Four cars in a row, quickly drove out of the inner ring and middle ring city, and drove into the outer ring city.

Entering the Outer Ring City for the first time, Shen Feifei saw a large area of ​​army green tents, which were arranged very neatly. From a distance, they could not be seen at a glance. They seemed to be very orderly and organized.It makes people feel good, thinking that the manager of the base is a very responsible and capable person.

But as the car went further, Shen Feifei found that these neat and orderly tents gradually disappeared.

Turning a small corner, I saw random shacks built everywhere in front of me, some of which were used as tents with torn quilt sheets on a few sticks; some clothes or rags were sewn together; Just hang a few plastic bags and it's over; or some people don't even have these, just find a few handfuls of hay and lie down on the ground.

Under Shen Feifei's puzzled eyes, the bearded squad leader beside him told her that those who lived in neat military tents were the first to arrive at the base, and their tents were also given by the military.Later, the military didn't have much supplies, and they didn't have enough for themselves, so they assigned the civil affairs management rights of the outer city to the government and asked them to find a way.

Unexpectedly, these government officials never sent out a tent on the grounds of lack of supplies.Let these people figure it out for themselves.

Only then, the tents in the area near the central ring city are neat and orderly; there are no tents in the area near the outside.

Obviously, these residents of the Outer Ring City are somewhat malnourished. They are all yellow and thin, with dark complexions, as if they have been exposed to the sun for a long time, and their faces feel dry and shrinking. There are very few fat people.There are also a few people who are as thin as skeletons, with their eyes closed.

Seeing the military Humvee approaching, the people in the outer ring city all hid from the side of the road in fear, but looked at them with Xiqie's eyes.

The clothes, shoes and hats they wear are also dilapidated, with big holes and small eyes, and patches of various colors.

At first glance, it was either scratched, or it was weathered for a long time, and it was torn to pieces.There are also people wearing winter padded jackets, but they are risking flying catkins.The old people and children were even more embarrassed, and some children didn't wear anything at all, so they picked up a torn paper bag and put it on their bodies. The ground is full of rubbish.

Seeing this, Shen Feifei frowned sadly, remembering that the official radio advertised that there are sufficient water sources, food and clothing here, and it is certain that there is not much water now.However, is there a severe shortage of clothes and food?Why are these people dressed like this, and still starving like skeleton refugees in African refugee camps?

In densely populated places, the military vehicles gradually slowed down.

Seeing the speed of the military vehicle slow down a bit, many people approached with their hands outstretched, slamming on the door of the vehicle, their chapped lips kept opening and closing, shouting for me to eat, give me some food.If the windows were not closed, their hands would have been stretched in.

Probably seeing that Shen Feifei was unhappy, the bearded man continued to tell her.There is little storage for military clothes, no way.There is not much food left, and it is handed over to the government to distribute to these refugees.How it happened, they don't quite know.

I just know that the ration of young and middle-aged people here is half of that in the inner ring city of the middle ring city.That is, there are only three steamed buns a day, and one catty of water.Elderly people and children who cannot go out to find supplies are rationed by half of the young and middle-aged people in the outer ring city, which is one and a half steamed buns and half a catty of water.Moreover, sometimes I don't know if I can get it if I can't skip it.

Doesn't the military care?Shen Feifei was a little annoyed, and asked the bearded man angrily.Seeing the miserable appearance of these people, Shen Feifei really felt a little uncomfortable. Although she is now the zombie king and not a human being, she still sympathizes with these people.

What to do?no way!The bearded man spread his hands out, expressing his powerlessness.The military has a total of 10 people, and there are also some civilian personnel and family members.The military is responsible for the defense of the base, maintaining order, and covering humans to collect supplies. These tasks are not enough manpower, so how can they manage millions of people.

Also, the civil power of the base has been handed over to the government. It is not a matter within their purview, so it is not easy to interfere! Too many interests are involved.

Hearing this, Shen Feifei sneered.What's wrong with it, it's not within their purview!

Although the daily food consumption of millions of people is not a small amount, one half a catty of food per person per day is counted.One hundred people need to eat a bag of 1000 catties of grain; 1 people need to eat ten bags; 10 people need to eat one hundred bags;The daily consumption is the storage capacity of a small warehouse.A small base cannot afford the expenses of millions of people.

However, the Taicang base was originally a large base. Before the end of the world, there was a large state-owned grain depot known throughout the country, storing millions of tons of grain, or even tens of millions of tons.People kept collecting supplies and so on, and Jiangbei also dropped some supplies from time to time.Therefore, the base should not be there for the time being, and there will be no food shortage crisis.

As for saying that the shortage of food is so severe that the base will be disbanded, it is simply a lie, or they want to keep the food, but they don't know what to do with it!

Therefore, the military and the government simply do not want to control the lives of these refugees.Just play football and distribute the benefits.

The advantages should be held, and the disadvantages should be pushed out.This is the lazy and detrimental thinking that the government and the military have always used before the end of the world.Unexpectedly, after the end of the world, there are many crises everywhere, and this kind of ruling ideology is still the same.No wonder there are so many surviving humans, and the Jiangbei government is still there, but the humans are passive everywhere, beaten and eaten by zombies, and their strength is weakened little by little.

Man, what a selfish animal, always the same.It's still not as smart as these advanced zombies, and they understand the importance of unity.

The convoy drove towards the entrance of the outer ring city. Although many people wanted to benefit from the soldiers, no one dared to openly block the road and intercept the military vehicles.All the way was safe and sound, and soon came to the gate of the city.

Here, the car was forced to stop temporarily.At the front entrance, there were a large number of heavily armed policemen setting up barriers to check. When they saw military vehicles approaching, a senior policeman hurried over with a few people.

"We have official business, you hurry up, remove the roadblock, get out of the way!" Xiao Yi opened the window of the car, and shouted impatiently at the lead policeman with a fat face.

This group of policemen was dressed in black, with two pieces of white cloth stained on the left and right sides of their necks. They wore big-brimmed hats, but most of them were worn askew, and their armed belts were loosely tied around their waists, like trouser pockets. , even the gun on his body was dragged behind his buttocks.

At first glance, these people are a group of ruffian policemen without the slightest discipline, much like the white dog policemen who used to be called "scraping the Democratic Party".

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