() The senior sparring partner left as soon as he said, Wang Yuyan hadn't had a good time yet, but there was nothing she could do.

What is learned on paper is always superficial, and a full stomach of theory cannot be transformed into practice, and it is also useless.For example, when someone stabs you with a sword, you clearly know where the opponent's weakness is and how you should dodge it.But because he had no experience in facing the enemy, his physical reflexes couldn't keep up with his conscious reflexes, and in the end he just messed himself up.

But is there any way to improve the experience level of this combat skill as soon as possible? It is impossible to create opportunities to fight when there is a fight, and if there is no fight, it is impossible to learn from the storm.

She stood on the spot, thinking hard, until her stomach gurgled, and then she woke up. She had a meal at noon yesterday, and it was almost noon today, and she hadn't eaten for almost a whole day.

But here in the wilderness, there is no place to eat, so I have to go to a place with people.

So Wang Yuyan carefully observed the surrounding environment, and after a little discernment of the direction, she performed lightness kung fu and started on her way.

"You can't even get rid of the pot at home. You idiot still want to learn martial arts from others and become a hero. Do you think you can learn what is high and high?"

Wang Yuyan passed by a small remote village, and saw a fat, dark peasant woman grabbing a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy and yelling at her.

"I hit myself, I got my nose bruised and swollen all day long, and I can't even put a buffalo well..."

"Oh, mother, don't pull it, your ears are about to fall off. I don't want to do this either. It's because you don't have the money to hire a master. What can I do if I don't beat myself?"

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, and the listener has intention.

When she heard "I hit myself" and "I hit myself", Wang Yuyan couldn't help but think of a way to quickly improve her fighting experience: fighting each other!

Back then Zhou Botong was trapped in Peach Blossom Island by Huang Yaoshi and couldn't escape. He was a martial idiot, and when he was bored, he hit his left hand with his right hand for fun. Later, thanks to Guo Jing's reminder, he developed into a miraculous technique of fighting left and right.

Isn't there no one to exchange experience with each other, so fight with yourself.

It's not that Wang Yuyan hasn't thought about practicing left and right fighting in the past two years, but because she can only think about it alone without the guidance of her master, and she has been very busy, so her progress is limited.In the past two years of practice, her biggest achievement is that her left hand is as flexible as her right hand.No matter what kind of martial arts moves, if the right hand can do it, so can the left hand.

The left and right hands are equally flexible, so of course it is more convenient and quicker to practice left and right hand fights.

Thinking of this, she almost couldn't wait.

About half an hour later, she came to a small town, found a small shop to eat, and then went to the weapon shop to buy two weapons that looked like knives and swords.For these two weapons, she made a decision after careful consideration.

She knows a lot of martial arts, and there are no fewer than a hundred swordsmanship and saber techniques.Sometimes when confronting the enemy, because the opponent's flaws are exposed, she may use the sword technique or the sword technique without thinking.It is appropriate to use the sword technique with a sword, but it is a bit awkward to use the knife technique with a sword, and it even hinders the 100% display of the power of the move.And this weapon that looks like a knife or a sword can be said to be a knife or a sword. It can be used as a knife or a sword, and it can be used for cutting, chopping, stabbing and so on.

It was with this in mind that she made this decision.

"The guild leader summoned the brothers to discuss matters in Xingzilin, everyone hurry up."

As soon as Wang Yuyan walked out of the weapons shop, she heard several beggars calling each other in a low voice and running out of the city.

"The beggar gang, Xingzilin discusses matters, so that's how it is. So, Qiao Feng will soon have to be forced to exile himself from the beggar gang, and next...well, next, he will go home, be misunderstood, and go to Shaolin , met A Zhu. And A Zhu was stealing the "Yi Jin Jing". "Yi Jin Jing", this is not bad. I am a woman, and my muscles and bones are not as good as men. "Yi Jin Jing" may be able to change One or two."

Starting with the discussions of the Xingzilin Beggars' Clan, she was thinking about the direction of Tianlong's plot as she walked.

"Then what I should do now is to go to Shaolin, do something in front of Qiao Feng, and then intercept the "Yi Jin Jing". Anyway, "Yi Jin Jing" is useless to the two of them, it might as well be cheaper I."

After making up her mind, Wang Yuyan decided to go to Shaolin.Shaolin is located on Mount Shaoshi, while Mount Shaoshi is in Henan, and she is now located in Suzhou.It is almost a thousand miles away from Suzhou to Shaolin.

She has run a long distance before, from Suzhou to Yunnan, and she already has experience.Knowing such a long distance, if it is a single-horse journey, she is just asking for trouble, so she decided to hire a carriage.

Unexpectedly, at the market in the small town, even after asking about seven or eight handlebar styles, all of them shook their heads.The distance was too far, and none of them wanted to take the risk.In desperation, Wang Yuyan could only show her true nature as a person in the world, spent 100 taels of silver, and demonstrated her strength by knocking a hundred-jin boulder away with one palm. Carriage to Henan.

Of course, there is another convenience in riding in a carriage. She can concentrate on thinking about and practicing the art of fighting left and right.

The key to the art of fighting left and right is to use one mind for two purposes.And the trick to practice dual-purpose, of course, is to draw circles with the left hand and draw squares with the right hand.The higher state of drawing circles with the left hand and drawing squares with the right hand is to write different characters with the left and right hands at the same time, or even write different characters with different fonts, such as writing "jie" in official script with the left hand and "fan" in cursive script with the right hand.

Wang Yuyan is not the kind of person who jumps out of the flying sky, and she doesn't have an exquisite heart, so she doesn't think wildly and worry all day long.Once you calm down and concentrate on researching, you will naturally progress a lot faster than before in the art of fighting left and right.

She first calms herself down, and then empties herself, just like a monk fasting and bathing, her body and mind are in a state of emptiness, so she is so calm and guarded, drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other.At the beginning, the drawing was not very good, round or square, just because she was not used to dual-purpose.Once you practice more, you can draw faster and faster, and the round ones will become rounder, and the square ones will become squarer.

When the round ones are perfectly round and the square ones are square, she knows that she has taken a solid step in the technique of fighting left and right.

Next, is the second step - writing.In fact, in history, there are many people who can write different characters with both left and right hands at the same time.

But these are just the foundation, so that she can use it with one mind.The real art of fighting left and right has not yet begun.

In this way, when she was riding in a carriage during the day, she practiced dual-purpose, and tried to use different small skills with her left and right hands at the same time, such as boxing and grappling hands.

It was not smooth at the beginning, the movements were stiff and mechanical, and sometimes even the left and right were out of balance, the left hand was not the left hand, the right hand was not the right hand, the left and right were reversed, and the confusion spread.But she was not depressed, but calmed down and adjusted patiently.Gradually, the left and right hands, the left attack and the right defense, and the right strike and the left refusal, coordinated and played well.

At night, when she couldn't go on her way and the coachman fell asleep, she took out her weapons, one on each side, and swiped left and right.Set up two wooden stakes on the ground, stab with the left, chop with the right, or stir with the right and pull with the left.It was also very awkward at the beginning, and I was exhausted.

Until slowly, I learned to keep my mind and keep my mind, and often follow a move without thinking too much in my heart, just directing it consciously, and finally it has an effect.But this kind of state of mindfulness is very unstable. Sometimes it takes a stick of incense, sometimes it takes a cup of tea, and sometimes it takes a quarter of an hour.

Unable to maintain a state of mindfulness and mindfulness well, she is not in a hurry, she lets herself go, practice when the state comes, and let go when the state is gone, without worrying about gains and losses.

It varies from day to day.

"Miss, Shaoshi Mountain is here." Wang Yuyan was practicing a set of Hibiscus Palms with her left and right hands when the carriage stopped and the driver said outside.

"Time flies so fast!"

A few days passed quickly, and Wang Yuyan had just started to learn how to use such things as Furong Bingdi Palm, Affectionate Knife and Infatuation Longsword, which require two people who are connected to each other to use them at the same time and exert their power. martial arts.

"Well, I've worked hard on you for a while. This is 100 taels of silver. You don't have to wait for me when you go back." Wang Yuyan got out of the carriage, saw a boundary marker standing at the foot of the mountain, and threw a small bundle to the driver.

"This is the famous Shaoshi Mountain!"

Seeing the winding and continuous mountain peaks lying in front of her, majestic and majestic, Wang Yuyan couldn't help feeling her heart agitated.

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