Sitting cross-legged on the flattened stone, Sha Ling's expression was serene and serene. At this moment, his mind was clear and calm, his spiritual thoughts scattered infinitely, and he got close to the surrounding plants, trees, water and wind...

The mountain wind swirls gently, and in the swirling wind, the rich spiritual energy is like milk, like yarn and mist. These spiritual energy enters from every pore in Sha Ling's body, washing and enriching every meridian and every cell.

The amount of aura required in the Void Stage is a hundred times greater than that in the Nascent Soul Stage. Although there is only one level difference between the Void Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage, the difference in strength between the two is huge. A practitioner at the void stage can consume the true essence of hundreds of practitioners at the Nascent Soul stage.

Of course, the contest between practitioners does not only rely on true energy, magic weapons and spells also play an important role. However, the difference in strength caused by the same level is almost irreversible. This is also common sense in the cultivation world.

Sha Ling's thoughts drifted away with the changing wind and clouds... The sun rose and set, and time flowed for more than a month in an instant, and Sha Ling began to end this samadhi.

After more than a month of sunshine and heavy rain, there were feet-long grass growing in the crevices of the rocks under Sha Ling's body, but Sha Ling's appearance was still as clean and tidy as if he had just entered a trance. .

Letting out a long breath, Sha Ling looked inside for a moment, the energy in his veins was filled with true energy, and he felt extremely light all over his body, like a piece of feather. Skimming, without a trace of piercing breath.

With the abundant vitality of Miezhutian, if there are no accidents, it will be possible for him to break through again in three to five years.

The spiritual energy in the air seemed to be attracted by something, rushing towards the distance, Tian Xiang raised her head slightly, her snow-white neck flashed a moving soft complexion in the sun, she couldn't see the surge of spiritual energy .But it can be clearly felt.

It was their young suzerain who was practicing meditation, and even at this time, they were separated by tens of kilometers.The change in the aura is still so obvious.

Suddenly, the delicate white jade peony pendant hanging above the crystal earlobe swayed slightly.Hua Xiangrong shouted happily: "Come on, I seem to have found something good!"

The small white jade peony earrings are the improved Thousand Li Sound Transmission.In the natural sect, anyone who has the ability to forge weapons by hand.They will make unique sound transmissions with their own hands, such as Tianxiang, which is the earrings carefully carved with white jade peonies. The small beads are so simple that there is no pattern on them.It just looks shiny.This is incomprehensible to a flower demon who likes fancy clothes and exquisite accessories.

Every time Tianxiang asked about it, the two little flower demons would talk about other things, or just smiled and said nothing. Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong were deeply influenced by Sha Ling, and they mainly focused on comfort when wearing clothes. , all pay attention to the simple style, this point.Although it doesn't look like the habit of a flower demon.But it is a little secret that makes the two little flower demons proud.

Tianxiang floats up gently, like a light white cloud.Flying towards Hua Xiangrong's direction, not long after, she saw Yun Xiangyi and Bingya who had also rushed over. These three were all wearing the uniforms of the Natural Sect, and the flowing robes made the three of them look like immortals , Elegant and refined.

The three looked at each other and smiled, and flew away together.

"Hush——" Hua Xiangrong put a finger between his lips, and he lay down in the tall grass, surrounded by an illusion, which disguised himself extremely well.

The three of Yun Xiangyi also concealed their bodies and restrained their auras so as not to disturb the group of monsters facing Hua Xiangrong. They were a group of monsters about three meters tall, five meters long, and dozens of tons in weight. Huge monsters, this kind of monsters are named giant snake lizards - plants and animals in the sky, many of which have never been seen by the night stars, but most of them are similar to the beasts of the East China Alliance in one way or another. A group of natural sect disciples who picked herbs and mined, collected their images, named them according to the division of animal names in the Donghua Alliance, and noted their habits for future compilation into a complete biological species encyclopedia.

Giant snake lizards, like to live in groups, with horns on their foreheads similar to those of rhinoceros. The horns in the center of its skull are more than one meter long, glowing with dark light, which is really frightening. Given the sharpness of its horns and the size of its body The force of the impact was once seen by a disciple of the Nature Sect. Under the impact of an adult giant snake, its sharp horns pierced through the beast known for its thick and tough leather!

The danger level of the giant snake lizard is marked as A-level, which means that disciples with the strength of the Nascent Soul stage should also avoid its edge. A disciple of the Nascent Soul stage and a group of giant snake lizards face each other head-on. No matter how powerful they are, they are limited by their true essence. , It can't consume the hundreds of monsters gathered together.

In addition to the sharp horns, the giant snake lizard has a flexible and forked tongue like a snake, which can sense the wind and grass within hundreds of meters around its body, especially the heat and breath emitted by animals, and it is difficult to escape their keen sense of snakes.

Its attack methods include spraying poisonous venom, sharp horns, rushing and clawing, and steel tail.

Yun Xiangyi and the others are naturally not afraid of this kind of animal. With their body skills, it is easy to avoid the giant snake, but they will not act rashly. The giant snake is a particularly hateful and narrow-minded animal. Once it is done, it will always remember you, and the whole group will chase and kill you endlessly, which is really troublesome.

Giant snake lizards like water, and the places where they live in groups are mostly watery grasslands. A thousand meters ahead of Hua Xiangrong's right, several giant snake lizards are biting a slightly smaller animal. Splattering and flowing along the steel-like teeth of the giant snake lizard, the air is filled with the smell of blood.

No need for Hua Xiangrong to signal, Yun Xiangyi and the others also saw their target. By the long tail of the giant snake lizard on the far right, the shallow stream dilutes the blood, and under the blood bath, a few inconspicuous grass Stretching the leaves, the white star-shaped flowers bloomed.

If it is at night, you can see the petals of these small star-shaped flowers emitting a little bit of light. From a distance, it looks like a star shining. Therefore, it was given a rather poetic name "Star Lights".

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