I want to be happy

Chapter 61 Death Star

Iger Yulara and Poulderskel are fine, but Spirit is a master of the spiritual department. According to common sense, the stronger the mental ability, the less likely it is to be influenced and controlled by others. Unexpectedly, this Sha Ling took a spiritual master under his control without seeing the wind or the rain.

Although Kaoru Karasuma was horrified in his heart, he had no intention of attacking Sha Ling. He was different from Podskel and Spirit. Those two masters were members of the Kisyulara family, and they shared weal and woe with the family. , while he was just a hired bodyguard.

As long as there are no casualties in Aiger Yulara, he is not considered dereliction of duty.

Moreover, Kaoru Karasuma secretly thought that none of his special abilities can deal with mental control. That is to say, for the current situation, even if he wants to, he is powerless. catch up.

Kaoru Karasuma glanced at Brad who was sitting not far away.

This guy, Kaoru Karasuma sighed, it was very sudden when the sun met him that day, he didn't see the other person's face clearly at all, but after getting along with him during this period of time, with Kaoru Karasuma's meticulous observation, he is sure that Brad is a Longevity species, race vampire.

The strength of the blood-sucking race is comparable to that of the Dark Night Stars. The two races have their own advantages, and even their methods of accumulating their own strength are somewhat similar, except that the former evolves by absorbing the energy in the blood, while the Dark Night Starman evolves by absorbing other energies in the universe.

Compared with vampires?Karasuma Kaoru admits defeat and it's nothing special.

He was just a defender, so when Egger Yulara tried to deceive a small team with vampires and other powerful races out of their training methods.Kaoru Karasuma gently reminded Egg Yulara that the opponent was too strong to attack, but unexpectedly, Egg Yulara listened to what he said.But in the end, they lured that group of people directly into the Death Savage Star.

The Death Savage Star is a place of death for most human beings, but not necessarily for those people.

From that day on, Kaoru Karasuma realized that his young boss had caused a big trouble.

Greed is the driving force of progress and the driving force of self-destruction.

As a powerful dark night star, he was forced to stay in a fourth-class civilized country.As a career as a defender, there are actually unavoidable difficulties.

Perhaps, it is time to terminate the employment contract.

Sha Ling's mood is relatively relaxed. Ever since he learned from Aiger Yulara that the masters he deceived were too strong for his own subordinates to deal with, he coaxed everyone into a so-called "death "Zone", he felt at ease.

The death zone is the name for a small galaxy, which is surrounded by moving and floating meteorite belts on all sides, and the spacecraft cannot approach it.And there aren't any decent resources nearby.Therefore, it has always been a secret existence of the Kisyulara family.

The Kisyulara family accidentally discovered a space folding point leading to the small star belt, and the folding point is quite stable, which led to the small galaxy being known to them.

In the small galaxy, there is a Mesozoic star and four large planets. The shape of these four planets is quite special. They are not spherical or similar in shape, but rather like pieces of floating land, with mountains on both sides. , with one end always facing upwards.The other end is facing down. These four big planets are either too close or too far away from the stars. They are not ideal places for human habitation, but surprisingly, some extremely powerful native life forms were born on these planets, even .some of these creatures.It is already possible to step into the ranks of space creatures.

Facing such resources, how could the Kisyulara family not be tempted?However, after repeated attacks, they were all defeated by those primitive creatures, and the losses were very heavy. This is a treasure house, but it is also a place of death. The Kisyulara family left tens of thousands of family elites here.

In addition to those terrifying and powerful interstellar life, there is another fatal factor hidden in this star belt, that is, the star. The star continuously emits certain corrosive substances outward. At the beginning, people did not realize it, but Soon, the warships, the base's abnormally fast aging and the crowd's inexplicable diseases caused panic.

As a result, the Kisyulara family had no choice but to seal up this deadly treasure house.

The energy and matter in the universe are very different from those on the earth, but the disciples of the natural sect are quite sensitive to the changes and movements of energy. Sha Ling believes that with the current strength of the two little flower demons, they can resist the forces existing in the space. Corrosive substances, still have a certain degree of certainty.

There is also Xiaodong, 600 years ago, Xiaodong could sense the abnormality of odor molecules in the air with his sharp nose, so what about him now?

Xiaojiao, has he transformed into a real dragon now?A wormhole slowly became hot.

A fleet of fleets parked quietly in space. It seemed that the vicinity of the fleet was empty, without any planets, but on the control screen of the battleship, it clearly showed that there was a space energy intersection here, and the intersection of space energy form a stable channel.

Aiger Yulara sent a small unmanned spaceship through that channel, and any transmission information was isolated in the space channel, and only when the spaceship passed through the channel could feedback be given.

Not long after, the spacecraft returned the image, and the small galaxy looked very quiet, with a star, four large planets, several asteroids and dozens of satellites rotating quietly in space.

Aiger Yulara had a look of embarrassment on his face. On the image that came back, the battleship that entered at the beginning was no longer visible.In the bottom of his heart, he believed that those strong men were buried here.

"Mr. Sha, we can't stay in the death zone for more than 30 days. After [-] days, we will be corroded by an unknown virus. Even if we leave, we can't be cured." Will be corroded beyond recognition.And those people have been here for two months.

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