absolute death game

Chapter 155 Demon Race Invasion

Hearing Wu Min'er's proposal, Xiao Buli thought for a while and said, "I think it's better not to act rashly for the time being" so as not to startle the snake. It will definitely attract the attention of the company after Li Jian's launch. When the time comes, you will get twice the result with half the effort. "

Wu Min'er sighed: "Okay, but to be honest, what is hidden in the laboratory that makes you so nervous?"

Xiao Buli said: "If my guess is correct, it is likely to be related equipment for creating characters."

A gleam flashed in Zhang Yaoyang's eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, I mean they are probably using our blood to create our characters in the game, and that device is probably the key to understanding the truth of this game."

Zhang Yaoyang nodded, "In this case, you really have to be careful."

Wu Min'er said: "Okay, okay, I'll leave when the time comes. We will meet at the agreed place after the matter is over."

,'What about me?What is my mission? "Zhang Yaoyang asked suddenly.

"Your task is very simple, to raid the Qilin group. After I bring the Qilin group into the planned state, you lead everyone to launch a surprise attack on them. Remember, our target is the game client and Duguhan, Qin Shiyue, Liu Zijian and the other three are secondary targets."

"Assault on the Qilin group, what exactly are you going to do? You should explain clearly now." Xiao Buli nodded, and explained the plan he had designed. After hearing his plan, Zhang Yaoyang's eyes lit up, "So So, here's your plan! I honestly can't figure out how you came up with it."

Xiao Buli shrugged, "I can only say that everyone has their own strengths."

"Then we will start to enter the waiting period. As long as Li Jian's side starts to activate, we will follow suit. Now everything depends on that guy." The three dispersed like this.

Li Jian carefully placed the energy core in the base of the portal, sealed it with a piece of obsidian, and looked at the masterpiece he had spent six days creating in front of him, feeling excited.

This excitement came from the heart, as if he sincerely hoped that the demons would come to this world.

"Is this the right thing to do?" He would occasionally ask himself, and the answer was always the same—"You did it right," a voice in his heart always said to him.

Maybe Li Jian still has some humanity in his heart, but at least now, he is no different from the demons.

With the energy core activated!The world spirit stones around the arched portal began to emit white light, and they complemented each other, and gradually merged together, forming a whirlpool-like entrance After a while, a heavily armed demon pierced through. When he came out, he saw Li Jian and went back immediately.

A moment later, hordes of demons rushed out from the portal, led by the spirit snatcher who had demonized him back then.

"Successful! I succeeded!" said the soul snatcher excitedly.

"We succeeded." Li Jian corrected what he said.

"That's right, we succeeded." The Soul Reaper looked surprisingly excited, and he looked around curiously. "So this is the world outside the sky. It doesn't look very good, it's a bit messy."

Li Jian explained patiently: "This is just a warehouse of broken pieces, and the real world is still up there."

"No wonder it looks so depressed, I hate going underground." While speaking, a nervous expression suddenly appeared on the face of the soul snatcher, "Everyone prepares for her to come out."

The dozens of demon soldiers who followed him lined up on both sides of the entrance of the portal, and a graceful figure slowly walked out of the white light of the portal.

This is obviously a female demon. Compared with those fully armed and ugly-looking demons, this female demon looks much more special. She is not wearing any equipment and her smooth, satin-like skin is just like this. In the air, only the key parts of her body are covered with some delicate scales that barely cover her body. She seems to be a hybrid of a mermaid and a Medusa, full of fantasy and magic. Judging by human aesthetic standards, she is also a stunning beauty.

"Welcome to Tianwaitian, my lady." The Soul Reaper saluted the female demon clan very respectfully.

Li Jian lowered his voice in surprise and asked, "Who is she?"

"Phantom demons, they are good at illusion and demagoguery, but the number is very rare." The spirit snatcher said without any further explanation.

"Then we will start to invade. Where is our army? Are there only these people?" Li Jian looked at the demon soldiers around him with some doubts. Although there were many, it seemed that there were less than a hundred of them occupying a building. It's a bit difficult, let alone conquering the world.

"Patience my friend, this portal is just a hastily built temporary portal, and it is not at all capable of supporting the passage of an army... We must first occupy this building and collect more resources before we can further teleport the army," said Tell me, do you have any suggestions for this?"

This plan sounds a bit unrealistic, but due to the natural obedience of demonized creatures to the demons, Li Jian suppressed his inner doubts and nodded, "Humans' defense is very strong, so before you launch, I will We will carry out an internal sabotage on them to weaken their combat effectiveness as much as possible, during this period you try to send as many soldiers as possible, and start taking action as soon as I give you the news."

While talking, Li Jian gave him a mobile phone and briefly introduced how to use it.

The Soul Reaper is smart, he quickly figured out how to use the phone, and was amazed at the intelligence of humans. "Sure enough, you are worthy of being a person from the outer world."

Watching Li Jian walk out of the warehouse door, he looked at the phantom demon woman with a serious expression.

"I'll leave everything to you." He said very solemnly to the Phantom Demon Race woman.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best," even the voice is full of lazy temptation, but the soul snatcher has long been used to this voice, and he asked his demon soldiers to clean up the debris around the portal Come, but he walked back to the portal again.

The computer room of the White Tiger Team is still very lively. Although most of the elites are trapped in Qiansong Town, there are still more than a dozen team members who can act freely. They organized the big guys to start dungeons. These white-difficulty dungeons were originally used by the Qinglong team to improve their strength, but now they are cheaper.

"Haha, it's so cool, this sword is just right for me!" Wang Yifan was very excited and put a dark blue weapon that he had just touched from the boss into his bag. However, due to the constant handing in of equipment, his equipment is only slightly better than the average members of the Qinglong group. This time, he won't let go of the opportunity, and he will hack into himself with everything he can use. in the package.

"Team leader, I can use this sword too, should I rub it?" A team member next to him couldn't help complaining, but it immediately aroused Wang Yifan's anger.

"Damn, isn't it just a broken sword, and it's your turn to use the next one. It's like talking like a jerk."

After such a meal, the man didn't dare to speak. After all, he was still the team leader, and things were too stiff to deal with, and his arms couldn't twist his thighs.

Just when Wang Yifan was about to make persistent efforts to move on to the next boss, there was a sudden knock, and the door of the computer room of the White Tiger Group was knocked open. Wang Yifan glanced at the door and found that it was Li Jian, and was immediately a little upset. Let you fall to pieces, isn't your kid working as a babysitter in the rookie team? Why did you run back?"

"I'm here to kill someone." Li Jian said very calmly, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, which surprised the rest of the White Tiger Team. Li Jianping is not such a person in his daily life. It's a very bold and generous kind, and it doesn't seem like he made this kind of joke.

"Murder?" Wang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Li Jian amusedly and angrily, his eyes lingering on his empty hands for a while, "What do you rely on?"

However, Li Jian stretched out his hand towards the void and grabbed it. A large double-edged ax with a sharp edge exuding black magic flames suddenly appeared in the air out of thin air, and he grabbed it straight. It cut into the marble floor, and this hand stunned everyone at once.

Li Jian pointed to the sharp ax blade, and said calmly, "Depend on this."

There was complete silence in the room, except for the occasional monster characters that came out from the computer speakers. Wang Yifan looked at Li Jian's gradually stern face and suddenly realized that the other party was not joking.

fu ratio!He cursed secretly in his heart, and slammed the chair under his butt towards Li Jian.

The next moment a stern white light flashed suddenly, and before Wang Yifan could react, the sharp big ax had already slashed out, cutting him and the chair into four pieces.

Wang Yifan's big head flew straight out, freezing the terrified expression on his face, and with a plop, rolled a few times on the ground, leaving a trail of blood behind.

"Sure enough, he is a waste. Such a person can also be the team leader. It seems that this company has no reason to exist."

Li Jian didn't pay any attention to the headless corpse lying on the ground, his eyes had already fallen on the other people, and those eyes made people feel cold.

"Fight him!" I don't know who yelled hysterically, and everyone reacted immediately, picked up anyone who could pick it up, and threw it at Li Jian, Li Jian He didn't have any intention of avoiding the debris that was flying towards him, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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