doomsday zombie queen

Chapter 84 Zombie Riot

a city.

Thousands of zombies are bathing in the blizzard, and none of them are afraid of the cold, with their heads up looking happy, covered with white snowflakes, absorbing energy motionlessly.

After a while, they were all white like snow dolls.

The land is even more vast and white, and the roofs that were originally dusty and in disrepair can't be seen to be old even after being covered with white snow.The branches are covered with white caterpillars, which look very beautiful from a distance covered in silver.

From time to time, there are some small winds blowing over, adding some interest to these scenes.

Everything is so peaceful, which makes people feel at ease and peaceful.

At this time, an invisible ripple enveloped it, and then continued to expand outward.

Suddenly, all the zombies opened their eyes at the same time.

A few high-ranking zombies on the roof of the blood station building also opened their eyes and shook off the snowflakes on their heads.

"Boss, it's the boss, the boss is in danger, she is calling us!" A girl who looked like a leader suddenly changed her innocent and happy face, and shouted loudly.Behind her are several other girls who exude the aura of high-level zombies.

They are Shen Feifei's younger sister Lele, Glasses Girl and several other roommates who have turned into zombies.

"Boss, we are needed, let's go!" The glasses girl spoke.Several other buddies also nodded in agreement.

After a period of hard work, Lele has evolved to the middle and high level of the second level, and is now the highest level zombie leader in city a.

This time, with the baptism of the dark energy blizzard, her cultivation has improved to a higher level.Skillfully commanding tens of millions of zombies in the city is no longer a problem.

And the glasses girl has also evolved to the early stage of the second stage, and Qianqian and Yanyan, who were originally very good, even touched the threshold of the middle stage of the second stage.

Several of them have more or less recovered their ability to speak since they entered the second level.Although I can't remember what happened before the end of the world, but imperceptibly, Shen Feifei is the only boss in their hearts, the leader relative they should be loyal to for life.

Just now, they all received the signal from the boss, Shen Feifei.That signal is full of resentment, unwillingness, sadness, pain, anger, anger, and summoning emotions.

The shock wave message also told them that Queen Feifei was in danger, and asked them to lead the zombie brothers to rescue her, kill, kill all human beings, and kill all those ungrateful bastards who are not as good as animals.

"Kill—" Lele looked in the direction of the southern base, opened his mouth full of fangs and roared.

"Oh—" As if well-trained, the tens of millions of zombies in City A turned around and screamed loudly in the direction of the base, pointing there densely with straight and stiff arms as if declaring war.

The conference room of the Survivor Base in Province Z.

Senior military and government officials at the base are discussing a meeting.

"The people in this snow disaster suffered heavy losses, and many supplies were soaked and damaged and could not be used. Your city government must hurry up and distribute relief supplies." The gray-haired commander of the base said to the mayor of the city and government.

"It's also difficult for our city and government. Millions of refugees stretch out their hands to ask for things, but they don't produce them. How can we give them so many things. Their things can still be used after washing and drying. In special times, we must carry forward The spirit of hard work and plain living, self-reliance. You can’t always reach out to govern the government. You’re a slob!” The potbellied, well-dressed mayor slowly rubbed his nails with a nail clipper to deal with it.

All of their city and government staff were almost killed by the military last time, thanks to the fact that the head of the Li family came forward to save them in time.Therefore, they all took refuge in the embrace of the Li family without hesitation, and became a nail in the Li family's base.

Whatever the Li family says, they do.

This time, the Li family gave them an order not to allow them to easily cooperate with the military's work, but to make it difficult for the military as much as possible, and strive for more bases to fully control.

With the support of the Li family, they didn't want to distribute those supplies to these untouchables, but now they don't want to.

Seeing their rogue attitude, the commander of the base was so angry that his beard was raised, wishing to pull out this group of fat moths and shoot them.But due to the power of the Li family, he had to endure it, turned his face away and didn't want to see them.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dull for a while, and a person finally spoke to break the silence.

"Ahem, after this snowstorm, many people caught cold and developed a high fever, and fell into a coma. In order to avoid the recurrence of the biochemical incident in June last year, I suggest that all people with fever be managed together. Our military manpower It is limited, and you need your government to send people to assist." Xiao Yi, who was sitting on the side, spoke, and the epaulets of the straight new military uniform had been replaced with a big shiny gold star.

He was promoted and became the deputy commander of the base in charge of day-to-day management.Because he is already close to the third-level master, and has become the most evolved person in Huaguo; also because he has successfully prevented Shen Feifei's escape from prison many times, and made great contributions.

"Oh, young master Xiao, don't be so nervous. It's windy and snowy, and the weather turns cold. It's normal for refugees to have a fever and get sick. So many people are sick and have a fever, so many people need to be counted, and a unified schedule must be drawn. Local management requires more people to be in charge. Hey, how can there be so many people in our city government? It’s difficult!” A logistics manager next to the mayor seemed to have a good attitude with a smile on his face. It's still the same word - procrastinate!

"That's right, Young Master Xiao. The people here are not as simple and kind as the people in Jiangbei. The refugees here are troublemakers. They will not actively cooperate with the government's work. They will be happy unless there are a lot of materials distributed to them. Our municipal government has no materials. Give it to them, this job is difficult." The mayor stopped the nail clippers, blew on his nails, and was very contemptuous of Xiao Yi, the deputy commander of the base.

They are from the Li family. The Xiao family and the Li family have fallen out a long time ago, and they have all heard about it.Besides, it was this Xiao Yi who took the lead in killing them last time, and they remembered this hatred firmly.Naturally, he was unwilling to cooperate with Xiao Yi's work, and delayed as long as he could.

As for the life and death of those patients with fever, they don't care.It's just a group of untouchables, there are plenty in the base outside, so what's the matter if a few die of illness.

As for the outbreak of biochemical virus infection again, it is even more nonsense.It has been more than half a year since the last snow with the virus, so it can still have the virus every time, otherwise how could it be okay when it snowed a few times before?

"Young Master Xiao, you can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. If it causes panic among the refugees at the base, no one will be able to bear the responsibility for the consequences." An official with glasses drank plain water and even threatened What Xiao Yi meant.

"You guys!" Xiao Yi became impatient, slapped the table fiercely and jumped up with a black face.

"Report--something important has happened!" Outside the door, an officer from the intelligence analysis room hurriedly knocked on the door with a document.

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