Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 19 Murong Fu

() Get rid of Yun Zhonghe, Wang Yuyan, who thinks she has inherited the decisive spirit of the ancient knights, can't stand it anymore.In her previous life, she was a law-abiding young man in the New World, a good citizen. Murder is far away than the clouds in the sky, so it is impossible to have anything to do with her.

Now that the killing ring is broken, I can't help but feel a little shadow in my heart.Although she kept telling herself in her heart: a perpetrator like Yun Zhonghe, everyone can punish him, killing one is killing, killing ten is killing, and when it is time to act, she is acting chivalrously.What's more, she was reborn, so she can't help herself in the rivers and lakes.In this chivalrous world where no crime is forbidden, either you kill me or I kill you, fists are always stronger than reason.

"I'm considered a hero now, even though I'm a 'woman hero'..."

Wang Yuyan smiled wryly and left the dense forest.

Smiling and forgetting her sorrows, she took a deep breath and forcibly put all the negative emotions behind her. She sat cross-legged on a bluestone, and practiced exercises to absorb the internal strength of twenty Xixia warriors and Yun Zhonghe.With familiarity with the road, although the internal force absorbed this time is quite a lot, the refining process is not slow.

Floating like running water, restless, calm like a mountain!

The mountain wind blew, the clothes fluttered, and there was a sound of hunting.

When Wang Yuyan heard the movement, she slowly opened her eyes, turned around and saw that it was really him, so she said two words lazily.

"You came!"

Hearing this kind of greeting as if an old friend was waiting, the Xixia warrior who caught up was startled, his face was stiff and he couldn't show much expression, but his eyes were the windows to the soul, and he couldn't hide the flash of shock.It's just that he has the depths of a city in his chest and the dangers of mountains and rivers in his heart, so he pretended not to know why, and asked, "Girl, are you asking me?"

"Is there anyone else here in the wilderness?" Wang Yuyan remained calm, her face as calm and lonely as snow, and she replied leisurely, "Actually, you should answer me like this and say 'I'm coming' , and then I went on to say 'you shouldn't have come', and finally you said 'but I have come', this is the dialogue between the masters of the rivers and lakes."

"So, you're waiting for me?" The Xi Xia warrior was obviously overwhelmed by her inexplicable words, and his breathing was a little disordered, but he was in good control, and he hadn't figured out the current developments, so he endured it.

Wang Yuyan stood up, put the sword aside and said: "Of course! Ben... I started practicing martial arts at the age of five, and at the age of 17, I finally achieved great success this year. I am going to try to compete with the world's masters. I heard that Xixia Yipin Hall Experts are like clouds, fierce generals are like rain, it just happens to be a coincidence, so I come to learn and learn."

Hearing words like "beginning to practice martial arts at the age of five" and "17 years old... Dacheng", the Xixia warrior couldn't believe his ears, and his body was shocked again. He took a deep look at Wang Yuyan with complicated eyes and said: "you know me?"

"Why do we meet before?" Wang Yuyan shook her head and said, "It's just that I tried the so-called 'master' of your Yipintang just now, but found it vulnerable, so I wait here for the arrival of the real master. Are you?"

"Li Yanzong!"

Originally, every word in the few words he said before was uttered in a flat manner, without seriousness, high or low, or ups and downs, which sounded very awkward, but at this moment, due to various reasons, under the agitation of his heart, it was a little "broken" "Are.

"So it's General Li, I've admired you for a long time." Wang Yuyan praised her, but she couldn't help but wonder in her heart: See if I can play you enough, "I'm Wang Yuyan, a native of Suzhou."

He obviously didn't even know his own name, but he still said something he had admired for a long time, and his expression was clearly a bit contemptuous and mocking.Li Yanzong, no, Murong Fu, couldn't hold back his masterful demeanor, and said rather angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, since you want to learn the best tricks, then let's do it."

He also wanted to know why this "cousin" whom he hadn't seen for more than two years appeared here, and what kind of changes had taken place in her body. Now, he can still talk in front of strangers, and it seems that his martial arts has advanced so much that even ordinary experts in Yipintang are no match for him.

He was even a little eager to know, what level of martial arts will his "cousin" who is more profound than himself know about martial arts in the past two years?

"Wait a minute!"

"What do you have to say?"

"Don't you think you should be the first to attack? After all, you Yipintang is the vanguard of the invasion of Song Dynasty. The vanguard should be the first to attack?"

"Okay, Miss Wang, I'll offend you then." Murong Fu said coldly, as if he had managed to suppress his anger, "Please accept."

After all, Murong Fu is a "cousin", and he still has some feelings for Wang Yuyan. Although his heart is full of anger and resentment, he is not quick to raise his sword, and the first move is upright, which was created by the old monk Xinguan of Tiantong Temple in Ningbo. Mercy Knife.

The Mercy Knife, as its name suggests, is very merciful, its moves are upright and without killing intent, it only restrains the enemy but does not kill.

Wang Yuyan knew all kinds of changes in the Mercy Saber technique, she leaned forward and pulled out the green steel sword stuck aside.Clang, three strikes with one sword, done in one go, with the speed and momentum that four horses can't catch after one sword strike.

Murong Fu, who was struck by a sword, immediately became another sword technique known for its speed - Huifeng Lianmian Dao.

But he was fast, Wang Yuyan was even faster, so Murong Fu continued to change his moves, he gave up the back wind sword and used the gang wind sword.Gangfeng Jijian Dao means that this sword technique is as fierce as the Gangfeng and as fast as the arrow, which is hard to guard against and irresistible.

Sure enough, as soon as the Gangfeng Jianjian knife came out, white light flashed, and within a radius of about ten meters, there were heavy shadows of the knife, which was so impenetrable that it made people dazzled.

However, in this almost suffocating shadow of the knife, there suddenly came the calm and crisp poetry reciting voice, as if someone was enjoying poetry in it.

When the verse was finished, a blue light suddenly rose, facing the thousands of sword shadows, it went straight into the palace, and pressed towards Murong Fu who was in the center of the sword shadows.


Just now I have been using Lingbo Weibu to deal with Murong Fu, although I have gone through a few moves, but the swords have never been handed over, and now they are finally colliding.

This time the swords clashed, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding and stopped entanglement, but each jumped a few steps away and faced each other from a distance.

"How about it, my trick is more practical than your 'compassion knife', 'returning wind knife', 'gangfeng arrow knife'?" Wang Yuyan had a faint smile on her face. Said.

Sure enough, my cousin knows more martial arts than me, but that's because I'm busy with state affairs and don't have much time to spend on martial arts!Murong Fu thought in his heart, but he was actually not very depressed: "There is no limit to the way of martial arts, there are people outside the mountains, and there are people outside the mountains. Miss Wang's swordsmanship is really brilliant, and this general has never seen it before."

"Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. There is a trick in the "Hundred Flowers Sword Manual" 'Pomegranate Blossoms'. It means that it is expensive but not expensive. It is like the beauty and preciousness of pomegranate flowers. It’s not that it’s colorful and enchanting, but that its longitudinal leaves are sparse and few, but it looks brighter and more charming.”


Murong Fu snorted coldly after hearing this, and seemed a little displeased that Wang Yuyan spoke to him in the tone of a teacher lecturing a student.Although it is said that those who do not know are not guilty, but he comes from a family of martial arts, and he is also a secret royal nobleman, and he enjoys the name of "North Qiaofeng South Murong" at a young age. However, let alone being her "cousin", a stinky little girl.

ps: I am constantly looking for, recommending, and collecting, where are you? ;

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