I want to be happy

Chapter 51 Unexpected encounter

Brad, William, Brutonskan, and Jia Yinan divided into four groups, and each chose a direction to go out, pretending to be aimless, but it did not arouse suspicion.

The area of ​​the bright moonlight on the sea is more than 9000 square kilometers. From one entertainment place to another, people use small spaceships. Free unmanned spaceships are parked everywhere in the city. The way to use is to touch the light screen and There are two kinds of voice control, which is quite convenient.

Ye Chengcheng and Xu Yuhuan followed Jia Yinan step by step, guarding one left and one right, playing the role of bodyguards is quite decent, but the two of them are neither tall nor imposing, and they look like they are not high-level With such a guard going out, it can be seen the master's strength and identity.In a gold-selling kiln like Moonlight on the Sea, these three people walked together, and people saw it, and they naturally thought that this was a young man from a wealthy family. The aristocratic son is contemptuous.

Jia Yinan pretended not to see those disdainful eyes, he, Ye Chengcheng, and Xu Yuhuan secretly smiled bitterly in their hearts. To be honest, any ordinary citizen of a first-class interstellar civilization would feel inferior and uneasy when he came here.However, the disciples of the Natural School have been baptized by the energy of heaven and earth for a long time, and they have a sense of grandeur in their hearts, and they are free-spirited, and they will never take the eyes of insignificant people too seriously. They still have this quality and practice.

Straightening their chests, the three of them walked carelessly along the flow of people into a theater-like building.

The buildings are huge flat circles.Once inside, there is a wide hall and many gorgeous doors that are opened. Inside each door, there are countless people dancing.Test text watermark 6.

Jia Yinan motioned, and Ye Cheng sincerely grabbed a waiter serving drinks: "What's going on here?"

The waiter glanced at him and said with a smile on his face: "Dear guest, this is an exchange place. Many guests exchange what they need here." The waiter put an accent on the last two words.

"Oh, thanks." Ye Chengcheng stuffed a stack of round coins into the waiter's hand.These round coins are exchanged for money in the moonlight on the sea, and are specially used to pay tips for service staff.As for the money for tips, and the sum of money that each of them carried with them now, it was paid by Huya's deputy head, William.

"By the way, let me ask, a friend of ours came in first, did you see him?" Jia Yinan asked casually, and Xu Yuhuan turned on the smart brain tied to his wrist.Show a man to image.

The waiter looked carefully.Sorry and said: "Maybe your friend didn't come here?"

Yi Nan nodded.

Although the strength of this group of people is not very good.However, the smart brain and the translator on the wrist seem to be products of the fourth-class civilized countries. The waiter has excellent eyesight, and he believes that these people are generous and wealthy masters.Then he blinked and reminded: "I suggest you go to Hall No. [-] to take a look. It is said that there is a special exhibition there."

Jia Yinan raised his finger, and immediately, Xu Yuhuan stuffed a few more round coins into the waiter. The waiter was well trained and quickly put away the coins.The smile on his face was still so respectful but not flattering. "If Your Excellency is willing. May I lead the way for you?"

Jia Yinan finally glanced at the waiter, who looked very ordinary.However, he is indeed a citizen of a fourth-class civilized country. He knows that among the rules of the bright moonlight on the sea, there is an iron rule not to bully service personnel, even those who are engaged in certain industries. The terms, the former, makes people feel that the fourth-class civilized countries take great care of their citizens, while the latter just makes people laugh bitterly, laughing at the poor but not laughing at the prostitutes. Could it be that no matter how high the civilization level is, the ugly side of human nature Still can't change it?

Holding the arrogance of the so-called aristocrat, Jia Yinan hummed a word from his nasal cavity.

The waiter's eloquence is convenient, and he can clearly explain the activities of the theater with a single mouth.

But when he heard what was being exchanged in the "exchange field", Jia Yinan's footsteps suddenly slowed down, and a nauseating feeling appeared in his stomach.

It turns out that what is exchanged here is not treasures or collections, but beauties.

Those boys and buddies sell or exchange the beauties who are tired of playing here. The so-called selling for money is false, but it is true to have one more fun.Usually, a beauty who is going to be exchanged will be required to show it.

In just a short while, Jia Yinan and the others have entered Hall No. [-]. In Hall No. [-], there are dozens of raised glass tables. Inside the tables are all the beauties being displayed. There are also several large screens, playing the scenes of the beauties. Condition.

Jia Yinan, Xu Yuhuan, and Ye Chengcheng frowned and glanced at the naked or half-covered beauties on the screen, and they stopped in their tracks.

Misunderstood Jia Yinan's expression, the waiter said again: "Guests, please look at the booth in the middle, the beauties there are all of a certain strength, in addition to the beauties, there will be a beast on the booth to fight with the beauties , to show the power and beauty of beauty."

Following his fingers, the three of them saw that there was a red sheen on the booth floor in the center of the big screen. At first they thought it was a bright decoration, but only now did they realize that it was blood.Several staff members came to the stage to drag down an unknown behemoth that was as tall as a man.

The "beauty" standing next to the giant beast's corpse had messy hair and clothes, and was stained with blood. I didn't know whether the blood belonged to the giant beast or him, and I couldn't tell the original color.

There was a deep wound on his shoulder blade, and one leg was broken, but he was still standing upright. The feeling of strength, despair, and tragedy caught everyone's attention at once.

His face was snow-white, his blue eyes looked coldly and indifferently at the outside, his lips were tightly pursed, as if he was expressing his master's stubbornness and stubbornness.

There was cheering outside the venue, and the tourists rushing to buy this beauty kept adding weights.

Jia Yinan clenched his hand unconsciously, crushing the wine glass all at once.

Seeing his gaffe, the waiter secretly smiled, thinking that he was thinking about it, and said: "If the customer is interested, he can also buy it with a penny. But I want to remind you that the exchange of interesting items can make the original owner feel better than money." tempted."

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