Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 2 1 Some Thoughts

() In "Tian Long Ba Bu", Murong Fu was 27 or [-] years old when she first appeared on the stage, and Wang Yuyan herself said that she was ten years younger than Murong Fu, which means that Wang Yuyan appeared at the age of [-] or [-] years old.

Now Wang Yuyan is 15 years old, which means at most three years and at least two years, the plot of Tianlong will unfold like the wheel of history and roll forward.

She also didn't know when Wang Yuyan fell in love with Murong Fu secretly, anyway, now she already has the memory of hundreds of martial arts in her mind.That is to say, when Wang Yuyan was very young, maybe six or seven years old, maybe seven or eight years old, she began to embark on the road of reading martial arts cheats.

In Wang Yuyan's memory, her father passed away before she was born. Of course, she didn't know that her real father was Duan Zhengchun.And there are no playmates in Mandala Villa, let alone extra men. As the only man she sees often, Murong Fu has left an indelible image of heroism in her heart since she was a child.

In this way, from curiosity, goodwill, dependence to attachment to Murong Fu, the affection secretly arises, and it will be a matter of course.The feelings of a girl are always poetry, and there is nothing strangely harsh about this hazy emotion.

But now, let this girlish feeling go with the wind.

It's like that song: The river flows eastward, let the damn feelings flow away...

Murong Fu wants to fight for world hegemony and restore his homeland of Dayan, but she doesn't want to and can't control so much.Everyone has his own life, has his own choice, she has no right to criticize.

After Murong Fu finished speaking, she might meet that playboy Duan Yu in the future.Tianlong's world is so small, it may not be easy not to meet this kid who is jumping around like a grasshopper, unless she wants to hide in the city and never come out.Because in the Tianlong drama, "Wang Yuyan" is the person in the boudoir's dream, and there is no way to stop him from coming.

As for Duan Yu, his flaws do not hide his strengths. Although he is a bit sensual, he is still an upright and straightforward person in general, otherwise he would not have won Qiao Feng's favor.However, even if Duan Yu's character is not bad, it is impossible for her to have anything to do with Duan Yu now.So in order to prevent it from happening, she had to take some measures.

But what measures to take is really a bit troublesome.In this feudal society where men are respected, it is really not easy for a woman.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuyan was a little speechless and asked the sky.People like to ask the sky when they are helpless, and Qu Yuan is the witness.

Needless to say, Mrs. Wang, what a beautiful person, just as beautiful as Wang Yuyan now, because Duan Zhengchun's character is so distorted that when he saw a man from Dali Kingdom, he was arrested in Mandala Villa and killed. Make flower fertilizer.Not to mention other ordinary examples such as her Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao, even if the martial arts are as strong as Tianshan Child Elder and Li Qiushui, what if Wu Yazi makes a mistake for life, the two fight to the death for the rest of their lives, and in the end Everything is a fantasy, and it will be nothing in the end.

Therefore, it is not acceptable to rely on others. No matter who it is, at least you cannot be free, and it is easy to be psychopathic.Isn't there a few words, eating one's own food, shedding one's own sweat, relying on the sky and the earth, relying on parents and others, is not considered a good man.

If you want to live freely without fetters, you must be independent, not to mention she doesn't like restraint in the first place.Murong Fu and Duan Yu's things, they all went aside.

"Forgive me for my unruly and indulgent love all my life..."

After making up her mind, Wang Yuyan took a deep breath and walked into the Langhuanyu Cave.In Tianlong's world, as Mrs. Wang said, the outside world is too dangerous.If she wants to be independent, she must be self-reliant.As for how to strengthen yourself, do you still need to ask, of course it is martial arts.

In this kind of world where whoever has the biggest fist most of the time is the truth, there is nothing more suitable for people to be self-reliant than martial arts.

The Langhuan Jade Cave is a secret room built by Wang Yuyan's mother, Mrs. Wang, that is, Li Qiushui and Wu Yazi's daughter Li Qingluo, who moved all the martial arts secrets from Langhuan Fudi to Mantuo Villa.Just to commemorate the blessed land of Langhuan, it was named "Langhuan Yudong".

Sure enough, in the Langhuan Yudong Cave, just like in memory, there are rows of bookshelves displayed.On the bookshelves, like the labels pasted on them, there are "Shaolin School", "Kunlun School", "Beggar Gang", "Qingcheng School"...etc. There are all kinds of martial arts cheats from other sects.

Of course, Wang Yuyan actually doesn't need to care about these martial arts cheats now, even if they are burned up, she won't feel any pity.Because just a few days ago, she finally memorized all the cheats here in her mind.This is also the reason why she suddenly fell ill. Even with the ability of photographic memory, but too much energy was consumed due to hard work, and she fell down.She also took advantage of the opportunity to enter, and the dove occupied the magpie's nest, although this was not her original intention.

Of course, this result also had to make her feel the former Wang Yuyan's infatuation and love for Murong Fu.Just because she likes someone, she can actually spend almost ten years back and forth, using it to memorize and analyze the secrets of martial arts that she doesn't like in her heart, and all this is just to be able to say a word to Murong Fuduo .

Is it that the thing that should be interceded is so blind and harmful, or is the power of love so great that it can make people strive to "upward"?

Walking through the rows of bookshelves, Wang Yuyan couldn't help feeling refreshed by the familiar scent of books.In the past, Wang Yuyan didn't like these things, but now she won't enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

At the end of the secret room, there is a painting hanging on the wall.

In the painting, Wu Dai is in the wind, the man is chic and elegant, and the woman is peerless, just like a couple of gods and gods.

But from the footnotes of the painting, we know that the man is Wu Yazi and the woman is Li Qiushui. Everyone knows that their results are not very good.The gods and couples who were envied and hated at the beginning ended up being divided into different parties, unable to communicate with each other until death.

While Wang Yuyan was filled with emotion, she raised her hand and took the painting off the wall.

On the back of the painting, there is a map of the back mountain of Wuliang Mountain, the original residence of Wuyazi and Li Qiushui - the map of Langhuan blessed land.

It is not known who attached this map to it, Wu Yazi, Li Qiushui and Mrs. Wang are all possible, Wang Yuyan didn't get to the bottom of it, it doesn't matter.

After getting the map, the next step is to go to Langhuan Blessed Land to get Beiming Scripture and Lingbo Weibu.

The way of martial arts almost all needs to be practiced step by step. Only by accumulating years, ten years or even decades of merit can one become a hero.

Of course, the hundred schools of martial arts in Wang Yuyan's mind are no exception. No matter which one of them, if you want to achieve some achievements without a lot of time to spend, it is impossible to succeed. This is not in line with her goal.

The only exception is Beiming Divine Art, which is not only easier to learn, but also can be entered very quickly as long as the time is right, and it is not a magical thing to go a thousand miles in a day.This allows her to go further on the road of martial arts in a short period of time.Not to mention Lingbo Weibu, she is now full of knowledge, but she has no strength to restrain the chicken.Even if you have learned the Beiming magic skill, you can't achieve it in a short period of time without a suitable opportunity.Then Lingbo Weibu is naturally the key to self-protection.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing wryly: She never thought that although she had traveled through time, she would also embark on such a smooth and smooth road full of golden fingers.

Go your own way, let others say go, but also let people have no way to go!

Squeak, at this moment, the door of the secret room was pushed open.

Hearing the movement, Wang Yuyan quickly put the map behind the painting into her arms, and hung the painting back to its original position.

"Yan'er, you're here again!"

Wang Yuyan turned her head, and it really was Mrs. Wang, and there was an old lady who had her head down and couldn't see her expression clearly.

"When did you become so disobedient? I told you over and over again to take good care of your body, but you are disobedient. Could it be that in your heart, that kid Murong Fu is more important than my words?"

The more Mrs. Wang spoke, the more serious the tone of her words became, and she became stern when she said the last sentence.

"Mom, I don't." Seeing the angry Mrs. Wang, Wang Yuyan quickly replied, how could she think about Murong Fu, what a joke!So, if you have wronged me, I will refute it.

"No?" Upon receiving her daughter's negative answer, Mrs. Wang, who has not changed her charm, frowned slightly, with a look of doubt, "No, it's better, but you don't come here for a while, just stay in the room obediently, and take care of yourself." Take care of yourself. Granny Yan, take the young lady back to the room, and change the lock of the secret room again."

"Yes, madam." The old lady behind Mrs. Wang slowly raised her head.

indistinct?ah?Well?Do you still remember Nanny Rong by the Daming Lake?

On the way back to the room, Wang Yuyan was suddenly in a trance, amazed, and sure, thinking of a picture, couldn't help but feel a chill, and looked back at the old woman who was exactly the same as Nanny Rong.

The bowed and godly old woman behind her is probably the mother Yan in the flower fat house in the novel. The old old old lady as the saying goes is actually more appropriate to be called Granny Yan.Sure enough, his appearance is ugly, his eyebrows are fierce and his eyes are fierce, and he has a vicious vigor that can scare people alive.I'm probably still thinking about where to cut the knife when killing people to make flower fertilizer.

Naturally, Granny Yan didn't know Wang Yuyan's mental activities, she just followed Mrs. Wang's order wholeheartedly, and sent Wang Yuyan back to her room as if she was being escorted.

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