I want to be happy

Chapter 55 The Truth

Sha Ling looked at this "beauty" - the seventh son of the Xing 29 family, Xingyin Ruoxi was 1.8 meters [-] tall, with wide shoulders and a thin waist. She had a smooth and graceful figure, stood upright, and was generous in her every move. Everyone has a demeanor, with softer facial features, a pair of azure blue eyes, clear and crystal clear as if flowing smoke, like the most exquisite gemstones.

Xingyin Ruoxi looked at Sha Ling in the same way. Sha Ling's appearance was a typical yellow race in the Donghua Alliance. Feel good about it.

This person's aura is very compatible with the friends of the Natural Sect that he knows, and this person is the real master of the Natural Sect.

Jia Yinan introduced the two of them: "Sect Master, this is the seventh son of the Xing 29 family, and he has a close relationship with several masters and uncles."

"Seventh son, this is the suzerain of our natural sect." Having said that, Jia Yinan bowed slightly to show his respect.

"Sovereign?" Xingyin Ruoxi's heart skipped a beat. Because of his elder brother, he got to know a group of friends from the Natural Sect and visited the Natural Sect himself. He naturally knew that the Natural Sect had a mysterious "Sovereign". The elder brother has never met this suzerain, he only knows that this suzerain founded the Natural Sect, is Li Zhijin's sworn brother, that's all, and it is said that this person has been retreating, unexpectedly, he actually saw him today.

This legendary figure has a group of wonderful brothers and disciples under his command, which made him and his eldest brother guess his appearance countless times.

But now, this person was standing in front of his eyes.

"It's... Sect Master Sha? Junior Xingyin Ruoxi has met senior, thank you for saving me!" Xingyin Ruoxi immediately put herself in the position of a junior, folded his hands on his chest, bent over and lowered his head , performing one of the most solemn etiquettes to the high-ranking people in the Morris Aire Alliance.

Seeing the excitement in his eyes, Sha Ling smiled slightly: "Young Master Qi is being polite. Logically speaking, we should let Young Master Qi rest and wash up first, but the situation is urgent. I want to ask Young Master Qi, you know I don’t know that our disciples of the Natural Sect received your invitation to go to a wild planet?”

Xingyin Ruoxi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said with a look of shame on her face: "I knew I was dragging you down...I didn't send the invitation, and I was already restrained at that time...Kisyulara Family Send the fourth son, Baigeig Yulara, to visit the Morris Airi Alliance. Several powerful families sent some young children to play with him, and I was one of them. I don’t know where he got the news, saying that our family got acquainted A group of people with special cultivation techniques." The acquaintance of the Natural Sect with Xingda Yunyang and others was originally a very secret matter, but that year when Li Zhijin and Wu Gu disappeared, Xingda Yunyang sent a large number of people to search.Such a large amount of money has alarmed other powerful families. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, clues, and some reasonable speculations, let people vaguely know the existence of the Natural Sect.

As for the person who leaked this information to Aiger Yulara, Xingyin Ruoxi can casually mention a bunch of names, and the Xing 29 family has been in charge for hundreds of years.The other powerful families stared at their faults a lot, and wished they could find something to bring them down.

Hearing this, Sha Ling, Jia Yinan and the others couldn't help sighing. The Natural Sect has been developing very secretly, never showing off its own strength to the outside world, but it still caused this disaster. It turned out that Morris Airi was involved. The internal power struggle of the alliance.

but.Since the Donghua Alliance has been developing with the strength of the Xing 29 family, there is nothing to complain about at this point.

"Aiger Yulara was indeed moved by the news, and took advantage of my unpreparedness to capture my flagship. In my flagship's brain, there is information about your Donghua Alliance, including the location of Yinhua Star, etc. Although I didn't see how he sent out the signal, I can guess that he used virtual imaging technology to pretend to be my identity to the friends of the Natural Sect, and he had my flagship authentication password, so they didn't suspect anything."

"...That's right." Sha Ling nodded, what Xingyin Ruoxi said was the truth.He can be sure.

"Is that wild planet real or fake?"

"It's true. The newly discovered savage planet is located in the Hetrant galaxy east of the Estret asteroid belt. However, I don't think Egg Yulara will send them there." Xingyin Ruoxi He said frankly: "There are my family's warships patrolling around the wild planet. Since Egger Yulara wants to dig out the cultivation method from the Natural Sect, he will definitely lure a few friends to a certain place and imprison them."

Sha Ling agreed: "It makes sense. Thank you for the information, Mr. Qi, Yuhuan, take Mr. Qi to rest."


Xingyin Ruoxi said seriously: "Sect Master Sha, if any accident happens to the friends of the Natural Sect, I will feel uneasy, and my elder brother Xingda Yunyang has a very deep friendship with everyone from the Natural Sect. Over the years, we We have always been very good friends. If there is anything that can help, please ask Sect Master Sha to speak up!"

"Oh, Egger Yulara has the status of a messenger..." Sha Ling smiled slightly.

"To tell you the truth, no matter whether he is from a fourth-class civilized country or not, I will definitely take revenge on him. My elder brother will definitely support me. Hmph, our Star 29 family is not vegetarian." Xingyin Ruoxi Raising his eyebrows, he said fearlessly and proudly.

Jia Yinan frowned and said, "I thought that if we rescued the Seventh Young Master, we would be able to get the seniors down, but..."

Sha Ling raised her finger and waved it: "Don't worry, when you were at the bar, I tracked down the seller who sold the goods, and confirmed that the seller is Aiger Yulara. He is still on the water star." While in the aisle, he eavesdropped on the transactions in the room. Although the technology of the fourth-class civilized countries is very advanced and the walls are completely sound-proof, he still can't prevent Sha Ling's pervasive consciousness.During that conversation, he learned that the seller's representative was going back to report to the person in charge, so he decided to divide the army into two ways, let Brad and Jia Yinan deal with the buyer, and he went to follow the seller's representative.

"Take a look, this is him and his subordinates." Sha Ling stretched out his hand and made a few strokes in the air, forming a dynamic image.

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