The big and small monsters all have a large or small storage space in their bodies, and these storage spaces in their bodies are safe and sound. However, except for the fact that Lord Long has a talent for space, the storage space in his body is huge. , the rest of the storage space in the human body is very small, and a large number of items are stored in storage bracelets, storage bags, etc. However, now, these storage spaces have burst open, and the treasures of heaven and earth are flying all over the sky. Shooting, at such an extreme speed, is more terrifying than any weapon or spell.

Ying Buchen was thrown out of the small world, and was immediately hit hard by a small mountain-like vein of spirit stones. With just one blow, a crack appeared in his defensive armor!

The luck of the others was similar. All of a sudden, everyone's defensive armor flickered, and each flicker meant that the defense was weakened by a layer.

Almost at the same time, everyone opened up all kinds of defensive magic weapons --- magic umbrellas, treasure buildings, bells and so on.

A thought flashed through Sha Ling's mind -- why "I" never mentioned that the storage device would burst when passing through the gate, was it because of a secret, or did this never happen back then?The effect caused by the variables he brought?

Blood Soul Fruit Tree, Three Soul Demonic Jade, Nightmare Stone, Mimi Silver Stone, Elaboration, etc., among these massive treasures, some of them are difficult to collect even for immortals, such as Blood Soul Fruit Tree, Wannian Nine Yin Grimacing Grass, Chaos Universal Mirror, etc., every time they are lost, it is enough to make a person at the level of Xingjun feel sad.

However, to Sha Ling, all the treasures are less important than a small box. The small box contains the time-space beacon sapling planted near the boundary gate and a leaf and a branch of the Drew mother tree, equivalent to the original The interstellar coordinates of the universe must never be lost.

However, Sha Ling suddenly discovered that he didn't even have time to retrieve this small box, and his brothers and disciples were in danger of being smashed to death by Tiancaidibao!It sounds like a joke.But this is no joke.

Sha Ling's face changed color, his internal qi circulated crazily, his golden body shone brightly outside, and his three eyes shot out a foot of light. He tried his best to fly towards the crowd. In his memory, there were several materials.Even if you don't use the current extreme speed, you can easily penetrate their defensive magic weapon!

One is Chaos Eternal Universe!One is the wall stone!One is Greystone!These three treasures are obtained from the Dark Night Star Clan, and the Universe of Chaos, which is collected from the gaps in the universe. Its characteristic is not sharpness.It doesn't depend on its thickness, but it is a treasure born between heaven and earth. Even if it is only used as a stone, it can break through the defense layer of a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period!The wall stone can block the existence of the Tongtian River!Greystone, can change the substance of Tongtianhe!These two things.It is also a treasure born between heaven and earth. Although it is not as rare as the Chaos Universe, but with their characteristics, it is also very easy to pose a threat to everyone!

These materials are all collected in the small world, and it is also the closest to the people who fly out of the small world!

Sha Ling went upstream, every step, Ruo was climbing the most difficult steps.Every time you take a step, you can go back a few meters!However, for some reason, the monsters were pushed by some force and flew in a different direction from Sha Ling. The harder he worked, the farther away they were from each other.In the blink of an eye, the distance is [-] meters!

"Ah, no----" Zhu Yanran let out a scream, and all her defensive magic weapons were broken.Being hit in the waist by a huge ore collected by someone unknown, he immediately lost his original shape in pain and roared.

Sha Ying was extremely heartbroken, and he firmly held the chain in his hand---this is the "heart-to-heart bond chain" specially refined by him and Zhu Yanran for this trip. Each person holds one and uses it together, even in this kind of In a harsh environment, the chain of hearts can also actively find and approach each other, and the two can be locked together. However, in this chaotic and critical situation, he can't protect himself, let alone protect Zhu Yanran.

With a loud roar, Sha Sheying, ignoring his own defense, used all his strength to fit himself together, and hugged Zhu Yanran who was on the other end of the chain in his arms. Only when he could hug him upright, he landed on Zhu Yanran, as petite as a flea.

At this moment, an inexplicable force came out from a certain light group in the distance, causing the two of them to fall towards the light group like a spinning top out of control.

"Pa la pa la" attracted by this force, the treasures of heaven, material and earth fell on Sha Sheying's body like rain. , blocking Zhu Yanran's body, blood splashed everywhere, and the two of them flew by like shooting stars, and fell into the ball of light!

Almost at the same time, the defensive magic weapons of the three little flower demons, Xiaojiao, Dongdong, Ying Buqi, and She Xuehen were all broken and damaged!

The bodies of the three little flower demons, Xiaojiao and Dongdong flashed golden light at the same time, and a layer of golden bodies appeared, but their golden bodies didn't even complete the first layer, they only covered part of their bodies, the ability to defend, even the defense method No device can compare!

The flower demons are inherently weak, and after losing their defensive magic weapon, just the strength in the space made their beauty look pale and difficult to maintain, not to mention, there are so many "hidden weapons"!

Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong's eyes widened unwillingly, they tried their best to swing their lithe bodies, trying to avoid the rainstorm of treasures!They are only one step away, and they are about to succeed. If they fall on this step, they will not be reconciled. If they fall on this step, the sad it must be.

After a few breaths, it seemed like endless time, the body was gradually numb from the pain of being penetrated, and the white skirt was stained red with blood, like two red peonies, fragile but delicate and gorgeous.

The body shook, and with the last bit of strength, Tianxiang turned to the right side, a piece of bright mirror-like fragments pierced deeply into her body, it was very painful and cold, the black hair flew away, and a tear came from half-closed It slipped from her eyes and scattered in the air, like a girl's affection, which finally goes with the wind without leaving a trace.

Her figure was flying, and she was grasped by a huge spear, but it was Ying Buchen who showed her original shape, and she was able to expand thousands of miles. She grabbed Tianxiang and Dongdong who were closest to him in her hand, It was a last resort to transform into the original shape. The body is large and the area hit by the hit is larger. In the moment of transformation, there are already many wounds on the body, and there are two places where it was hit by some treasure. It passed through directly, and Ying Buchen couldn't help but groaned in pain. He flapped his wings and accelerated to fly towards the suction light cluster. He could feel keenly that in the suction force emitted by this light cluster, With the unique aura of the demon clan, this should be the entrance to the demon world!

Ao.Chiwen, She Xuehen and Xiaojiao all resigned themselves to their original form. Xiaojiao was cut off at the waist, and once transformed into its original form, blood flowed profusely. He held the blood soul fruit tree firmly in one hand, trying his best to Fly to Sha Ling.

The moment they turned into their original forms, several people were smashed at the same time and let out a muffled groan.Without hesitation, She Xuehen entangled her body, entangled the little horn, and quickly fell towards the light ball!

Ao.Chi Wen picked up Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong with one hand, and also fell towards the ball of light.

They are demons, attracted by the power they belong to, they will naturally enter the gate of the demon world, while Sha Ling is a human being, so they must enter the cultivation world, so they fall in different directions.

"Take care!" Ao.Chi Wen whispered in his heart, and quickly flew towards the light ball.

In just a moment, all the monster races disappeared in the light ball!

"Weng Weng" slightly trembled from a distance, looked up, but the space storm that had been "fixed" before was shaking violently, and it was about to break free of some kind of restraint and continue to push forward.

Is it because all the space channels are about to collapse?

Sha Ling stood numbly in the air. In his heart, there seemed to be a trace of a tear, and the center of his brow was slightly hot. Every time it was hot, his heart would burn. A layer of water light floated.

Boundary Gate, Boundary Gate, life and death line, unexpectedly, he lost so much!

In his blurred vision, he saw Zhao Wang falling towards a bluish-black light ball. Presumably, it was the entrance to the underworld. Zhao Wang, who had no body, was the least damaged in this catastrophe.

"Boom boom boom" the space vibrated violently, Sha Ling laughed three times, and the grief in the laughter made those who heard it cry.

He resolutely turned around and went down with the huge force, and his figure disappeared in a ball of light in an instant!

On the top of the mountain, in Shaling's residence, on the walls of the Dooming Heaven, there are neat rows of jade plaques. On this day, suddenly, a few jade plaques shimmered, and Yi Zhixuan and Liu Qingxiu, who were sitting there cross-legged and playing chess, The man looked up in astonishment, and when he saw the jade tablet shattered, he pushed the chess and exclaimed.

On this day, the first and second generation disciples of the Natural Sect gathered here, and the shattering of the Zongmen's natal jade tablet only meant one thing--the death of a disciple.

----Yun Xiangyi, Hua Xiangrong, Tian Xiang, Dong Dong, among these disciples of this generation, only Xiao Jiao's natal jade tablet is still intact!

With Sha Ling protecting them, and so many disciples perishing, it can be seen how dangerous the Realm Gate is!

Lu Rui sighed regretfully, but there was still hope in his eyes: "Fortunately..."

Master is a person who can perform miracles, maybe, this time, he will still perform miracles!

ps: Hahahaha, the second part is over, over~~~~ This second part has the longest interval and the most tortuous coding experience, but I finally finished coding this part. After a few years, More than 80 words, secretly speaking, in fact, Feifei originally wanted Sha Ling to practice more in the interstellar chapter, but Jane dropped it later.

Hahaha, Feifei sprinkled flowers to celebrate~~~~~

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