70.00% of the area of ​​Water Star is ocean. Due to the unique astronomical position and turnover law, every land on this planet is warm and humid. Various peninsulas and small islands are lush with plants. Lakes, rivers, Waterfalls are scattered all over the place.

The screen of the spaceship showed the figure of a beautiful woman, with gentle silver hair draped behind her, a clean and small face, big watery eyes, small nose and delicate lips. A beautiful scenery of the star of water.

This woman's appearance is pure, like a budding lily, when the time comes, many men among the tourists on the spaceship whistle.

As a tourist attraction, Water Star not only has beautiful scenery, but also has high-level consumer services.It is said that the high-level consumption on the water star can definitely make another man so intoxicated that he doesn't want to go home!

Lowering the volume, a man whispered in the ear of his companion, his brows and eyes were full of complacency, and it was obvious that he had enjoyed such service before.

This group of people sat at the other end of the hall, far away from Sha Ling and the others, but their whispers could not escape Sha Ling's ears.

The man's companion smiled lowly, but he didn't believe it: "It's just a new fourth-class civilized country, is it really that good?"

Sha Ling glanced briefly, and the images of several people came into his mind.

The two men bowed their heads and talked, and on the sofa next to them sat a skinny old man and a middle-aged man with a strong physique.

Sha Ling's eyes didn't stop, and he glanced over, but just this sweep made the skinny old man's half-closed eyelids move slightly, obviously aware of it.

As for the middle-aged man, he was wearing a close-fitting military uniform, and he looked strong and slender, very perfect.Although his face is somewhat vicissitudes, it does not hinder his handsomeness. On the bronzed skin, two sharp eyebrows are like swords, and a pair of slightly slanted eyes are full of power and charm. The straight nose tube is plump, The lips with distinct lip lines exude an incomparable breath everywhere.

He raised his wine glass and looked at Sha Ling through the wine glass.

Sha Ling turned her face away.My heart skipped a beat, these two people are very strong, on the entire spaceship, these two people are the strongest.

The two men talking seemed to be the central figures of the gang, and these two men were their strong support.The skinny old man is probably the so-called spiritual master, and the electric-eyed middle-aged man clearly exudes the aura of a physical master.

Moved your lips a little, and Sha Ling's voice rang in everyone's ears: "Brad, Brutonskan, William, Yi Nan, the four of you are going to have a relationship with the people over there, and find out who is the best here." place of consumption."

People understand.Brad led the crowd towards that side.

Needless to say, among the crowd, Brad has the best appearance. His clean, ancient aristocratic attire and elegant manner will be appreciated and approved by the aristocracy wherever he goes.

The bald Brutonskan was reduced to bodyguard.Jia Yinan and William are the image of attendants.

Before Brad approached, the one of the two men who had spoken earlier stood up.He grinned at Brad and greeted him actively: "Hey, friend, do you want to sit together?"

Brad raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked the two of them up and down. They were young, about 27 or [-] years old.The one who stood up looked quite handsome.When he smiled, his spirit was flying, and deep dimples appeared on his cheeks.He has a hearty and carefree look, which is very pleasing.

The other sitting there also had handsome features and a smile that was not a smile, and had the charm of a child from an aristocratic family showing a slightly evil spirit.

Brad stood next to those two, and naturally, it gave people the feeling that they were the same kind of person.

It was precisely because of this feeling that the man stood up and greeted without hesitation.

With a relaxed smile, Brad walked over slowly. William was like a competent housekeeper. Without Brad's instructions, he immediately moved an empty sand nearby.

Brad stretched his legs and sat down, said lightly: "Brad."

"Haha, my name is Xu Zhengze, and this is my brother Yan Qing. I said brother, did you come here just for fame?" Xu Zhengze winked mischievously, with a look of "you should understand that you are a man".

His companion, Yan Qingsha, an evil man with dark red hair, snorted lightly, and said bluntly: "This kid must say that there are beauties at the level of elves and angels here. I think, if his standards are lowered a little, all the world is beautiful. From my usual perspective, tsk tsk, there is a lot of water..."

Xu Zhengze was so angry that he snorted: "I said Lao Yan, can you save face? If you are not satisfied this time, my surname will not be Xu!"

Yan Qing gave him a deadly look: "Don't, don't, don't, your surname is not Xu, your father will trouble me, so your surname should be Xu. Please!"

Xu Zhengze slapped the table, rolled up his sleeves angrily, and stretched out his palm: "I bet, if I lose, I will pay all the expenses for this trip! If you lose, you will bear it."

Yan Qingsha stretched out her hand with a smile: "Add another consumption of Pink Sky."

Gritting his teeth, Xu Zhengze struck him with both hands: "Deal!" The consumption of a trip to the Water Star is nothing to Xu Zhengze, but the cost of Pink Sky...that is what Xu Zhengze, a young man, would pay for it. The heartache is expensive!However, as soon as he thought that the money would be paid by Yan Qing, the poisonous guy, Xu Zhengze felt that his mood was bubbling again.

But his heart became nervous again, hurry up, he wants to contact "Moonlight on the Sea" and order any beauties in "Moonlight", "Moonlight", "Yuehua", "Crescent Moon" and "Moonnight", otherwise it will be late One step, if he is picked by others, he will lose.

Yan Qingsha turned to Brad and said, "Is Brad also here to shine the moonlight on the sea?"

"Moonlight on the sea?" Brad thought for a while, smiled, and shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, I'm a friend from a lifetime." Brad raised his chin in the direction of Sha Ling, "He likes to be close to mountains and rivers the most. , I heard that the water here is good, so I came here specially to enjoy it, but as for the bright moonlight on the sea, I have never heard of it." He showed a look of interest.

Another: The latest guest book friends: Xu Zhengze, Yan Qingsha.Thanks for Yingse's suggestion, I will occasionally open a post to collect the wonderful ideas of brothers and sisters about high technology. Starting to return to normal in March, Fei Fei has to work hard to earn some wedding expenses. I really don’t know if I don’t get married. I don’t know how poor I am until I’m ready to get married...

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