I want to be happy

Chapter 76 Wind Essence Stone

After getting out of the defensive cover, Sha Ling stretched out his hand and flicked it in front of him. Immediately, streams of light flashed, and a new defensive cover enveloped everyone in it.

The ice crow's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that this mysterious man was the founder of the Natural Sect, and he created the defensive talisman by himself.Most of the disciples have a stack of defensive talismans by their side, but like him, he draws it freehand, with horns like antelopes, and can't see the means of the word "protection" at all, which is beyond his imagination and understanding. force.

Involuntarily, the scene where the master once laughed and said that the suzerain is a "monster" flashed in the head of the ice crow. "Monster"--he is really extraordinary... strange...

"Well, that monster seems to be moving. Dong Dong, can it be smaller?" Sha Ling bent down and touched Dong Dong's head.

Dongdong swayed comfortably, the hair all over his body stretched out, as if shrunk, and shrank rapidly, and after a while, he became the size of Sha Ling when he first saw Dong.

Sha Ling reminisced and said: "When I first knew about winter, it was so big." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and hugged the miniature version of winter into his arms.

Dongdong licked Sha Ling's hand, causing Sha Ling to smile and narrow his eyes.

The ice crow couldn't help but glanced at Dong Dong contemptuously. This guy usually behaved calmly and dignifiedly, but now, he didn't even want the dignity of the big monster, and he would rather become a pet dog, curling up in the In the master's arms, Sha Ling smiled and stretched out his hand to the ice crow, "Ice crow, can you perch on my shoulder?"

The ice crow was stunned, furious in his heart, for the monster that had been cultivated.It is a humiliation to change back to the original form in front of strangers, but his eyes fell on Sha Ling's outstretched hand.Falling on his kind and warm smile, the anger subsided a lot unconsciously, and Weng asked, "Why?"

This kid is really straight.You can tell at a glance if you have any intentions. Compared with his own disciples who are smart or capable, Li Zhijin's disciple is actually very cute. Thinking about it, Li Zi didn't bully this precious disciple less, right?

On Bingya's body, Sha Ling seemed to see Li Zi's figure, and couldn't help but.His brows and eyes are softer and softer.

Xiaojiao glared at the ice crow with displeasure: "Xiaobing, the master wants to reduce the size of the defensive cover, speed up the movement, change quickly!"

Among the several monsters, Xiaojiao is undoubtedly the most powerful. At the same time, his type is extremely noble, and all the monsters dare not repent.Even if it is a proud ice crow.He didn't dare not listen to Xiaojiao's words.

Xiaojiao doesn't bother to lie.The ice crow was silent for a while, he had to admit that his strength was much worse than that of Sha Ling, since Xiaojiao, as a dragon, was willing to attach himself to Sha Ling, so what else could he insist on?

A bit reluctant and angry, but the ice crow still showed its original form, and it was still a reduced version of the original form-this is a bird as white as snow.The beak and claws are tinged with gold.The eyes are black and round.

Fluttering its little wings, the ice crow landed on Sha Ling's hand.

His little claw was in Sha Ling's hand.Immediately, an icy chill rushed down Sha Ling's skin.

Sha Ling froze, this kind of extremely freezing temperature, if you were an ordinary person, you might get frostbite.

It's a little funny, this temperature, for Sha Ling who has been reborn, is just a slight discomfort on the skin, Sha Ling just pretends that he doesn't feel anything, and puts the ice crow firmly on his left shoulder: "Stand Hold on, we're going to move."

The ice crow held onto Sha Ling's shoulders with its small claws without saying a word. If he had the heart, he could still see two balls of pink floating on his little face. It's too embarrassing. How can he be as childish as Xiaojiao?Knowing Sha Ling's strength, but still trying to ice the other party out, it's really self-defeating.

As soon as the ice crow stood firm, suddenly, his eyes blurred, and the scene has changed. Although it was still a thick fog, the ice crow felt that the space had changed.

"Master, I can smell it. The fog here is the most poisonous." Dongdong moved his nose and said.Although his sense of smell is far inferior to Sha Ling's heavenly eyes, he is much better than his fellow apprentices in terms of sensing energy and fluctuations.

"Yes. There is a sea of ​​purple flowers under our feet. Although the flowers are beautiful, they are extremely poisonous."

"Then let's level the sea of ​​flowers!" Xiao Jiao yelled.

Sha Ling laughed and reprimanded: "You brat, you know how to be reckless."

"Then what should we do?" Xiaojiao asked with a chuckle and shrinking his neck.

"Xiaojiao, you should use your spiritual sense. The spiritual energy in this space is as strong as it is real. You should feel something strange." Dong Dong persuaded in an elder brother's tone.

"Yes, Brother Dong. Xiaojiao knew he was wrong." Xiaojiao obediently admitted his mistake, and the unicorn in front of his forehead exuded waves of mental fluctuations.After a while, he said happily: "Xiaojiao saw it. There is a strange stone one meter square in the ground a hundred meters away!"

"That's right, that's it." Sha Ling nodded approvingly, making Xiaojiao raise her head happily.

Using the escape technique, Sha Ling's body sank, and suddenly sank into the soil. Before, there was a purple mist around his eyes, so dense that he couldn't see his fingers. Suddenly, he jumped into a cloud. It was pitch black, and several little monsters exclaimed together.

"Don't panic, we are in the soil, this is an escape technique, after returning to Yinhua Star, I will teach you this spell as a teacher."

"Escape technique?" The three little demons kept chewing on this word in their hearts, it sounds very powerful.

In the darkness, three pairs of Dong Dong, Xiao Jiao and Xiao Bing Ya stared at Sha Ling with sparkling eyes. Sha Ling couldn't help laughing at the sight, so he had to say in detail: "The escape technique, in simple terms, allows you to walk through water, A spell among earth, fire, wood, and metal."

The little demons became more and more excited as they listened, but it was a pity that before they had time to ask more questions, they had arrived at their destination, and the distance of [-] meters was fleeting. Sha Ling and the others stood in front of a stone, which was roughly rectangular in shape. Potholes, as if drilled through, there are countless small holes.

"This is a Wind Essence Stone." Sha Ling reached out and stroked the stone lightly. Not only was it not rough, but it was also warm and greasy like a woman's skin. It is this wind without a follower that stirs and blows away the toxins contained in the purple flowers.

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