I want to be happy

Chapter 63 7 Color Halo

The battleship is approaching the "Day of Destruction" step by step, Iger.The complexions of Yulara, Master Podesker, and Master Spirit are getting uglier. Although they don't have a clear feeling yet, as soon as they think of an invisible substance corroding the battleship and the body... The three of them seemed to be crawling with countless invisible bugs, disgusted and frightened, but their awe and obedience to Sha Ling prevented them from turning around and running away.

Egger piloting the battleship.Yulara's subordinates were not qualified to know the secrets of the "death zone", but their expressions remained normal.

There was a hint of surprise in Kaoru Karasuma's eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch the air, and secretly clicked his lips.

At this time, Sha Ling's thoughts were all on the sound transmission, but he didn't pay attention to him, otherwise he would find out that he was wrong.

Kaoru Karasuma's appearance on the battleship was not Sha Ling's intention, but Kaoru Karasuma's own request.

Kaoru Karasuma, as a dark night star wandering in the universe, has seen so many weird things that most people can't imagine. When I heard about Iger.When Yulara mentioned that corrosive substance, her heart couldn't help but move

There are a lot of substances with erosive energy, but they are invisible, can corrode everything from metal to human body, and as stars disperse, as far as he knows, there are one or two kinds of substances, and these two kinds of substances are precisely One of their favorite ways of replenishing energy among the night stars. ^^

This kind of energy is not food for Kaoru Karasuma, and it will cause some damage to his body, but it is not serious.The bodies of the Dark Night Stars are completely different from ordinary human beings. Their physique is naturally very suitable for containing the energy in the universe. When they become adults, they are allowed to leave their families and wander around the starry universe. At this time, their land The body has basically become a state where the energy body and the biological body are combined.

Cosmic rays and erosion in general. == At most, it is to give them a little superficial damage.

The scales of the skin relaxed slightly, and the energy that entered the body was analyzed and judged in an instant, and then it was ejected from the body without a doubt.This small galaxy is full of dark rays, it seems that some of the same race can be notified to come here to eat, Kaoru Karasuma thought secretly.He glanced at Sha Ling.But there is no special long-distance signal transmission in the clan immediately.

Their family has a special induction and signal transmission method, even if it is separated by several galaxies, the signal can be transmitted smoothly.At most, it's because the distance is too far away and it becomes laggy.

This transmission method is formed by using a certain kind of ray that is not easily lost in the universe. This kind of ray travels through the universe and takes the shortest route. Whether it is solid or energy, even the space energy in the wormhole, it does not matter. will weaken and affect it, like an eternal electric wave.It is the most reliable way of sending messages.

Although the short-lived human beings have advanced technology, their use of cosmic energy is like kindergarten children compared to the Dark Night Stars, so there is no need to worry about being blocked by them.

But, I don't know why, maybe this Mr. Sha can feel something.

To this mysterious Sha Ling.Karasuma Kaoru has respect and faint intimacy in her heart.However, after all, the days of getting along are short. ==Before she fully affirms the character of the other party, Kaoru Karasuma does not want to further change her attitude or disclose information about the dark night star.

He insisted on following. First, he wanted to confirm the composition of space rays. In addition, he wanted to see how far the suzerain, who cared about the disciples of the disciples, would go so far as to personally take risks.

In the sky of death, there is a colorful halo area with a width of thousands of kilometers. These colorful halos are said to be colorful, but they are actually colorful, colorful and changing, and they are not the same at any moment. It looks like the colorful clouds in the sky, it seems to condense the most dreamy colors in the world, it is really beautiful^^

But all the people present had solemn faces.

iger.Yu Lala stared at the screen with bated breath, and when a group of bright spots appeared on the screen, she couldn't help screaming: "It's them, they appeared, a group of colorful-tailed silver swallows!"

The colorful-tailed silver swallow is a space creature that lives in the halo, they usually do not leave the colorful halo, sometimes they stop on a few large meteorites floating in the colorful halo, sometimes they are in the halo Flying around. ^^

They are as beautiful as colorful halos, with silver-white bodies, snow-white wings that are hundreds of meters long, and gorgeous tail feathers that trail behind them like neon lights. They move in groups, thousands in number. Hundreds. ^^

Beneath the obsessive appearance is their terrifying attack ability. Their fangs and sharp claws can easily tear apart an alloy metal plate with a thickness of [-] centimeters!

"Young master, what should I do if an unknown creature is found?" The captain of the main cockpit looked at their noble son's panicked gaffe, feeling ominous in his heart.

Sha Ling glanced at Iger lightly.Yulara, Iger.Yu Lala immediately felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over her head, and her head suddenly came to her senses.

iger.Yu Lala's face was sullen, as if the gaffe just now hadn't happened, and she angrily said: "What to do, hum, avoid unknown creatures and get as close to the planet as possible, this order has been given to you a long time ago!"

The captain shuddered, quickly put his legs together, and gave a military salute: "Yes, this subordinate understands!"

iger.Yu Lala turned off the contact screen, and said to Sha Ling cautiously and ingratiatingly: "Mr. Sha, look, we have entered the periphery of the colorful halo, and there are eighteen large meteorites floating in the colorful halo. Among them, the largest meteorite has an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and the smallest one has an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, which is the habitat of some halo creatures."

"Well, the colorful-tailed silver swallow is the king in the outer circle of the halo. Further inside, we will encounter two other types of halo cruisers, each of which is very... They are extremely fast. If the battleship encounters It's still too late to escape, otherwise..." He pointed out implicitly, hoping that Sha Ling would listen to his words.

Sha Ling glanced at him, nodded for a while, and said, "Okay, you can command according to the situation." Even if he rescued the disciples, he would still need a battleship to take them away, so Sha Ling didn't want a battleship to take them away. Break down here.

iger.Yu Lala sounded like Feng Lun, with a happy expression on her face.

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