Beast King Three Kingdoms

Chapter 029 Killing heart!hit the ground running

() (Exactly Monday! The recommendation ticket will be 600 soon, so we will add it in advance, and it will be three times today!)

After resting in Wancheng for a day, the army came looking at the river.

Li Feng had already arranged the boat, and Yuan Jun crossed the river smoothly, and rushed to Qu'a.

Qu'a, Liu Yao got the news and hurriedly gathered people to discuss. <.

Liu Yao was weak, so naturally he didn't dare to argue with Yuan Shu, so he had no choice but to retreat to Qu'e, and Liu Yao himself was a Han family clan member, with roots of Miaohong. Wild Child' is much stronger.

Of course, only temporarily.

When all the people gathered together, Liu Yao hurriedly asked for advice.

The general Zhang Ying came out and said: "My lord, there is no need to worry. As long as the last general leads the army to garrison in Niuzhu and guard the dangerous places, even if Yuan Shu has millions of people, he will have nothing to fear."

At this time, Tai Shici had not yet joined Liu Yao, so naturally no one asked for a fight.

So Liu Yao ordered Zhang Ying to lead the troops to station in Niuzhu to resist Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu's army marched to Niuzhu, set up camp, and prepared to fight again in Japan.

That night, Yuan Shu summoned all the generals to discuss with Feng Ji and Xun You, of course Cheng Pu and others were not among them.

"Niuzhu is a dangerous pass, and it is difficult for a large army to move. It should be determined in one battle, otherwise it will be delayed for a long time, and accidents may happen." Yuan Shu said.

Everyone nodded.

Yuan Shu turned to Xun You and asked, "What does Gongda think about this?"

Xun You said: "Tomorrow, my lord only needs to be challenged in front of the stronghold, and secretly send people to attack Dazhai. Zhang Ying is an incompetent man. If he sees chaos, he will flee far away. My lord will lead the army to cover up and kill him, and he will surely win a big victory."

Yuan Shu was overjoyed and ordered Xu Chu and Wei Yan to lead an army of [-] troops to lie in ambush beside Zhang Ying's stronghold. When the two armies were fighting, they sneaked into the stronghold and set fire to it, wreaking havoc.

The next day, Yuan Shu led an army of [-] to challenge Zhang Yingzhai.

Zhang Ying thought that if he had to fight first, he might be able to build up his spirit, and then he would not be too late, so he led the army out to meet him.

The two armies faced each other on Niuzhu beach, Yuan Shu rode in front of the army, turned around and looked at the generals.

"Cheng Pu! Go and challenge." When Yuan Shu saw Sun Jian's former troops, no matter how he looked at it, he was shocked. He thought in his heart that it was useless, so he ordered Cheng Pu to fight.

Cheng Pu didn't doubt that he was there, thinking that this was a good time to show his loyalty and gain Yuan Shu's trust, so he galloped straight to Zhang Ying to kill him.

Before Zhang Ying had time to speak, he saw Cheng Pu coming to kill him, so he didn't care too much, so he rushed forward with his gun and fought Cheng Pu.

After more than ten rounds, Zhang Ying's army suddenly became chaotic.

Seeing that Zhang Ying still had the mind to fight Cheng Pu, she turned her horse's head and ran back to the formation.

The soldiers of the army rushed forward and reported: "General! A group of people rushed into the village and set fire everywhere."

Zhang Ying was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered the army to go to the rescue.

Yuan Shu saw it in front of the formation, waved his hand, and shouted: "The whole army is attacking."

Immediately, Dian Wei and Le led an army each, and killed Zhang Ying's army.

With Yuan Shu's "advanced" training method, all the soldiers were brave and invincible, rushed into Zhang Ying's army, like a wave into a flock of sheep, and slaughtered wantonly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Ying did not dare to go back to Dazhai, and led the army into the deep mountains.

Yuan Shu didn't know much about Jiangdong's geography, so he was afraid that the army would encounter accidents in pursuit, so he hurriedly restrained the soldiers and refrained from pursuing them.

Gathered the army and stationed in Zhangying Dazhai.

Liu Yao thought that even if Zhang Ying was not Yuan Shu's opponent, he would be able to hold a stalemate for a long time, so he dispatched many weapons and [-] shi of grain to the mansion, all of which are now cheaper than Yuan Shu.

After a big victory, Yuan Shu rewarded the three armies, and there was constant laughter in Dazhai.

Compared to the joy of Yuan Shu and others, Cheng Pu and others were much more bitter.

At night, Sun Jian's former troops gathered in Cheng Pu's tent, and the guards outside the tent were closely guarded, and no one was allowed to approach.

"It seems that Yuan Shu's thieves didn't fully trust us. Otherwise, how could we not inform us of such an important matter as a sneak attack on Dazhai?" Zhu Zhi said depressingly.

If Yuan Shu could not gain the trust, Zhu Zhi's so-called 'replacement' strategy would not be successful at all.

Cheng Pu didn't think so. He shook his head and said, "How can I win people's trust when I'm new here? This matter can't be done overnight."

Huang Gai also said: "That's right! This plan is long-term, and I still need to be patient. In the future, the number of gatherings should be reduced, so as not to arouse suspicion."

After discussing for a while, everyone dispersed and returned to their accounts.

Huang Gai and the others had just left when they saw a figure flash past and instantly disappear into the darkness.

The head coach, listening to the report from the shadow, a cold light flashed in Yuan Shu's eyes from time to time.

Shadow is a secret espionage organization established by Yuan Shu and Yan Xiang to collect information. After more than a year of development, there are people everywhere.

"Go down!" Yuan Shu waved his hand and said.

"Yes, young master!" The visitor slowly exited the big tent.

"Long-term plan? Hehe, I really want to know what kind of plan you guys have in mind!" Yuan Shu's eyes flickered coldly, and the murderous aura involuntarily overflowed from his body.



It is said that Zhang Ying fled into the deep mountains and searched for a way back to Qu'e.

When Liu Yao saw that Zhang Ying had returned in defeat within a few days, he was furious and wanted to kill him to rectify the military law.

The counselors Ze Rong and Xue Li hurried to persuade them, but they shook their heads secretly in their hearts.

Now that Yuan Shu's army came to attack, Liu Yao didn't think of a way to retreat from the enemy, but wanted to kill the general instead, which is really stupid.

Liu Yao demoted Zhang Ying to Lingling City, while he himself led the troops to Xiazhai in Shentingling.

Besides, Yuan Shu's army went straight to Shenting Ridge after resting for a day.

When they came to Shenting Ridge, Yuan Shu saw that Liu Yao had already set up camp in the south of Lingnan, so Yuan Shu immediately ordered the army to set up camp in the north of Lingnan.

The next day, Yuan Shu led the army to Liu Yao's stronghold, and Liu Yao also led the army out to meet him.

When the two armies faced each other, Liu Yao galloped out on horseback, came to the front of the battle and cursed: "Yuan Shu! You are a descendant of a famous family, but how are you acting like a robber now?"

Yuan Shu came out, looked at Liu Yao from a distance, and said calmly: "I am the Yangzhou Shepherd appointed by the Son of Heaven, and I am well-deserved to lead Jiangdong. Why are you talking about robbers?"

"You!" Liu Yao glared at Yuan Shu, hatingly said, "Now that the emperor is trapped in Chang'an and is in the hands of Bandit Dong, how can such an imperial decree convince the public?"

"Huh!" Yuan Shu snorted coldly and said, "I paid tribute to the emperor, and the emperor was overjoyed, so he named me Yangzhou shepherd. What does it have to do with Dong Zhuo? Are you calling Dong Zhuo a thief?"

Liu Yao was speechless, and retreated into the battle. Annoyed, he ordered Chen Heng to fight.

Seeing this, Yuan Shu turned around and looked at the generals behind him.

"Wen Chang, go and try the abilities of Liu Yao's subordinates!" Yuan Shu said casually.

Wei Yan was overjoyed, he had been waiting for the opportunity to make meritorious service, and now it finally arrived.

"No!" He sang loudly, and Wei Yan slapped his horse out.

When the two horses met, they fought on the spot.

Wei Yan is a famous general of the later generations, and his martial arts are naturally extraordinary. Although he is young at the moment, he is not something that no one like Chen Heng can match.

Before ten rounds had passed, Chen Heng was chopped off by Wei Yan.

"Ah!" After beheading Chen Heng, Wei Yan roared with pride in his heart, and galloped his horse straight to take Liu Yao.

When Liu Yao saw Chen Heng being killed, his heart was broken. When he saw Wei Yan coming, he turned around and ran into the army to hide.

Yuan Shu saw them before the battle, and hurriedly ordered the army to cover up and kill them.

Wei Yan pursued Liu Yao wholeheartedly, wanting to make this invincible achievement, just when he rushed into the battle, he saw a general blocking the way, but it was Liu Yao's general Yu Mi.

"Death!" Wei Yan is eager to make contributions, how can anyone stand in his way?Immediately clapping horses and wielding knives, he kills Yu Mi.

Yu Mi raised his gun to fight.

Before the two could have a good fight, Yuan Shu's army arrived.

How could Liu Yao's army be the opponent of Yuan Shu's hard-trained army? It was just a charge, and Liu Yao's army was immediately defeated.

Taking advantage of Yu Mi's distraction, Wei Yan cut him off with a single blow.

Liu Yao was dumbfounded watching in the formation, he never thought that Yuan Shu's army was so powerful.

At that moment, Liu Yao didn't dare to stay, so he pulled out his horse and ran away.

The two armies fought, and the commander fled. The blow to morale can be imagined.

None of the soldiers had any fighting spirit, and most of them surrendered on the spot.

Liu Yao, leading the remnants of the army, did not dare to go back to Dazhai, but ran away looking at Qu'a.

Yuan Shu occupied Liu Yao's Dazhai, reorganized and surrendered his army, and stationed there.

It stands to reason that Yuan Shu should march immediately after the victory, but the reason why he stopped was waiting for good news from Qu'a.


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