The elixir was put into the jade bottle, but the fragrance in the air did not dissipate. Sha Ling sighed, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "This time the alchemy is not very successful. Dan, and the rest are broken into powder, the reason may be that when a certain auxiliary medicine was refined, the heat was not controlled well enough."

"Master, this is your first time making alchemy." Yun Xiangyi said sweetly, "Master, please take a look at the elixir." After finishing speaking, he poured two elixirs into the prepared jade bowl and handed them to Sha Ling .

Sha Ling took a look, and found that the two elixirs were exactly the same size, about the size of a pea, and the surface was mainly light blue, reflecting faint dark red and silver rays of light. Looking closely, it seemed that there was a thin layer of mist Wrapped and covered, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

Sometimes, the production of pills does not mean the real success of the pills. Sha Ling motioned the two flower demons to pass the pills to the disciples one by one, and said, "A pill can be divided into three parts: shape, fragrance, and taste." To judge whether it is successful or not, only when all three are completely consistent with the records in the Jade Slip, can it represent that the elixir has been truly refined."

With regard to the Chalcedony Golden Bone Pill, from the ingredients of the medicine to every step of refining, the disciples present knew everything by heart, but only when it was time for the actual refining did they clearly realize how much energy and energy it took to refine the alchemy. power thing.

Several Nascent Soul stage disciples questioned themselves, and they all felt that their cultivation was still a bit short. Even if they could persevere in the alchemy, the probability of scrapping the alchemy was much greater than that of the alchemy. "The Chalcedony Golden Bone Pill is only suitable for disciples below the Nascent Soul stage to reincarnate. You can try to take it to realize it. However, this batch of elixir has important uses, so save the opportunity to realize it later."

The disciples responded in unison, showing anticipation and excitement. Among these disciples, Yi Zhixuan and Bailang are both Lu Rui's direct descendants, but Yi Zhixuan's younger generation is the disciple of Lu Rui's eldest disciple Yang Bing; Liu Qingxiu is from Wu Gu's lineage.Master Yin Cheng is in a deep sleep. Besides the master, they also have close relatives, uncles and brothers who are waiting in their eternal sleep. When they think about the final day, they can see their relatives who have been away for decades or even hundreds of years.Everyone's eyes can't help showing desire and excitement.

Among these people, Yun Xiangyi, Hua Xiangrong, Xiaojiao, and Dongdong had the most complicated moods. They were the first batch of disciples. The brothers of that generation, like them, were lucky enough to get to know the master. Following behind the master, practicing in a daze, those days were simple and pure.Light as water, but extremely happy.They believe, for each of them.That time is one of the best memories.

However, time flies, what I once had, but I lost it unknowingly, master, brothers..., and then.Another generation that watched them grow up...

Parting from life to death smoothed out their sorrow, and no one understood it more deeply than they did, witnessing the loss of familiar and close people around them.

No one understands better than them that when they are sitting in high power and are connected to tens of thousands of people, they just want to surround that person's lap and be carefree children.

In parting again and again.Even the most childish little horn.It was also forced to grow up quickly.It's as if everyone has grown up suddenly in the past.

Dream back at many times.They want to start over.Back to the former seclusion in the world of mortals.Uncle Li and all the senior brothers are still by his side.Accompany Sha Fu Sha Mu.Teasing little Mu Sha.Let's wait for the master to surprise us from the sky.

Maybe everything will not go back.But the broken mirror came back together.Fragments of the beauty of the past.Will eventually re-spell complete most of it.Even though there are a few missing pieces to regret.It can still heal their regrets...

The jade bowl turned around.Return to Sha Ling's hands.Sha Ling took out one and threw it into his mouth without hesitation.This is the first time to alchemy.It is related to the lives of the disciples.Even if the elixir is seen with the naked eye or the eye of the sky.They are all good chalcedony golden bone pills.Sha Ling was still not at ease.The entrance of the medicine pill.It melts when it meets Jin.In an instant, it turned into a cool liquid.Four scattered into the internal organs.that feeling.It's like jumping into the cool water of a pool in summer.Every pore of the body is extremely comfortable...

After a while.In the concerned and nervous eyes of the disciples.Sha Ling slowly spread a smile.

"Great!" "Oh!!" cheered bursts.Like knocking the roof off.There was a bang.

The group of disciples guarding outside the house looked at each other, and they couldn't help clapping their hands and cheering happily.

After resting at Guantao Peak for a few days to recover, Sha Ling returned to Yinhua Star with the elixir. He only brought a few disciples at the alchemy stage with him. There is already a large mountain guarding array, but the maximum defensive power of the mountain guarding array still needs to be manipulated by manpower. In case of an attack from a large herd of animals, the average level of the mountain guarding array may not be able to defend all of them. The ferocious beasts all have the strength no less than that of the alchemy period.

And Yun Xiangyi and the others were even more busy picking more fruits from the stars and lights, and couldn't get away.

Looking up and watching the small spaceship disappear, Dongdong clenched his fists, his big crystal eyes showed determination, and he said in a leadership manner: "Okay, everyone, let us do our duty and wait for the suzerain and Brother 6, they are back!" Although Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong had been in charge of the overall situation before, this was only because Winter hadn't turned into a human form. In fact, when many decisions were made, Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong Rong will discuss with Dong Dong and Xiao Jiao, Dong Dong is not only the third senior brother in name, but also started before Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong, these years of growth and tempering have also given him the wisdom no less than the two flower demons, and he Handle things steadily, calmly, and have a great view of the big picture.On weekdays, if the two flower demons are not in the door, the right to deal with it is under the control of him and Wu Qingfu. Now that Dong has taken human form, Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong are quietly handing over part of the main power to Dong Dong .

"Yes!" Everyone agreed in unison.

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