a beautiful little face.Zuilu Academy

"The white dove and the goshawk have been modified so that they can grow wings. This one is a green snake, and the other one is probably an ant." Li Zhijin took off their masks one by one.

The faces of the white dove and goshawk are a bit better than ordinary people, but the face of the green snake.It is no longer like a human face, it is so ferocious.

Feng Wanding couldn't help exclaiming, and asked, "Who are these people?"

Sha Ling did not hide the truth from the elders, and said frankly: "They are human beings who have been transformed by a certain laboratory. They have supernatural powers. We once rescued one of them. Put it under my name. He is ranked eighth, and his name is Danny. , Danny has always thought of his living companions."

When the mask of the last person was lifted, Feng Wanding let out another exclamation.

Look at your body shape.Li Zhijin always thought it was a child, but only now did he realize that he was mistaken.

Although this face is not full of wrinkles, it still looks like it is at least four or fifty years old, with pale eyebrows and eyelashes, and a flat nose.The mouth is thin and wide, and looks rather ugly.

Sha Ling shook her head: "Plum. This person is not an ant."


"His physique has not been modified, so it cannot be an ant." Sha Ling said with certainty.

For a long time, this Confucianist has been silent, and Baige and the others have never introduced him.Because of the habitual thinking of Zuilu Academy, Li Zhijin and Wu Gu thought he was an ant.

"Although they haven't been transformed, they are born with special physiques. They may have great supernatural powers. As Xiao Wu said, these people's minds are unclear, so they should not be brought back to the natural villa. After they are cured, let them leave." Sha Ling pondered Once, said.

Sha Ling didn't have a targeted method to cure the genetic conflict disorder, but could only wash their essence and marrow to change their physique. The process in between would take about a week.

"Li Zi, Xiao Wu, how do you feel when you get in touch?" Once the physique is changed, these people's old troubles will be gone, and their abilities will also have a leap. If it is evil, it is not appropriate.

Wu Gudao: "Green Snake is a resolute boy, which is admirable. White Pigeon and Goshawk are devoted to their companions. Knowing that their companions are hunted down by Gu Masters, they pursue them all the way from afar. Others, their contacts are too shallow. Hard to say."

Li Zhijin scratched his chin, and laughed: "I think Green Snake is pretty good, Zhien's temperament is somewhat similar to Danny's, it's not that he doesn't know good or bad, but he is too talkative." Along the way, Green Snake revealed How could Li Zhijin not see the natural closeness, respect, and even a little dependence on Li Zhijin? After thinking about it for a while, he could understand the other party's mentality, and he felt a little pity in his heart.

"Well, it's rare for you to comment like this, then send them to the secluded residence in the world of mortals, let Danny watch, and take some spiritual medicine to recuperate the body first. As for him, just leave him alone." Sha Ling said, carrying Pick up the Confucianism and throw it under the clouds.The speed of the action is astounding.

With cleverness in his hand, the Confucian man fell from a high altitude, as slowly as if he was opening a parachute.

Feng Wanding, Li Shouyu and the others rushed to the edge of the cloud bed and looked down. Seeing this scene, they all laughed.

"Sand, you startled me, I thought you really threw him down, it's so high, but it's going to kill you." Feng Wanding patted her chest, funny and angrily said.Sha Ling, this little guy, this action is scary enough.

"Shazi, are you sure he can land safely?" Jiang Qianhai scratched his head and asked.With his eyesight, he couldn't see whether the little black spot was safe or not.

Sha Ling nodded: "Well, he landed on the lawn of a square in a small town below. After a night of sleep, the effects of the medicine wore off and he woke up. Nothing happened."

Jiang Qianhai raised his thumbs up: "It's amazing, just this power of control, I admire it very much!"

Sha Ling squinted her eyes and smiled: "It can't compare to your cooking skills, brother. However, I have two lovely disciples under my school, and their cooking skills are second to none. Brother, do you want to try it?"

"Oh? Then we really want to try it!" Jiang Qianhai rubbed his hands, his eyes lit up. He is the best food, and he is the one who can't sit still when he hears that there is food.

"Xiao Sha, how many more disciples have you recruited? How come you have recruited quite a few new disciples?" Bai Tiezheng was surprised.

"No more, no more, eight in total."


A brilliant light suddenly shot from the sky, brushing off the veil of the night, the clouds in the distance were shining brightly, and the rolling white clouds were like waves.


For a moment, everyone was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery and was speechless for a while.

Sha Ling smiled slightly, sitting on the clouds and watching the sun, every time, something touched his heart.

The sun, jumping out from the thick clouds, illuminated one side of the world.

Connecting the sky and the earth, it seems to be full of surging white clouds, endless, soft like cotton, erratic like cotton wool, holy like snow.

Standing in such a situation, it was like being in a fairyland. Shang Yingfeng, Bai Tiezheng and the others stared at it obsessively, and felt a surge of pride in their hearts, and couldn't help but screamed up to the sky.

Qi came out from the dantian, and the whistling sound was clear, like the roar of a phoenix and a dragon, coincidentally, several elders echoed one after another, one after another, the whistling sound echoed between the heaven and the earth, the whistling sound was full of the meaning of Lingyun, making those who heard it, They will all be thrilled.

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